Whinge about the Australian summer...

Seriously... it's going to be over 40C (106F) on Thursday and Friday. I've been running in the mornings at 24C (72F) at 6am. The thought of exercising just is NOT very appealing at the moment and I think I'm going to find it hard to stay motivated since the worst of summer isn't here yet. Even my gym has a dodgy air conditioner and relys mostly on it's ceiling fans.

Anyone else feeling this or have any pointers on what they'd do?


  • Hoosier_born
    Hi, I'm Aussie, and in Melbourne, not quite hot here.

    You poor thing.

    My suggestion, if possible, is to go to a pool, do aqua aerobics? Burns great amounts, and you really feel it after. Can you get to the beach?
    Alternatively, just really take it easy on the hot days, go for exercise at night, drink loads.
  • Ms_Lassie
    I agree with Lime

    I go swimming instead of gymming it when it's too hot! Either as a Aqua class or spending half hour or so doing laps (all different strokes). It's a great way to mix up the routine too!
  • inatay7
    inatay7 Posts: 141
    I'm sure I'll want to whinge on thurs/fri but i love aussie summer
  • islandjumper
    islandjumper Posts: 369 Member
    It's more humid than hot here in Queensland, but I've been doing pretty well running at night or right before the sun sets...it's still a bit hot but nothing like the daytime heat. What about doing a video at home with the air con on? It's not running but its better than nothing.
  • sarah_boombah
    sarah_boombah Posts: 124 Member
    Hey there! I feel ya! I've been doing aqua aerobics lately and I usually wait until it's cooler in the evenings and go for a walk then. Haaaaaate the heat! :grumble:
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    I'm in SA. Sure it's hot. But too hot? Nah, that's an excuse.

    You can adapt to heat (I shoukld know - I'm from UK!).

    I walk or run early, do DVDs under my air con, sweat it out at gym class (crap air con there too!), swim or do resistance training as that is easier than cardio in the heat. I will earn my icecream! LOL
  • marlee123
    omg i know!!! ive been going for 3km runs every morning but i cant because its so freaking hot. i am not happy.
  • Merleygirl61
    Yeah its hot, but it helps with getting the blood flowing and the heart rate up, so you can burn more.. and once your done you can jump in a nice tepid shower to cool off...

    I use my treadmill rather than go outside ... my winge is that live on a farm so no way am i going out to walk.. too many creatures lurking in the long grass.. :laugh:

    It won't be all that long and the weather will be cooling down... so enjoy it while you can...:bigsmile:
  • geckofli
    geckofli Posts: 155 Member
    I'm in the piblarra and its my first summer/wet season out of the airconed trucks, it's get stuffed hot and the humidity is terrible then you get rained on the clouds beggar off and the sun says hallo pasty white girl let me take a bite of you.
    I'm on the blast crew now and we only stop for lightening, it's horrible I exercise at 2.30-4.00 am cause if it's not the sun it's the mozzies I couldn't do it outside I tip my hat to you well done
    Don't feel bad about whiting about the heat it is stupid hot and because you're exercising in it you have earned every right to complain
  • btdublin
    btdublin Posts: 250 Member
    Seriously... it's going to be over 40C (106F) on Thursday and Friday. I've been running in the mornings at 24C (72F) at 6am. The thought of exercising just is NOT very appealing at the moment and I think I'm going to find it hard to stay motivated since the worst of summer isn't here yet. Even my gym has a dodgy air conditioner and relys mostly on it's ceiling fans.

    Anyone else feeling this or have any pointers on what they'd do?

    Whinging POM.....
  • thisisabbie
    thisisabbie Posts: 521 Member
    Lucky you, that you're actually experiencing an Aussie summer! I was excited for it, after living in the UK for a few years (with no 'real' summer :tongue: ) but now i'm in Hobart, and we barely even make the 30's. Disappointing! I want hot weather, dammit!
  • brookepenni
    brookepenni Posts: 787 Member
    Geez life's tough when that's all you've got to winge about....

    If rather it be too hot than my poor friend inCanada, rugged up to the eyeballs, layers upon layers and slipping and sliding in ice and snow.
  • bunnysone
    bunnysone Posts: 486 Member
    yep, I feel you! The humidity here in Sydney is unbearable during the day for running.

    running earlier is great - pick days that are raining!! Perhaps raise the issue with the gym, I actually manage a gym and it is high priority for me to get the air conditioning right on days that are hot, to the extent that I only feel the temperature is right if I need a jumper when I am in there and not working out.

    I have had members leave over the air conditioning not being the temperature they request - take it up with them and hopefully you can get a result, you won't be the only one I presume!
  • brookepenni
    brookepenni Posts: 787 Member
    Lucky you, that you're actually experiencing an Aussie summer! I was excited for it, after living in the UK for a few years (with no 'real' summer :tongue: ) but now i'm in Hobart, and we barely even make the 30's. Disappointing! I want hot weather, dammit!

    My sister is in Hobart and lately when I call her all I hear is the wind howling through the phone!!! I'm in Canberra and we haven't exactly had the heat lately either.
  • Hoosier_born
    I don't get the sarcastic posts.

    I'm an expat from northern parts of the US, I know what the winters are like, yet most people have furnaces.

    Trust me, Aussie summers are incredibly hard, dry, filled with large insects, flys. It can be very hard and trying to exercise in a heat, especially if you are in inland and have no access to the ocean. Plus, inland, communities are very small, few and far between...very different from other populated continents.


    ETA Melbourne has the dry heat, the east coast, I feel for you luvs, plus the bugs at night OMG huge!
  • brookepenni
    brookepenni Posts: 787 Member
    Haha come on, us Aussie LOVE the sarcasm!

    Depends on where you are. Most parts aren't dry lol. Oh and I know all about the bugs, but nothing compared to South East Asia - some of them over there will pick you up and carry you away!!!
  • mizzy84
    mizzy84 Posts: 9 Member
    Im in SA and the heat is killing me but i have been going for a walk down the beach in the water its really good resistance and keeps you cool!!! but as much as i love the heat this 40C is just a little to extreme for me and doing the gym i get out and have a shower and feel like i need another arrrrrrgh!!!!!
  • Hoosier_born
    I'd rather hear constructive feedback to the Op, I actually find the posts rude, and OT.

    I shall not post anymore to deter from the original topic. xx
  • workerbee2011
    workerbee2011 Posts: 47 Member
    I'm in Cape Town and it's been really hot here recently and driving me mad! BUT I have found that doing yoga in the mornings is awesome in the heat as I'm much more bendy than I usually am! So I'm using this heat wave to focus on flexibility and strength rather than cardio :)
  • Emilia6909
    Emilia6909 Posts: 309 Member
    Western Cape, SA has been boiling hot too. The gym I go to does not have aircon only large fans. Today lovely and cool.....
    I have no advice, just sympathy! :ohwell: