tips to get fit and toned in less than 6 weeks?



  • peacelily0507
    Look into ChaLEAN Extreme, I'm in week 10 right now and holy crap, I LOVE it.

    will do...,,thank you!!!!

    eesh a bit pricey...going to have to think on that but thanks for the suggestion....going to sit down tomorrow and see if I can swing it financially
  • logatha
    Diet is the most important thing. Pick any workout (I suggest circuit type, Insanity or Jillian stuff) and stick to it. I've read so many things that say a great work-out program with a horrible diet will do nothing, but a great diet with JUST ABOUT any reasonable work-out routine will give great results. You can definitely see progress in 6 weeks. Insanity isn't as intimidating as it sounds. It is extremely hard, but most videos are 40 minutes, it requires no equipment, and you can work out at your comfort level. Just be sure to push yourself. You don't have to match the intensity of the people on the video.
  • mammafrog
    mammafrog Posts: 176
    I am glad I saw this (and sorry for the negative replies). I am changing overall for life but would really like to look great for my birthday at the end of march. i will be looking into the suggestions you got.
  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    weight training! The more muscle you build, the more calories you will burn even at rest. Plus it will give you that nice toned look we all want! the trick is not to fall into the "lots of reps, low weight" thing that women have been buying into for years. You want a high weight, high enough that by the time you are on your 9th rep you can barely stand to lift it one more time... this will give you some sexy muscle tone in your arms and legs and really turn some heads when you walk by in a tank top! Have fun!

    Yes! What she said! Do some squats, lunges, overhead presses, biceps curls, triceps extensions, and pushups, 3 sets of 8-10 reps (if you can do more than that, increase your weight), 3x a week. It doesn't take long to get through them, you can do them in your bedroom (Wal-Mart has dumbbell sets for around $20). By 6 weeks, you should be noticing a difference.
    Oh, yeah, don't forget the abs--do some planks, too!
  • peacelily0507
    Lift hard, lift heavy. Although I'm not sure what kind of results you realistically expect in 6 weeks....

    just to be more toned is all...after two kids I'd like to feel more comfortable in my skin...I'm not expecting a miracle...but I'd like to think that in 6 weeks of 6 days a week will bring me some sort of result...i notice a change already in just short of 3 weeks...just think maybe I could do more than i'm doing...was looking for suggestions.

    Maybe if you said 3 months... that would be the minimum for some really noticeable, healthy results I think.

    well then i can look forward to a more toned and fit summer and will have to take what I can get in six weeks then,,,is what it is,,,
  • peacelily0507
    weight training! The more muscle you build, the more calories you will burn even at rest. Plus it will give you that nice toned look we all want! the trick is not to fall into the "lots of reps, low weight" thing that women have been buying into for years. You want a high weight, high enough that by the time you are on your 9th rep you can barely stand to lift it one more time... this will give you some sexy muscle tone in your arms and legs and really turn some heads when you walk by in a tank top! Have fun!

    Yes! What she said! Do some squats, lunges, overhead presses, biceps curls, triceps extensions, and pushups, 3 sets of 8-10 reps (if you can do more than that, increase your weight), 3x a week. It doesn't take long to get through them, you can do them in your bedroom (Wal-Mart has dumbbell sets for around $20). By 6 weeks, you should be noticing a difference.
    Oh, yeah, don't forget the abs--do some planks, too!

    thanks I will try to add that into my routine,,,would still like to find a workout that helps guide me through something like that
  • peacelily0507
    I am glad I saw this (and sorry for the negative replies). I am changing overall for life but would really like to look great for my birthday at the end of march. i will be looking into the suggestions you got.

    well thanks...i don't care about the negative replies,,,take it with a grain of salt,.,.i know what i want and what i need to stay motivated and negativity isn't it.,,,i got mostly some good suggestions and that's what i'll walk away with :)

    I hope you feel great for your bday,,,i think i may look into the kettle bell work out and definitely work more weight lifting into my workouts,,,chalene extreme is intriguing but a bit pricey so we'll have to see about that one :)
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    Give INSANITY a try. I am on day 7 (Rest day since INSANITY gives 1 rest day a week) and it is AMAZING. It will push you past your limits, but it will be worth it in the long run and it will give you the results you want. Good luck.

    yea i;ve seen that one too..don't know if I have that type of workout in me I have to be honest...I know that sounds weak but I just don't know if I could do that and stick to it

    luls. love this!! "oh hai guys, do you have anything to help me get fit and sexy in six weeks?? but nothing too hard, ok?? kthanxbai"

    another troll at work...

    I'm doing Turbo Jam right now. I'm only on day two but I've been getting asked "Have you lost weight? You look smaller" best feeling in the world. I'm 5'1 and 120lbs.
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    Give INSANITY a try. I am on day 7 (Rest day since INSANITY gives 1 rest day a week) and it is AMAZING. It will push you past your limits, but it will be worth it in the long run and it will give you the results you want. Good luck.

    yea i;ve seen that one too..don't know if I have that type of workout in me I have to be honest...I know that sounds weak but I just don't know if I could do that and stick to it

    luls. love this!! "oh hai guys, do you have anything to help me get fit and sexy in six weeks?? but nothing too hard, ok?? kthanxbai"

    another troll at work...

    I'm doing Turbo Jam right now. I'm only on day two but I've been getting asked "Have you lost weight? You look smaller" best feeling in the world. I'm 5'1 and 120lbs.

