hello from IN

hey y'all. im new here, from Indiana. i gave birth to my son 4 months 'go so my goal is to lose my baby fat but its hard right now. he always wants held so...lol...hard to exercise but im tired of the excuses so here i go!!


  • ColtsFan1912
    ColtsFan1912 Posts: 146 Member
    hey y'all. im new here, from Indiana. i gave birth to my son 4 months 'go so my goal is to lose my baby fat but its hard right now. he always wants held so...lol...hard to exercise but im tired of the excuses so here i go!!
  • skinnydreams
    skinnydreams Posts: 1,178 Member
    Welcome and best of luck to you!
  • zenmama
    zenmama Posts: 1,000
  • eyescatchfire
    eyescatchfire Posts: 257 Member
    That is one cute baby! Good luck, this is a great site!

  • rheston
    rheston Posts: 638
    I'm originally from South Bend and my Mom and one sister live in Osceola now. Welcome aboard you'll find a lot of support and good advice from then entire MFP community.
  • destilynne
    Hello there and welcome,

    I join this group in January and I have lost 24 lbs as of today. Sugggestion try to workout when your baby is asleep. I am using a quiet machine, it's Tony Little's Gazelle, it's like a ski machine and burns around 550 calories a hour. This is a great message board and nice supportive people... God Luck..

  • sophialittle
    sophialittle Posts: 344 Member
    hello! welcome! i'm from rural ohio, but my nearest mall is fort wayne! so i can relate! haha welcome!:flowerforyou:
  • rsgriffin1575
    I'm working at losing my baby fat also. Unfortunately, my "baby" is 17:laugh: :laugh:
  • twin2
    twin2 Posts: 404
    Welcome!!!! my baby fat is 8 years old now :laugh: Use your son to exercise with, I didn't that with mine and thought we were just playing.