Do you think today's standards are based on an overweight na



  • Pril2000
    Pril2000 Posts: 254 Member
    I don't go to Starbucks often, but every time I do, I order a grande coffee. Every single time I say, "That's a grande?! When did they get so big?!" And then I swear to remember to order a tall the next time... of course I always forget. That's half a cup of coffee wasted every time. Doh!

    I can relate to those saying that when they order a medium, they're shocked at the size. I cook for myself as much as possible and when I go out, I try to go to places that have small plates or tapas. At least that way, I can enjoy variety without the quantity. It's like a never ending battle against giant portions. Lol
  • hollyeverhart
    hollyeverhart Posts: 397 Member
    My husband got a medium drink from burger king and I thought they gave him a extra large. It was way to big. Sizes have definilty changed for the worse. Portion sizes are out of control. I rarely eat at restaurants I would rather cook. But when I do I normally could get 3 meals out of the one plate! Like at olive garden or somewhere, who the hell can eat a entire plate of pasta there, I get through like 25% and feel full. At home I use smaller plates so then the plate still appears super full but its really not.

    I went out with a friend a few weeks ago and ordered a chicken salad dinner... the salad could have fed 4 people!!!

    Its so wasteful and unhealthy. Even though since I always take a ton of left overs home for lunch/dinner the next day I guess as long as you have self control and know what a healthy amount of food to consume is it works in your favor c:
  • Froggeh
    Froggeh Posts: 148
    My husband got a medium drink from burger king and I thought they gave him a extra large. It was way to big. Sizes have definilty changed for the worse. Portion sizes are out of control. I rarely eat at restaurants I would rather cook. But when I do I normally could get 3 meals out of the one plate! Like at olive garden or somewhere, who the hell can eat a entire plate of pasta there, I get through like 25% and feel full. At home I use smaller plates so then the plate still appears super full but its really not.

    I went out with a friend a few weeks ago and ordered a chicken salad dinner... the salad could have fed 4 people!!!

    Its so wasteful and unhealthy. Even though since I always take a ton of left overs home for lunch/dinner the next day I guess as long as you have self control and know what a healthy amount of food to consume is it works in your favor c:

    Half of the time I feel as if I could just order an apetizer sized salad and STILL have enough left over to take home. It's crazy.
  • BumInTheSun73
    BumInTheSun73 Posts: 37 Member
    I live in Miami and have a friend who recently went to Michigan to meet some friends she met online. In Miami (our normal lives), I am "fat" and my friend is "normal", at least for Miami. (there is a 50 lbs difference between us, at least) She told me that when she got to Michigan, she would be considered "skinny" and I would be "normal" - compared to most other people encountered everywhere they went. I don't know about sizes, but I wonder if they are the same all over the country.
  • taramaureen
    taramaureen Posts: 569 Member
    No, not at all. If anything it's opposite. While yes there is vanity sizing the ammount of fat hate I've encountered is ridiculous.
  • withwolvesteeth
    withwolvesteeth Posts: 13 Member
    Here's a neat article that NPR did about spandex, and the opinions about whether or not it allows obese/overweight people to keep being obese (since it's added to a lot of clothes these days):

    Just some food for thought. :)

    I mean, sizes fluctuate with styles and brands of clothes. I feel like society still "fat shames" people, but they make bigger clothing sizes easily available. However, I agree with some of the opinions on that article. People still try to "fat shame" others in this country, but more and more people are okay with being overweight. I don't want to be judgmental about how these girls look since it's their choice and if they want to own their weight then more power to them. I think clothing sizes have changed because companies realize that the every day person IS heavier due to the way we currently live. I've come to accept that even at my goal weight, I will wear a size 12 dress/pants. I'm just busty and have big hips, and I'm totally okay with that.

    Portion sizes are definitely out of control at restaurants. I got a combo meal at Taco Bell a few weeks ago to treat myself/I was being lazy, and the drink size was 32 oz. Like I'm really going to drink 32 oz of empty calories and sugar? I drank about a quarter of it and threw the rest out. It's nuts that people think they HAVE to eat everything that is put in front of them.
  • natika33
    natika33 Posts: 154 Member
    I agree I've noticed a trend in "vanity sizing". I've also noticed food portions growing bigger at restaurants etc.

    What really clinches it for me though is people's reactions when coming to visit me in Japan however. They all mention how incredibly skinny the Japanese are.

    Of course there are some super skinny people in Japan (and some overweight people too), but for the most part, the Japanese people are healthy weights for their heights. When so many people from N. American etc. come and say everyone is sooooooooooooo skinny, they are obviously shocked because they've grown used to seeing much bigger people around them all the time.

