Been using for over a year but wanted to meet people <3

Hi! I've been using MyFitnessPal for over a year but I wanted to get to know everyone and meet some people, maybe make some friends. I'm blonde, blue eyed, paper white skin(haha), 20 years old, I'm 112 Lbs thanks to this program n_n and I live in a desert town that ironically happens to be a tourist town for the London Bridge. I look forward to meeting everyone. Also, has anyone else noticed your phone 'Force closing' when trying to enter information or edit your profile? I've never been able to do it. I have the HTC Evo.

-<3 Glorfindel


  • sabina26
    Hi you reached 112Lbs ...that would have, i am impressed , what weight did you start with...i would like to just reach 120lbs, that would be enough fro me:) hope i get phone is iphone 4 but i haven't experienced that problem, maybe anyone with HTC experince that??
  • Glorfindel
    Glorfindel Posts: 6 Member
    I started at 130Lbs originally maybe two years ago I think and this program is what did it for me n_n I think what I most like about it is that I still get to eat, I just have to be smart about it, and its healthy!
    I know you will, woman are strong, we can do anything :D
    Maybe, I don't know anyone personally who does so I guess I'll see if anyone replies. I've been trying to enter my info and change things for a while now -.- but I have just given up.