is it hard for all of you to stay on track sometimes?

for me it kills me ! when ever we go out all my friends are eating huge things of pasta or pizza ,burgers , chicken wings and any other unhleathy food i can think of
and im sititng there with a little bowl of soup and salad i feel better when i leave and know i didnt pack on the calories but its just soo hard!!! :(
just today my friends were eating those pretzel time soft pretlazas at the mall and i just stood there and watched
is this still hard for any of you

i hate cravings :( and i thought that with more then a year of losing weight losing over 40 pounds i wouldnt even crave this stuff but i was so wrong


  • inge88
    inge88 Posts: 184 Member
    Yes - it is hard for all of us. If it was easy, no one would be overweight.
    I try to think about the results I want. And I give myself a treat every now and then. Like making a pizza at home. Or getting pizza out if I really really want it, but then sharing it with someone so I don't eat the whole thing. Don't deprive yourself.
  • wittlelacey
    wittlelacey Posts: 412 Member
    It is insanely hard for me as well! I spend the majority of my free time with my boyfriend, who is a stick, and can mindlessly indulge in ice cream, cookies, pizza, etc. I can't say no around him, because he doesn't know I'm trying to get into better shape. I spend all weekend with him and binged terribly three days in a row. I wish I could say it gets easier, but for me it hasn't. The only time I can make decent decisions, is at home.

    But keep your head high and remember that it will be worth it!
  • itsjen516
    Yes - it is hard for all of us. If it was easy, no one would be overweight.
    I try to think about the results I want. And I give myself a treat every now and then. Like making a pizza at home. Or getting pizza out if I really really want it, but then sharing it with someone so I don't eat the whole thing. Don't deprive yourself.
    i try not to like always when i eat out i always get soup

    its rare for me to get something over 500 calories cuz im to scared
    im crazy and think ill go back to the 167 pound girl that i was
  • carlachristinewhite
    It is hard especially if you are with friends or family that likes to eat out or pig out should I say. I usually tell everyone with me on the table though that I am on a strict nutrition plan and I would appreciate if they don't bully me or tempt me to eat what they eat. LOL

    I pretty much learned self-control over the course of doing the weight watchers for a year and even though let's say we ordered variety of food that might be over the calorie limit for a meal, I'd still dig in, but my portions are down to half or a quarter of the food served so I can enjoy everything that is on the table without depriving myself or acting rude for not eating or joining them in the feast.

    Portion control helps. I set a goal, that for every dinner or dine out with friends, I can only eat a max of 500 cals for that meal and if I know I will be dining out, if I have 5 meals a day with 300 cals per meal, I take out 100 on 4 other meals so I can have allowance on the meal that I'd be dining out.
  • nicoleh82
    Glad to hear that some one is having the same problem as I am. I'm not alone. Def finding it hard at the moment.

    But we gotta keep strong:) Occasional treats (like that pizza) aren't a problem, but when the treats become an everyday occurence, that's where the trouble lies
  • kford12
    kford12 Posts: 112
    I'm very early in the process and have only been doing it for three weeks.

    I am starting to get into the habit of earning things I want with exercise. I am on 1330 calories a day, but if I have a really healthy breakfast and do exercise, then I often have enough for something really yummy! The other day I had enough calories for a pizza and yesterday treated myself to some chocolate :o)

    I think it is good to get in the frame of mind that you CAN have these things if you want to. The more you tell yourself you can't have it, the more you'll want it!

  • Jayneoh
    Jayneoh Posts: 20
    Yup it is very hard and I used to cave in and eat what everyone else was and then eat some more! It is hard but its all worth it!
  • Carolyn_79
    Carolyn_79 Posts: 935 Member
    There are things that are difficult for sure. I love regular pop and use to drink 2 can a day. Hubby hasn't given it up and still drinks it. I actually make him hide the case so that I don't see the cans in the fridge.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    for me it kills me ! when ever we go out all my friends are eating huge things of pasta or pizza ,burgers , chicken wings and any other unhleathy food i can think of
    and im sititng there with a little bowl of soup and salad i feel better when i leave and know i didnt pack on the calories but its just soo hard!!! :(
    just today my friends were eating those pretzel time soft pretlazas at the mall and i just stood there and watched
    is this still hard for any of you

    i hate cravings :( and i thought that with more then a year of losing weight losing over 40 pounds i wouldnt even crave this stuff but i was so wrong

    No I dont find it hard at all...Almost 15 years working in two industries - in culinary as a chef, and in healthcare as a medical specialist, I have the education and full understanding of what I need to do.... I either remain committed and do the right thing and make the right choices and decisions, or I willingly make bad decisions that could undermine all the effort I have put forth.

    It hasnt been hard at all watching others have the other foods because that is their choice. I choose not to be like them. Its a sense of self-empowerment that feels great. And, more importantly, the people I associate with know that the minute they open their mouth and say something negative at all, they no longer will be in my life. I will not put up with toxic people, nor their comments. They at that point, will become unimportant to me.

    And when you have a husband that enjoys everything that is cooked even with the food eliminations I had to medically address, that support also is my 'tackling fuel'...
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