    It also reflects the other way. Many of my students feel the foreign English teachers that come are overweight. They are often amazed by how heavy some English teachers are. I worried that they would think I was overweight too (even though I'm a healthy weight), but no, I've had several comments that reveal they think I'm "normal." I think their perception of what is skinny, normal or overweight is far better tuned than my friends from home who have come to visit.
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    I think that we are all going to he!! in a happy meal box. lol--jk, I remember when I was a teen and worked at McDonalds. We were transitioning to the "larger" sizing (which transitioned again a few years later). People were shocked to get that much fries and drink, but then became used to it and always ordered up. As portion sizes get bigger, people will get bigger. I try to order half-size portions if they have them or will order off the senior menu. I also have the server box up half the meal before it is brought to my table so I only have what I can eat in front of me. Some servers get a little grumpy, but most are pretty good and the places I go to all know that I tip well so I don't get many issues.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    My size has stayed the same at given weights since high school. I was an 8 then, I'm 10 lbs heavier and I'm a 10 now. Maybe it's because I don't usually buy jeans at trendy stores so they don't bother with vanity. :P
  • futiledevices
    futiledevices Posts: 309 Member
    I think sizes in the states are bigger than in Canada. Last time I was shopping down there, I was buying size 4, when here I wore 6/8

    This is what I'm thinking, too. A size 4 here is still quite small. I'm not sure about US sizing.. but I don't think "vanity sizing" is so much a thing up here.
  • AelaTheHuntress
    I really don't think they do that vanity thing you all are mentioning in the plus sizes. I am not sure about the history on that whole thing but maybe they only adjusted the sizes so that they could add more in as people kept getting bigger. I mean look at the women who wear 1s and 2s, can there really be sizes below that? If so then they were manufacturing clothes to fit starving people? I don't get it. Either way, there is no denying that this nation is becoming fatter and more unhealthy. Yet there is still extreme hate for fat people, go figure. :(
  • dapplehorse
    dapplehorse Posts: 1 Member
    I think sizes in the states are bigger than in Canada. Last time I was shopping down there, I was buying size 4, when here I wore 6/8

    I found the same thing as well. The clothes are definitely bigger down there
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Most men in Baltimore are 6-8 months pregnant!
    I refuse to be one of them!
  • noexcuses84
    noexcuses84 Posts: 100 Member
    No, if anything I actually think it's the opposite. These days models wearing a size 8 are "plus size" models - but a size 8 is below the national average! It's ridiculous. No wonder people are so insecure about weight and appearance.
    totally agree! i think there was a stage, say 10 yrs ago, when ppl weren't aware of the growing obesity problem, but now is a different story!
  • supertracylynn
    supertracylynn Posts: 1,338 Member
    Maybe that's why I wore a size 12 in high school at 145# but now wear a size 6 and am 140#...

    ETA: have you noticed this is pretty much a female problem? Most guys' lines still go by the standard waist inches = pants size.
  • LittleMissDoll
    this is the most interesting post i think ive read since joining(2 days ago :) its so screwed up that the world has accepted more and bigger food and the clothes are sized to make people feel better about being bigger, yet bigger people are hated just as much as ever. and i think i read that models are getting smaller? this **** makes no sense!
  • JamieDD
    JamieDD Posts: 175 Member
    When I was shopping a couple of summers ago, I left the house my capri jeans were a size 8 but the ones I bought in town were a size 4. WTH I'm pretty sure I didn't lose 4 sizes driving into town.
  • funkycamper
    funkycamper Posts: 998 Member
    In high school,, I weighed 116# and wore a size 9-11 or 10-12. I am now 172# and wear a size 12. My waist is a full 12" bigger than it was then. Vanity sizing? You betcha!

    I don't think there is a more negative attitude toward obese people today than there was in the past. I think obese people were always looked at in a negative manner. I do think that what we consider obese today is much bigger than what was considered obese in the past because far more of us, as a nation, are overweight. I think you actually see this the most with grade school aged children as as, when I was in school decades ago, there were very few overweight children. Now it's commonplace. I think that's rather sad, to be honest.

    And people are getting bigger on average. No doubt about it. The Washington State Ferry system just changed the capacity limits (# of people) who can be on the ferry at maximum to a much lower number because of this. For example, the ferry Yakima's old passenger limit was 2,000 people. Now, it's 1,783. (more info at
  • AlabasterVerve
    AlabasterVerve Posts: 3,171 Member
    Three years ago at 145 lbs I would wear a size 6 or 8 and some people would even call me skinny. At my height that's not skinny; it's obese! And if you even try and tell someone no that's not a healthy weight for me they'll say that's how a women is "supposed" to look and the media has distorted what's normal. Perceptions have definitely changed as the nation gets bigger--which I can understand considering I'd be thrilled to be at 145 right now. lol
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    Clothes have definitely changed in sizing - it's called 'vanity sizing' - I think there's at least a 1-2 size difference from the 80's.

    I think the media is less tolerant of weight issues and obesity, as the previous poster mentions, but clothing manufacturers are well aware of the trend toward increased weight and obesity, and they just care about selling clothes, so they've changed the sizes so people don't freak out about what size they really are, and keep buying clothes...

    I'd have to disagree, at least with my personal experience. I used to be a 2XL in female tops, 24/26 in bottoms and I stayed within the same weight frame for all the years I was in high school. Then one day I was a 4XL and a size 30 in bottoms. The same company that made my 2XL tops that still fit were now telling me I was 2 sizes bigger. The strange thing is, even with the size I am, I can wear a man's XL or even Large yet in women's clothes I'm much bigger when there isn't a difference except maybe in cut which takes more material from the arms and middle with women.

    In fact I don't even shop in the women's section anymore unless it's for things like intimates or when I need something for a wedding.