High Crime area & exercise....I AM REALLY PI$$ED



  • RekindledRose
    RekindledRose Posts: 523 Member
    I highly recommend getting training and obtaining a concealed firearms permit, and then carry everywhere! You obviously care about your health and your life, since you are on this site. Protect yourself.

    Be safe, and good luck!
  • Cberg9
    Cberg9 Posts: 123
    You can always carry a stun gun, mace, pocket knife, and a big stick. Crackheads seem to like sticks around here. But really if things get crazy I was told you can spray your body with your mace and they wont want to touch you. Just watch the face ofcorse. Sorry you work in such a crappy area. Stay safe.

    Ya....not such a good idea to spray it on yourself....lol It burns no matter where it is sprayed, feels like someone poured gasoline on you and lit you on fire! Sad to say that crackheads don't even feel that! Good lesson to be learned here kids, drugs are bad m'kay
  • Cberg9
    Cberg9 Posts: 123
    I would strongly recommend against spraying your body with MACE. Pepper spray on skin burns - like a bad sunburn - and sweat makes it worse. If it's CS or CN it attracts itself to moisture - think about the areas on your body that sweat the most - and when it gets into mucus membranes and sensitive places it inflames them.

    Im not saying on skin. On your cloths. Yea it will suck to touch later but its better then what could happen.

    Oh and when you wash your clothes, don't wash them with any of your own clothes or anyone else in your family's....I only put my clothes through the wash once and I STILL felt it the next time I had to wear them. Shoulda burnt them...
  • Elixandra
    Elixandra Posts: 299 Member
    I would strongly recommend against spraying your body with MACE. Pepper spray on skin burns - like a bad sunburn - and sweat makes it worse. If it's CS or CN it attracts itself to moisture - think about the areas on your body that sweat the most - and when it gets into mucus membranes and sensitive places it inflames them.

    Im not saying on skin. On your cloths. Yea it will suck to touch later but its better then what could happen.

    Oh and when you wash your clothes, don't wash them with any of your own clothes or anyone else in your family's....I only put my clothes through the wash once and I STILL felt it the next time I had to wear them. Shoulda burnt them...

    Yea if that would ever happen I probably wouldn't keep them.
  • Babygirl082578
    Babygirl082578 Posts: 44 Member
    I work in Algiers and live on the Westbank. Its about 4 miles one way.
    I am going to try it soon.
    I love my bike. My parents got me a used road bike for my bday and between training for a half marathon, work and being a single mom trying to pass the 4th grade :) I never get to be on it. So I am considering saving on gas and getting some more training in by riding to work.

    I love all the advise...even the sarcasm...i actually laughed out loud at a lot of it. :)

  • sarahmaryfearnley
    sarahmaryfearnley Posts: 366 Member
    Hmmm, the BestBank makes my idea not do-able. What about riding along the levee? I'm not too sure what the level is like through that undesirable area under the bridge but isn't that where the ferry dock is?
  • Babygirl082578
    Babygirl082578 Posts: 44 Member
    Hmmm, the BestBank makes my idea not do-able. What about riding along the levee? I'm not too sure what the level is like through that undesirable area under the bridge but isn't that where the ferry dock is?

    I do run up there a lot, only in day light though. Its a pretty ok area actually. I dont work close to there though. I am down Gen De Gaulle.
    I actually just participated in a live chat on Nola.com and asked about some suggestions for safe places to run in the area. One suggestion for you ladies is not to where a pony tail. It makes it easy to be controled from behind.
  • JamesBurkes
    JamesBurkes Posts: 382 Member
    I've found running from crack heads helps to increase my speed by a significant margin.

    Gyms should hire them to stand behind treadmills & ellipticals. Forget about a personal trainer, these guys will get you in shape for sure!

    Kinda reminds me of this:


    (Written by the guy in the video before anyone thinks it's racist). ;)
  • Babygirl082578
    Babygirl082578 Posts: 44 Member
    What are the laws regarding concealed carry in your state? That could be an option.

    I could get a fire arm...I see your point but running or biking with one????? Is that safe????? I tend to not be the most coordinated person and if you add that I am overweight and trying to run or bike, this could spell major disaster.
    How would you care a gun while running? I have dropped my IPOD more times than I can count....I would be really afraid I would drop the gun and shoot myself.
  • MattGetsMad
    MattGetsMad Posts: 429 Member
    There are several holsters that are available to carry concealed. You'd have to find one that your were comfortable with and practice wearing it (gun included). Wear it around your house (unload gun until you are confident) and get used to how it feels. It's a pain in the *kitten* wearing a gun and most people shouldn't do it, but it may be the right option for you. Think about it.

    Also, I believe a few people offered advice to carry a weapon other than a gun. I wouldn't do this and I'll tell you a couple of reasons why:

    1. Any weapon you conceal is a concealed weapon and requires a permit. Some states allow pepper spray without concealed and others do not. Check and see where state lies and I think you'll find my original axiom to be true. If it's a weapon and you want to carry it, you probably need a license.
    2. Any weapon that you carry that is not gun will lose to a gun!!! You're not carrying a weapon to feel safe. That's a misguided principle. You are carrying a weapon because you are not safe. No weapon makes an unsafe area safer. Weapons give you an advantage in terrible life or death situations. If you are going to carry a weapon at all, carry the best one available to consumers in America: the gun.

    Good luck to you.