Hi all - Newbie from near Leeds, UK

WildWayz Posts: 68 Member
Hi all,

My name is James (32) and from near Leeds, UK. I have been using MyFitnessPal on and off for a bit, but over the last month I have really started using it.

I started weighing 319lbs (22st 11lbs) on April 1st 2011 and as of last week, I hit 306lbs (21st 12lbs).
I am wanting to weigh 252lbs (18st) by September 2011.

I am aiming to walk between 35-45miles a month and eating less than 1900 calories a day. Thankfully, my wife is helping out and is looking to tone up rather than lose weight.

I've been using MyFitnessPal on my iPhone as well as iMapMyRun+ for tracking the miles and calories burnt when out walking!

My motivation for losing weight? A few things;
1) To become fitter and healthier.
2) Go to theme parks without having to always think "will I be able to get on this ride?".
3) Feel comfortable on flights - seats are getting smaller these days!
4) Be able to try horse riding and other activities.

My 1st goal - Hit 20st by end of June
My 2nd goal - Hit 18st by end of August
My 3rd goal - see how I get on, but maybe end up hitting 16st by end October.

Is losing around 3 stone in 3-4 months excessive?

All these websites say my ideal weight is between 9st and 11st - if I weighed that, i'd look VERY ill. I looked my best at around 17 stone.


  • kaylemartin
    kaylemartin Posts: 235 Member
    Hi James - Welcome!

    I'm Kayle, I'm 23 and from South Wales. I'm currently weighing around the 200ib mark and I'm looking to get down to 160 as a start.

    Good luck!!

  • BlackStarlight
    BlackStarlight Posts: 554 Member
    Hey James,
    Congrats on your weight loss. That is so awsome! Im from Leeds as well and been using MFP for a little under a year. I just thought id send a message and say welldone. Keep up the good work xx
  • loum11
    loum11 Posts: 9
    Hi james

    I'm Lou and also from the UK! i think you've got some very good reasons for wanting to lose some weigh and I completly understand what you mean!

    I have learnt (from MFP) that setting myself goals is the best way to go as long as they are realistic ones, that way if you dont hit them dead on then you wont beat yourself up about it!

    I am aiming to lose between 2lb and 3lb a week and so far so good! (well except this week :( stayed the same)
  • neonpink
    neonpink Posts: 203 Member
    Hi James I'm from Oldham near Manchester welcome to the site, it's great and you will find lots of support here.

  • Heidi1987
    Heidi1987 Posts: 191 Member
    Hello! I'm from leeds, well i live in manchester now, moved here in August. Godd luck with your weight loss journey

  • alrebecca
    alrebecca Posts: 4
    Hello, I'm wayyyyyyyy from the other side of the world, from Sunny California, USA. Welcome! I'm new too, just been here for about 2 weeks!!! welcome again!
  • natajane
    natajane Posts: 295 Member

    I'm from Leeds as well and fairly new to this place!

    Its been great so far, hope you find it helpful and useful.

  • neenibob
    Hi James, I'm also from Leeds, I've lost 15lbs so far using MFP! Keep up the good work
  • lorrainesimba
    Hi James
    Welcome to MFP you will love it. I am also a walker and try to get out as much as possible. I hope to do the Shine walking marathon in Manchester now in september so i am training, I have sigened up to the Lady walk here in May, is the imap on your phone ? sounds quite good.
    Anyway James well done so far, and enjoy your NEW LIFE STYLE and all the wonderful countryside in Yorkshire, I miss it soooo much. feel free to add me as a friend if you like bye Lorraine
  • lorrainesimba
    Ok OK i can see imap is on the iphone i what a wally !! :tongue: will try it