  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    Give INSANITY a try. I am on day 7 (Rest day since INSANITY gives 1 rest day a week) and it is AMAZING. It will push you past your limits, but it will be worth it in the long run and it will give you the results you want. Good luck.

    yea i;ve seen that one too..don't know if I have that type of workout in me I have to be honest...I know that sounds weak but I just don't know if I could do that and stick to it

    luls. love this!! "oh hai guys, do you have anything to help me get fit and sexy in six weeks?? but nothing too hard, ok?? kthanxbai"

    another troll at work...

    I'm doing Turbo Jam right now. I'm only on day two but I've been getting asked "Have you lost weight? You look smaller" best feeling in the world. I'm 5'1 and 120lbs.


    And you're immature
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    And you're immature

    sorry, you're right. i forgot i was on the internet. what was i thinking? i'll go back to looking at pictures of cats with bad grammer.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    Lift hard, lift heavy. Although I'm not sure what kind of results you realistically expect in 6 weeks....
    This. If you lift hard and heavy and control your diet right, 6 weeks can reveal some good definition if you're already fairly normal in body fat %

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    weight training! The more muscle you build, the more calories you will burn even at rest. Plus it will give you that nice toned look we all want! the trick is not to fall into the "lots of reps, low weight" thing that women have been buying into for years. You want a high weight, high enough that by the time you are on your 9th rep you can barely stand to lift it one more time... this will give you some sexy muscle tone in your arms and legs and really turn some heads when you walk by in a tank top! Have fun!

    Yes! What she said! Do some squats, lunges, overhead presses, biceps curls, triceps extensions, and pushups, 3 sets of 8-10 reps (if you can do more than that, increase your weight), 3x a week. It doesn't take long to get through them, you can do them in your bedroom (Wal-Mart has dumbbell sets for around $20). By 6 weeks, you should be noticing a difference.
    Oh, yeah, don't forget the abs--do some planks, too!

    thanks I will try to add that into my routine,,,would still like to find a workout that helps guide me through something like that

    Women's Health Magazine has some pretty good workouts and strength training tips.

    And here is a link with specific exercises. Just pick which areas you want to tone. :-)

    Just wanted to add...I have given birth to six children, and I have problems with my knees and back. I've been trying for years to get the extra weight off and tone up, and I've also studied martial arts for years. But about 8 months ago, I started strength training and that has gotten me results that nothing else has. I can actually see some definition in my abs--yes, after six kids! Squats and lunges have strengthened the muscles around my knees, which has stabilized them. I still have to be careful, but I have less pain after my martial arts workouts now. Planks and other core exercises, along with exercises that target my back have greatly decreased my back pain.
    And as a mother, it's always a good thing to be able to lift more and to carry things like squirmy children and grocery bags longer without giving out.

    Anyway, good luck and enjoy your vacation!
  • peacelily0507
    Women's Health Magazine has some pretty good workouts and strength training tips.

    And here is a link with specific exercises. Just pick which areas you want to tone. :-)

    Just wanted to add...I have given birth to six children, and I have problems with my knees and back. I've been trying for years to get the extra weight off and tone up, and I've also studied martial arts for years. But about 8 months ago, I started strength training and that has gotten me results that nothing else has. I can actually see some definition in my abs--yes, after six kids! Squats and lunges have strengthened the muscles around my knees, which has stabilized them. I still have to be careful, but I have less pain after my martial arts workouts now. Planks and other core exercises, along with exercises that target my back have greatly decreased my back pain.
    And as a mother, it's always a good thing to be able to lift more and to carry things like squirmy children and grocery bags longer without giving out.

    Anyway, good luck and enjoy your vacation!

    great thanks for all the info...nice to hear a mom of six has good abs lol
  • peacelily0507
    Lift hard, lift heavy. Although I'm not sure what kind of results you realistically expect in 6 weeks....
    This. If you lift hard and heavy and control your diet right, 6 weeks can reveal some good definition if you're already fairly normal in body fat %

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    I believe my bmi is 20.39...from what I can tell that's sort of in the middle of the normal I correct? I just entered my height and weight into a calculator and that's what came up
  • peacelily0507
    i missunderstood. sorry. good luck, and i'll see you when you come back from vacation. feel better.

    assuming this isn't sarcasm...I will say thank you for the apology
  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,806 Member
    Lift heavy ****, do some cardio you enjoy, and eat in moderation.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    BMI and body fat aren't the same thing. BMI is just a height to weight ratio. BF% is the actual amount of fat on the body... someone with lower body fat will look smaller and tighter at the same weight as someone with more body fat. For instance, when I lost weight last time by just cutting my calories a lot, I was a size 8 at 130#. This time around, with a small calorie deficit and exercise (strength training and cardio), I'm a size 2 or 4 at 130#. I have the same BMI, but much lower body fat percentage.

    So that would be my advice. You're already at the lower end of a healthy weight. You don't need to lose more. Eat at maintenance or just barely below, and focus on really good nutrition (especially more protein than MFP recommends) and strength training.
    DANCERPURPLE Posts: 134 Member
  • PRprincess
    PRprincess Posts: 200 Member
    I use Jillian's 30ds, I freaking love it.

    I love it too! There is also Jillian Michaels 6 pack in 6 weeks. I haven't tried it but I have friends that have gotten great results. Once I'm done with the 30 day challenge, I'm starting it.