So a fat girl walks into a bar....



  • Good luck to all of you. I haven't seen to many males on here, but I am sure there are a lot. I have lost 14.5 pounds so far and I know all of you can make your goals. I follow this program every day and I am already feeling better. Good luck to all
  • kiters
    kiters Posts: 60 Member
    Welcome and Good Luck! I am new 15th day on my journey to a healthier me and MFP has been so helpful and supportive! Feel free to add me if you'd like!
  • ZenDD
    ZenDD Posts: 4
    I'm on everyday! Feel free to ad ;)
  • Good luck Rebecca. My sister had me join this site last year and back then I thought it was a hassle to enter in every little thing you ate. Was I wrong!! Now that I am keeping track this year I've actually lost some weight!
  • maddyg1989
    maddyg1989 Posts: 108 Member
    HEY!!!!!! Sounds like the same boat I'm in!!! My family is not all that excited when I told them I lost 5 lbs one time. You'd think I'd gained 5 by the way they looked at me. Like... "Big whoops! No one cares!!!" But I've gotten over them. Instead, I talk to my friends and MFP friends about it. That's where the excitement is. I slacked off for a while but now I'm back and motivated to lose weight again. Feel free to add me and good luck with your journey. :D
  • ElizabethObviously
    ElizabethObviously Posts: 380 Member
    wow you should write a book about your struggles and journey! You are a strong person! Keep up the great work!
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    Your punchline and delivery are way off. No offense.

    Might I suggest.

    So, a fat girl walks into a bar. Which kind of hurts. She should have ducked.
  • AZnewme
    AZnewme Posts: 228 Member
    Welcome to the neighborhood! Friend request sent!:smile:
  • AZnewme
    AZnewme Posts: 228 Member
    Your punchline and delivery are way off. No offense.

    Might I suggest.

    So, a fat girl walks into a bar. Which kind of hurts. She should have ducked.

    Okay - That was funny!
  • Welcome! Feel free to add me for support.
  • leannems
    leannems Posts: 516 Member
    Welcome, and your story of listening to you and getting out of an abusive relationship is really inspiring; hopefully it will help someone else that you share it with! There's lots of good support on here (and also some bad - but such is the internet), so please feel free to add me. Heck, I'm excited when I lose even 0.1 pounds :)
  • bugaboo4uhg
    bugaboo4uhg Posts: 5 Member
    Hi rebecca my name is Holly and i just set up my account and found your story heart touching as i am married to an alcoholic and have lost myself in my marriage as well i have great confidence and a wonderful personality but i weigh a whooping 288 lbs... I dont know how to add friends yet but if you do u r more than welcome to add me...god bless
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Your punchline and delivery are way off. No offense.

    Might I suggest.

    So, a fat girl walks into a bar. Which kind of hurts. She should have ducked.

    Or just, "Ouch."
  • Cassi1990
    Cassi1990 Posts: 74 Member
    Welcome to the forums and CONGRATS on your progress this far! That is fantastic!
    Anyone can feel free to add me! I don't have many friends on here either and could really use all the support I can get! (:
  • Cassi1990
    Cassi1990 Posts: 74 Member
    Hi rebecca my name is Holly and i just set up my account and found your story heart touching as i am married to an alcoholic and have lost myself in my marriage as well i have great confidence and a wonderful personality but i weigh a whooping 288 lbs... I dont know how to add friends yet but if you do u r more than welcome to add me...god bless
    Click on the persons name/photo and it will take you to their profile. There it has a green "Add friend" button! (:
  • Diva4Live
    Diva4Live Posts: 2 Member
    Nice to meet you Rebecca. I too just started on my weight loss journey. It is super important to stay motivated and be surrounded by people who are going thru the same things as you are.:smile:
  • This might sound cliche, but "you go girl"!! I'll friend you just to watch the progress. I'm a single father of 3 and I'm training for a half-ironman race in California in July - and I'm new to the site, but I love it. The message I have for you is this: you can do it. We're on different levels of fitness and health, but that doesn't change the fact that we're both trying to be the best "self" we can for ourselves and for those we love. I am trying to send you a link to a great article that I think might give you encouragement. I found it very intriguing. If the link won't attach, the title is 'Which Traits Predict Success? (The Importance of Grit) by Jonah Lehrer. It's worth the 5 minutes it takes to read it. What I think you'll take away from it is that we all have the potential to train ourselves into good, if not great, habits and be the best at what we set our minds to. Best of luck to you, I look forward to updates and watching you reach your goals!!

    Alex G, Shawnee, KS
  • Tiff587
    Tiff587 Posts: 264 Member
    Amazing 100lbs!! well done!!
    Add me, we can be a support to each other!
  • K8ty_7
    K8ty_7 Posts: 28 Member
    well done on taking ur life back. feel free to add me if u like ^_^
  • kealey1318
    kealey1318 Posts: 290 Member
    Your punchline and delivery are way off. No offense.

    Might I suggest.

    So, a fat girl walks into a bar. Which kind of hurts. She should have ducked.

    Ok, that's pretty funny!!! Love the twist!