Need some Buddies - Stay at home mom here!



  • dragomom
    dragomom Posts: 88 Member
    I am a stay at home with a grown daughter and now grandkids. feel free to add me. i could use some extra support.
  • bademasi
    bademasi Posts: 180 Member
    I am home too. I have two teenage daughters still at home. One is 17 and the other is 19 years old. Read my profile and if you want to be friends then send me a request.

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • Iwantpretty
    Iwantpretty Posts: 5 Member
    We have the same weight loss goal! :) Good Luck!
  • Jackdog89
    Jackdog89 Posts: 57 Member
    Anyone can feel free to add me. I'm on here daily.
  • knelson422
    knelson422 Posts: 308 Member
    I am a SAHM of 6, and I would love to be a friend. Have a good week.
  • Totally stupid question, but how do you get your weight loss ticker to show up on your replies? I wanna show mine off, too! lol

    Go to the community tab, then above the "TOPIC" line there is a settings button, click it then it will have you check this box "Show your MyFitnessPal ticker below each of your forum posts". Hope this helped you! :)

    Thank You!
  • thatgirl125
    thatgirl125 Posts: 294 Member
    SAHM here. :) (also going to school fulltime though).
    I do not have too much more to lose, but I can be motivating and of help to you! Feel free to add me if you want. : )
  • tinkermommc
    tinkermommc Posts: 558 Member
    Another SAHM! I'm looking to lose 99. So far so good, I'm down 8!! But I'm always up for new friends too!!
  • BeachyBecky
    BeachyBecky Posts: 74 Member
    Stay at home mom here too! Would love some new friends! Feel free to add!! xo
  • JanetLM73
    JanetLM73 Posts: 1,226 Member
    I'm a SAHM and need to lose 50-60 lbs. I'll add you as a friend, I just joined 5 days ago.
  • SAHM too ,, hard to get motavated when u are home alone all the time. But with lots of people willing to support you it's going to be easier then you think. Add me if you like
  • I am a SAHM wanting to lose 85 lbs. I'm in my 4th week of using MFP and I am down 9.6 pounds. I'd love to have some buddies, too :)
  • Mariem59
    Mariem59 Posts: 378 Member
    Add me to the list!! Ready to lose!
  • Mchavez2018
    Mchavez2018 Posts: 56 Member
    I am a stay at home mom, with my own at home business. I started MFP last January 2011, lost 25 lbs by October 2011, left MFP, and gained it all back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Starting again January 2012, doing great! Looking for more motivating friends. Add me as a friend!
  • I officially started the HOT SAHM's! I sent you all an invitation if you indicated you wanted to do a group or you were a SAHM. If you didn't get an invite and you want one let me know! It was hard to cut and paste everyone's name into the invite box so if I skipped you it wasn't because I didn't want to add you. It was because I lack some cut and paste skills apparently.
  • Hell sounds like me. Welcome to my fitness pal.
  • stay at home mom too with husband deployed in the army. I've lost 101 lbs total and am working on my last 10 lbs. I know what your going through and can help out any way possible! I have lots of tips that worked/are working for me!
  • thump418
    thump418 Posts: 251 Member
    You can friend me if you like. I have lost 80 pounds thus far. Welcome aboard. MFP is a great place to meet new friends and stay motivated. :smile:
  • hollin40
    hollin40 Posts: 120 Member
    Feel free to add me as well! I'm 41 and a SAHM to 3 kids. I want to lose 81 lbs. and I log in every day. I'd love more friends on MFP. I don't refuse friend requests. The more support, the better!!
  • Trishaf66
    Trishaf66 Posts: 27 Member
    Im a stay at home mom also feel free to add me! :)