Why can't I lose any weight?



  • EMarvie
    EMarvie Posts: 335 Member
    if you want to change your diary settings go to the top of the page - under settings - then click the diary - make visable , you choose if it's just to the people you're friends with or everyone.

    Also, maybe try changing your exercise for a few days - shock your muscles so they have to work harder -

    keep at it. it will come off!
  • Nana_Booboo
    Nana_Booboo Posts: 501 Member
    You should be more consistent when logging your meals, also make sure you are drinking enough water since you are exercising you have to stay hydrated.

    You should eat back your exercise calories.
    Simply stated MFP has already figured out your total calories you need to eat per day to lose 1lb etc. a week.
    That's WITHOUT exercise. You'll notice that when you actually add exercise in, the calorie limit goes up.
    Why? Because it's telling you to eat your exercise calories.
    Large deficits aren't really good to do because while you will lose weight, what kind of weight will it be?
    In many cases you'll lose lean muscle tissue which LOWERS your metabolic rate even more.
    Then you have to eat even less to compensate for less of a calorie burn to continue to lose the same amount
    of weight each week.

    Be efficient.
    Exercise hard and eat back the calories. The hard exercise will RAISE your metabolic rate and burn more fat at rest.
  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    I looked at your diary and out of the last week, you didn't log for around 4 days, one was around 800 WITH 400 burned, one was a good day.. Id say log everyday and make sure you eat enough for starters.
  • I have been eating oatmeal and oj for breakfast, two salads, one for lunch and one for dinner, plus a meal under 300 calories, I eat 6 meals a day, I snack on carrots, apples, rice cakes. I drink about 12 8 oz of water, no sodas, my trainer stated that I needed 30 minutes of cardio a day, take a walk, heart rate needs to be up. Also, I tried to keep each meal under 300 calories if you can cut 100 calories from each meal, you will lose 30 pounds by summer.

    This is what I am doing, good luck, I have to lose 140 pounds. Kathy. I lost 20 pounds all ready.
  • I had that problem my weight was stuck and I was at my calorie goal exercising 5 days a week, a nutritionist looked at my food journal and told me I needed to up my protein and lower my carbs, to keep it at more then 100 grams of protein per day and 100 grams of carbs per day helped me alot the scale began to move down again.
  • myuva
    myuva Posts: 67
    You are going to get conflicting opinions in this forum. What works for one person may not work for another. Just remeber to eat fresh foods, avoid processed foods, continue drinking your water, and excersize. My Doctor tols me to be patient. I have been here for 5 weeks, eating good and working out, and I gained 4 pounds. Your body needs time to adjust to a new routine, whether it is working-out or eating healthy. BE PATIENT !!!!
  • DonnaRe2012
    DonnaRe2012 Posts: 298 Member
    vdsmith-I peeked at your food diary(hope that's ok) and here is a suggestion. Add sugar to what your page is tracking. You will be surprised at how much sugar is hidden in any food that comes in a bottle, box or package. I personally for the time being had to break myself of the coffee creamer habit after I realized that I was consuming 50 plus grams of sugar just with my coffee. Sugar is one of those things that messes with your hormonal balance and will screw with your ability to drop pounds.

    Keep going, don't give up !!

    dt:drinker: :sad:
  • reddi2roll
    reddi2roll Posts: 356 Member
    vdsmith-I peeked at your food diary(hope that's ok) and here is a suggestion. Add sugar to what your page is tracking. You will be surprised at how much sugar is hidden in any food that comes in a bottle, box or package. I personally for the time being had to break myself of the coffee creamer habit after I realized that I was consuming 50 plus grams of sugar just with my coffee. Sugar is one of those things that messes with your hormonal balance and will screw with your ability to drop pounds.

    Keep going, don't give up !!

    dt:drinker: :sad:

    OK. I have a question re: the sugar issue. My diary says my goal for sugar is 33 and 1 piece of fruit is 23. I had an apple, 2 bananas, 4 tsp of sugar in my coffee, sugar in the baked oatmeal with blueberries and bananas so my sugar is way over my target. Why would the sugar goal be so low?
  • UGH I know how you feel. I'm also bi-polar and it's so difficult to get the weight off. I have not let a single piece of junk food into my body *only because it doesn't sound appetizing anymore* and the scale has not budged. I'm on low doses of both seroquel and zoloft, both have high weight gain rates.
  • How was everyone's weekend?
    I fell off the wagon. D**nit!
    Today is a new day...
