If you're going to abandon your dog...



  • AmberMagdalena
    AmberMagdalena Posts: 461 Member
    I'm in California.

    Here's a picture of her:


    I feel so bad - like we're the first nice people to her and we're going to turn her over into another scary environment. But hopefully she will get the appropriate home. She is young, she should be fine.


    As far as abandoned - Her owners moved out three days ago and left her with no food or water. Just left the gate open.

    She is beautiful! This is so sad!
  • PegasusDeb
    PegasusDeb Posts: 665 Member
    Yes, some people really do suck when it comes to matters like this. It breaks my heart to see the way some animals are treated...but, this is a topic I am passionate about. I volunteer at my local no-kill!!!

    No matter what you can specualte about (and maybe be exactly right...) concerning the dog you found, not knowing it's past, you cannot determine it was abused or abandoned. If I were you, try and call the local police as well as shelters to give them a description of the dog. Maybe someone is missing it really bad.

    My dog is probabbly one of the most spoiled pooches on the planet, but she still tends to cower sometime like you are going to hit her, which I can assure you has NEVER been done. I even mentioned it to her vet. Some dogs just behave like that....

    I see that you have added more since I posted this! You didn't mention earlier that the people moved out, so yes, something definitly needs to be done. Bless you again for being a happy place & hopefully you can find a good home.

    I agree with you!! If the dog is abused then yes, get it out of there! But it sounds like it's escaping more then being "dumped". My first rescue was timid, even after years of me owning her & never laying a mean hand on her. She was just that way. Now, my rescue I have now loves to get out & run and does act nervous when she approaches strangers. She has never been abused either. (She was turned in my a loving family that couldn't afford her heartworm treatment) So if abuse is the case, then by all means get it out of there, and bless you for being a happy place for it to go to! I'm sure the owners are happy she goes to you instead of running the streets & getting hit.
    My pup is tied up outside during the day, and trust me this is where she wants to be! If I leave her in the house, she gets bored (and distructive!) and seems depressed! Outside she lays on the roof of her doghouse & watches the world go by! She's got her own fan club of little girls that walk past going to school! :-)
    So, yes, some people suck, but not everybody!
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    Awwww she's a Pittie or at least a part Pit. If I wasnt in Alberta I'd take her in. I have 2 and they are extremely lovey dogs.

    One thing I wasn't prepared for - we took her for a short walk - damn dog pulls like a tractor! I thought my border collie could pull a leash. I could hire this dog out to rip tree stumps out of the ground. Wow!

    It is possible that the dog escaped while they were moving out, but I do tend to think she was abandoned since they didn't talk to any neighbors about her, put up any posters, or make any effort to keep a yard (so full of feces the doggie was running out of room to lay down.) Also, she doesn't explore at all. She just sat in the yard at the empty house.
  • queenlaureen
    queenlaureen Posts: 21 Member
    Thank you for what you did! You are awesome!!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Yes, some people really do suck when it comes to matters like this. It breaks my heart to see the way some animals are treated...but, this is a topic I am passionate about. I volunteer at my local no-kill!!!

    No matter what you can specualte about (and maybe be exactly right...) concerning the dog you found, not knowing it's past, you cannot determine it was abused or abandoned. If I were you, try and call the local police as well as shelters to give them a description of the dog. Maybe someone is missing it really bad.

    My dog is probabbly one of the most spoiled pooches on the planet, but she still tends to cower sometime like you are going to hit her, which I can assure you has NEVER been done. I even mentioned it to her vet. Some dogs just behave like that....

    Every word of this. Not every shy dog was abused, not every stray dog was abandoned. My brother has the most pampered dogs in the world, but his youngest is very shy of strangers. They had her a year and she's just warming up to me now.

    I've worked as a vet tech and for a local shelter. I've seen lots of situations, some bad, some happy. I remember one family who lost their dog, filed every lost & found they could with ever vet, paper and shelter in the area. They were heartbroken. The shelter kept lost and found records for (I think) three months, and we'd call the owners who had listings to see if they found the pet yet every couple weeks before removing the listing from our books. We'd also check each incoming stray animal with our descriptions of lost and found pets. Dogs who came in as strays were held for three days to give owners time to find them before being available for adoption.

    One day, that family decided to adopt a new dog. They came into the shelter, and THEIR DOG was there! He'd been found and brought in the day before, after having been missing for FIVE MONTHS. We all wished we could have known what his story was... where he'd been for all those months. :heart:
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    Unfortunately, a lot of people look at animals as "things" - when they give a puppy as a Christmas present or get one to "teach their kid responsibility", they don't think about the commitment and work that comes along with owning a pet. It breaks my heart when people just abandon their animals - it says a lot about someone's character that they could just toss another living being out into the street.

    It also says a lot about your character that you are putting in the effort to make sure she is safe :)
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    Those who are not animal people just don't get it.
    I value my dog more than most people I know.
  • ADobs
    ADobs Posts: 160 Member
    People really do suck. I love animals, all animals and it absolutely breaks my heart when I hear stories like this and especially when animals are abused.

    It saddens me and angers me. Animals are such innocent creatures. If you cannot care for your pet anymore or you feel the need to abuse it, torture it, etc., then just get rid of it and take it to a shelter where it can be placed in a proper home with the love and care it deserves.

