College and weight loss don't seem to mix!

So, I am in college, and I have tried losing weight while I was here, but it just doesn't seem to work, especially on a college budget. Does anyone have any advice as to how I can do this thing while I'm at college, but still be successful? It is so discouraging at times because healthy food always seems so expensive, plus I am almost always studying, or in class, so not very much time to exercise. Any advice or support would help :) Thanks!!


  • BlooQKazoo
    I'm in college, taking a full class load and working 20 hours a week plus extra curriculars, and I've lost 53 pounds in the last five months. Honestly, all it takes is dedication. If you want it badly enough, you'll do it. I've had to learn to get up at 7:00 so that I can jog for an hour, shower, and get to work by 9. I've had to say no to all the nasty fried food the caf serves and stick with salads (with Salad Spritzer dressing and no cheese) and fruit. For only 10 bucks, you can get enough apples, bananas, carrots, cucumber, cheerios, and milk to satisfy your snacking needs for an entire week (plus cover breakfast, if you need to).

    It's honestly just saying "no" to what you know is bad for you and making a tiny bit more effort to at least go for a half-hour jog once a day. It's pretty simple after a while.
  • callen07
    Thanks so much for the advice!! I'm gonna get up early tomorrow morning and go to the free gym on campus before class! (one of the perks of being in college haha)
  • anniekim17
    It does take dedication and prioritizing. The problem I had was I simply didn't want it bad enough in college. I've done so many diets and gone up and down, because I didn't know why I really wanted it. I couldn't see how looking better would help me accomplish my goals: support myself financially, follow my dream, etc. The problem is, I just don't care so much what I look like, so 'looking better' was never a good motivator for me, same for health and fitness. I knew HOW to lose weight, but I didn't know how to WANT to lose weight badly enough for me to actually get up early. Something that has helped me recently is understanding why I WANT to get fitter. It's because I feel like I need to be at peace with myself and I WANT DESPERATELY not to fight with food anymore.

    It might be worth taking time to find out what will actually motivate you to prioritize it, and keep reminding yourself of that motivation. And let me tell you what: I WISH I had done in college :)