This is the FATTEST I have ever been and ever dreamed I would be... what used to be a 40 pound weight loss goal to my first big goal is now 67 pounds... I quit using this about 8 months ago and in that time I gained 27 extra pounds.... God I feel so horrible I just want to cry... How the hell did I let myself get here....... It is going to take forever to take this **** off... UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH needless to say my scale was missing for a few months after we remodeled our bathroom and I guess it was a good thing until tonight when I found it and weighed myself... UGHHHHHHHHH


  • sloanie1
    sloanie1 Posts: 276 Member
    "A journey starts with a single step" this is your step!!! I won't lie to you, yes it will be tough, yes it will take time and probably a lot of it.....BUT what if you don't start right here right now??? how can you move forward? The first thing I would advise you to do is write down all your goals, break them down into, daily, weekly and monthly ones.....write down why you want to lose the weight and what you are going to do to get rid of it...by writing it down you are commiting to it and owning it....YOU can do it! anyone can no matter what their circumstances, its about how badly you want it...get excited about it, about changing your life and turning this negative into a positive....I've been at it for 15 months and still not at goal, there have been some really crappy times, there has been a lot of blood sweat and tears.......but I NEVER GIVE UP...if you fall down you pick yourself up....believe in yourself and see where the journey takes you...:o)
  • jcitro3
    I am right there with ya! Back in October my goal was to lose 20 pounds and to be tone. My lack of motivation, quitting my job and excess of food has lead me to having a minimum goal of 50 pounds. I have never weighed this much in my life and although I am a "bigger framed" girl as my mom would tell me, I am determined that I have to do this now because I just cant stand looking at myself anymore. But I have faith that we BOTH can do this! Maybe we should come up with a way that when we get discouraged about it either something we do or say or see will reactivate our motivation and positive attitudes...although as stubborn as I am it could be difficult to find something to reactivate me! lol. I wish the best of luck to you!
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • EvelynForsyth
    EvelynForsyth Posts: 272 Member
    You only drown if you stay in the water.
    Take a deep breath and tell yourself you are worth it, you can feel good about yourself and it might be difficult but you can totally do it! I really get it, i often think 'oh *kitten* it' and just eat the pizza/chips/cheese but you can still have that stuff. You just need to do something to earn it.
    Get back on that horse and keep trying :) good luck!
  • denise_earheart
    thanks you guys I just feel and look awful and maybe this is my breaking point...God I hope so ... And lately my fiance has been distant not touching me much DUH I should have seen it .. it is because I am gaining weight ... OK I am off to bed and tomorrow morning starts something new for me......
  • jjohnboy2000
    jjohnboy2000 Posts: 67 Member
    Take small steps. There won't be a quick fix. Do it for you, because you want it, not because of anyone else.
    I have lost 13 pounds, but 8 of those were between August & January 8th this year. My head wasn't in the right place to do it. I haven't made any major changes, just small ones.
    So far this year I have lost 5 pounds, I want to lose 35. If it takes 5 months then so be it. Am sure there will be pitfalls, bad times, but I want this for me.

    Keep at it and you will get there.
  • denise_earheart
    Hey There!!!

    I'm 42 and a mother of 2 boys. I was 148lbs last April and dropped 23lbs in 90days doing P90X and watching my diet. I have since become a beachbody coach to help others do the same thing. Most people in general, think that by reducing their caloric intake will lose weight and that is not the case!!! There are so many other factors to take into consideration that people need to know and food substitutions are an easy way to burn off fat if done correctly. My fitness screen name is (cwgrl4u) if you would like to add me as a friend connection. If you would like to join the FREE beachbody membership and make me your coach for additional help, you can do that by joining from this link.


    OK I signed up but will take me a little while playing around with the site to figure it out .. Thanks :)

    I have a private facebook group with only my clients that I can add you to as well and you can make some really good connections there as well and learn about different food and nutritional options that would help with your weight loss. Feel free to join up and let us give you some additional support. It's all FREE and this is what we are all here for...

    I have over 150 people in my group that are working towards weight lose, mucsle gain, toning and various other goals.

    Take care,

    Gayle Tripp