    I think anyone that abuses an animal is worse than someone that does it to another human and there should be bigger penalties, jail sentences, etc. for the abuse of an animal.
  • Des0528
    Des0528 Posts: 81 Member
    Thank you for being a compassionate, understanding person and taking this dog under your wing. The world needs more people like you. I hate hearing anything about animal abuse, because my dogs are practically like my children! And also, they have no voice. We have to be their voice. But they do have feelings and that's what I don't think people understand that sometimes... You can just look at them sometimes and now how they're feeling... And look at what a beautiful girl she is! How anyone could leave her is beyond me..... Thank you again. You made my day.
  • ADobs
    ADobs Posts: 160 Member
    Those who are not animal people just don't get it.
    I value my dog more than most people I know.

    LOVE this and couldn't agree more. My dog brings such joy to our lives, I get teary-eyed just thinking about how much I love the little guy.
  • Purplegirl0670
    We just had to put our precious 6yr old Golden down because of a cancerous tumor. It angers me to hear of people doing this. We would give anything for just a little more time with our dog. How can you just drop them off?? I will never understand the lack of compassion and concern these people have. Kudos to you for trying so hard to help!!
  • harlylena
    harlylena Posts: 125 Member
    This type of stuff really p*sses me off. They didn't ask to be housed with the loser family they were stuck with so atleast have the decency to give up the poor animal. We have someone like this near my mom who left their soon to be foreclosed home and left the dog in the yard. So thankful there are people like you who is taking care of the poor thing....
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    We just had to put our precious 6yr old Golden down because of a cancerous tumor. It angers me to hear of people doing this. We would give anything for just a little more time with our dog. How can you just drop them off?? I will never understand the lack of compassion and concern these people have. Kudos to you for trying so hard to help!!

    Sorry about your golden. They are wonderful dogs :(
  • pitbullmama
    pitbullmama Posts: 454 Member
    Awwww she's a Pittie or at least a part Pit. If I wasnt in Alberta I'd take her in. I have 2 and they are extremely lovey dogs.

    One thing I wasn't prepared for - we took her for a short walk - damn dog pulls like a tractor! I thought my border collie could pull a leash. I could hire this dog out to rip tree stumps out of the ground. Wow!

    It is possible that the dog escaped while they were moving out, but I do tend to think she was abandoned since they didn't talk to any neighbors about her, put up any posters, or make any effort to keep a yard (so full of feces the doggie was running out of room to lay down.) Also, she doesn't explore at all. She just sat in the yard at the empty house.

    The pulling is easily trained out. They actually make really good running partners. They more often they are out for walks or runs the less they will pull. I hope theres someone out there who appreciate the qualities she has to offer.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I'm in California.

    Here's a picture of her:


    I feel so bad - like we're the first nice people to her and we're going to turn her over into another scary environment. But hopefully she will get the appropriate home. She is young, she should be fine.


    As far as abandoned - Her owners moved out three days ago and left her with no food or water. Just left the gate open.

    She's a cutie. If she were in Miami, I would take her. We are looking for a sweet family dog.
  • dakitten2
    dakitten2 Posts: 888 Member
    Those who are not animal people just don't get it.
    I value my dog more than most people I know.

    One thousand percent agree! Between my parents and their 5 adult children (including me) we have 27 dogs. All are house dogs and each one of us live with the mantra.....You hurt one of our dogs and we will hurt you!

    My dogs were there for me in times of my life when the humans werent. There is not enough money in the world to cause me to give up either one of my wonderful little fur babies. Their pics are on my profile if anyone is interested.
  • blackmamba886
    blackmamba886 Posts: 177 Member
    Those who are not animal people just don't get it.
    I value my dog more than most people I know.

    Exactly! I'd take my dogs over people any day. :flowerforyou:
  • sophjakesmom
    sophjakesmom Posts: 904 Member
    People suck.

    ^^No doubt!! Kudos to you though!

    Only some people. You, my friend, are a good one. Thank you for taking care of that dog. I love dogs, but can't have one now and it kills me to see dogs abandoned or abused. Bless you!:flowerforyou:
  • SlimSadieG
    SlimSadieG Posts: 323 Member
    If I wasn't 5 and a half thousand miles away in the UK, I would be straight round to your front door and would take that beautiful dog off your hands...

    Thank goodness she found you for the time being though!
  • sofitheteacup
    sofitheteacup Posts: 397 Member
    She's so cute! I wish I could pick her up next time I'm in California. ;)

    I am such a dog person, but I am also a teacher (read: workaholic), so I have not gotten because I would not have the appropriate amount of time to spend with one. It kills me that people take on this responsibility and then back out as if their animal is just another purchase they made at the grocery store that can be tossed out with the garbage and picked up to go to a landfill. You just can't do that to living things!

    I got really infuriated over the winter break when I got home from the gym one afternoon and found a long haired chihuahua wandering my property parking lot. I chased her around for a bit, figuring she belonged to someone and had gotten loose, and in our area would likely get hit by a car within minutes. I posted a couple of signs in the mail room and elevator, and got a call within a few hours from a neighbor who knew who she belonged to- a police officer who was between shifts, sleeping like a rock. She contacted the owner, picked up the dog, and returned her, and I've seen the guy with the dog around the property...
    What bothers me is that he never said a word to me about his dog. I have no idea what happened and how she got out from a 6th floor apartment down to a ground-level parking lot, but if there was ever a "thank you for saving my pet from certain death" comment, it never reached me. I'm glad she's okay, but part of me wishes now that I hadn't posted signs and had just kept her. Sigh.