Anyone on Phentermine?



  • smittenmikish
    The reason that Phentermine works so well is because it is essentially "speed", or a fancy legal version of meth.:noway: Personally would never put those manufactured chemicals in my body... but to each their own....

    Would'nt be the first time a doctor prescribed a medicine that wasn't safe....
  • lme0627
    lme0627 Posts: 46 Member
    I take it! And I dont care what anyone thinks if they call it cheating :tongue: BECAUSE they arent me. I dont judge their diet so I deserve the same respect. I have been on and off of it for years. But this time (I know everyone says that) I am going to lose the weight and do it right. Before I would still eat bad food, with MFP I am keeping a better diet and exercise so I think I will be more successful. The only negative side effect for me is that I dont sleep well on it. No matter how early I take it, I toss and turn all night. So that kinda stinks.

    love this answer! After struggling with weight issues my whole life I made an appt to see a bariatic doctor (not surgeon) and get more informed. I started taking phentermine in Novemeber and have lost 19lbs. And my doctor also recommended MFP. I go once a month for check up. I haven't notice any side effects at all, so I am very lucky. I eat for all the wrong reasons so this perscription has really helped me. (Dr office also have nurtitionist, therapist, etc...-since as many of you know- weight gain isnt just about the food you put in your body.) I was very very leery of taking a drug, but glad I have so far. I feel much better- phyiscally and mentally about myself. I think each person has to do what is best for them.
  • melissakaywiley
    I have gained a lot of weight recently and I've tried several diets but I could never stick with it. My friend is the one who told me about the pill... I just took my first pill yesterday morning after breakfast and all day I felt fine. I was excited because I could tell it was working. I wasn't hungry ALL DAY! Now here it is 3:36 am and my heart is hurting very bad so I get on google to see if this pill is linked to my heart hurting and this is one of the first things I come across. Im kind of disappointed because I seriously though this was going to be it and now I have to yet try something new. What a waist of money :(