Any horse riders?



  • gogonunubean
    gogonunubean Posts: 160 Member
    I am a horse person too! I have one 12 year old anglo arabian gelding - he is my first horse (a childhood dream come true as an adult!). I am making the transition from bad habit ridden trail rider to dressage rider and hope to do my first training level and first level dressage shows this spring. I ride 3 times per week and am always exhausted at the end of yet another sitting trot lesson!

    So who agrees that breeches are about THE most unflattering thing to wear? :laugh:
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    Howdy, I've got 2 QH fillies, one is started but going in foal this season, so I can't ride her anymore and the other is just a yearling, so no riding my own horses for some time.
    I do mainly halter showing currently, I need to find an instructor again and start getting lessons so when Zophia weans her foal I can start riding her again. Most likely going to do cattle & rodeo work with her.
  • jingoace
    jingoace Posts: 219 Member
    CLEANING HORSE STALLS - I added to the MFP exercise log, so others can use it too. I put it in as about the same as raking leaves in terms of calories burned. Since I clean 5 stalls a day, I usually put in at least 30 minutes of raking morning and night, so I count that as exercise. Just thought some of you horsey peeps might wanna know.... :) J
  • Older thread, I know - I apologize! But I lost all my horse friends when I deactivated my old account, so I'm starting over.

    I'm a horsey person, I do endurance. Would love new horse friends!
  • ChocFiend
    ChocFiend Posts: 219 Member
    hi fellow horsey person here, feel free to add me.

    ive also added 'Stable Duties' on hte exercise list if anyone wants to track it in their exercise x
  • janecalder
    janecalder Posts: 50 Member
    Hi I am a horsey person too there seems to be a few of us on here I rode as a child and gave it up for many years (work, boys, etc) Then I gave up smoking and needed to keep busy at the weekends so took my girls to the local stables. After 2 months of not smoking I realised I could keep a horse on livery for the same amount as I would have spent on *kitten*!!! So I bought my Benson he was a 19 year old Piebald and just hacked out would not do circles in the school but I do not like to ride indoors so we suited each other fine. I then went on to buy ponies for my daughters as they got hooked in it too but sadly my Benson had a bad stroke last January and had to be put to sleep. The owners of the stables brought another piebald cob in for me but I could not fall in love again it was to soon and Benson was my soul mate of the horse world (I could tell him anything!!!) I now look after my daughters two ponies as they now compete at BSJA level and I enjoy it but I still miss hacking out around the loch (lake) at a steady pace. It is now 4 years since I gave up smoking so it is now time to lose the weight!!!!
  • nightshade21
    nightshade21 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi, I love riding my horses :). I ride western mostly now but have ridden both english and western throughout my equine "career." I mostly trail ride now being that I'm in nursing school and don't have a ton of time. My newest horse (he's going on 4years old) I think would be a great little eventer and I've always wanted to learn to do it, so when I'm done with school I'm thinking about trying that. I did barrel race before that though. I would love to have more horsey friends on here, feel free to add me!
  • galvestongal
    galvestongal Posts: 186 Member
    Multi-discipline rider here! I do western, trail, hunter-jumper and dressage. Any horse lovers/riders feel free to friend me! :)
  • Terasome
    Terasome Posts: 3,808 Member
    Hi I ride every weekend but unfortunately no longer have my own horse. Will be getting a new one hopefully sometime this year.

    I mainly ride using an english saddle but recently when going on trails I have been using a stock saddle (grrrrr hate those things)

    Would love to find some other horsey people.

    I'll try to upload pics of my old horse, He was a Palomino
  • sigsiddy
    sigsiddy Posts: 21 Member
    Hi fellow horse lovers! I have 6 horses... well one is a pony. I am obsessed with mine.. a blue eyed paint "Beau". We also have a 26 yr. old blind appaloosa gelding and the pony is his seeing eye pony. We have 2 year old foundation stock quarter horse and a Thoroughbred mare. And an appaloosa mare. We lost our old arabian a year ago and I still miss him. All of our children learned to ride on him. We ride and show western. Our little pony is gaited and pulls a cart like he's the man lol!
    Also, we have a belted gallaway cow named "Shamoo" whom we ride also. He thinks he is a horse LOL
  • azwen
    azwen Posts: 237 Member
    My teenage son and I take lessons once a week; we started in June, and we love it! We are Western riders. I love every minute I spend with the horses! I love my teacher, who is making sure we can saddle them up, groom them, control them on the ground, as well as riding. If I can ever get my heels to stay down all the time, I'll be looking to start loping. :-) I'm still trying to really get the hang of posting, but in the meantime, "my" horse has a very smooth trot, which is not. I would ride every day if I could!
  • AQHAShowgirl
    AQHAShowgirl Posts: 82 Member
    I ride!! Proud owner of 3 beautiful Paint mares: Gracie (6), Khloe (4) and Maggie (2). Ride English and Western and show at Open and Breed shows. From Alberta, Canada
  • Admiral_Derp
    Admiral_Derp Posts: 866 Member
    I would be a fan of horseback riding (my oldest brother has six), but I climbed on a horse once and he turned around, looked me in the eyes and said, "For the love of all that is decent and holy, please get off my back you fat sack of crap." In all seriousness though, I promised my wife I'd take her riding though after I lost enough weight to not feel bad about it. Horses are awesome.
  • pettycoatjunction
    pettycoatjunction Posts: 849 Member
    This looks to be an old thread, but I am wondering if there are any other folks who are horse people, out there in MFP land? I grew up showing and training, mostly western. Bareback was my favorite way to go for the first 15 to 20 years of my life, simply because it was less time consuming than tossing on a saddle! And talk about a great core and leg workout!!! My niece is currently the primary rider of my horse, competing on him in 4-H and getting back into the championship classes in Western, English & showmanship. She also buckles on him in her gaming shows. I "borrow" him back for trail rides and some arena time. There are some fantastic trail riding opportunities in my great state of Oregon, along with penning, gaming, barrels and eventing. Who else are horse people?
  • Mouse_Potato
    Mouse_Potato Posts: 1,505 Member
    I am currently owned and trained by an eight year old Thoroughbred mare. :smile:
  • pettycoatjunction
    pettycoatjunction Posts: 849 Member
    Gotta love these critter's that own us! :love:
  • piggydog
    piggydog Posts: 322

    I ride!

    Only western.... Tried the English thing an it wasn't for me...

    I run barrels and do alittle ranch work... I like sorting and team penning...
  • pettycoatjunction
    pettycoatjunction Posts: 849 Member
    Great picture and my kind of lifestyle! I have never been much of an English rider, either!
  • larsensue
    larsensue Posts: 461 Member
  • GonnaBFit2510
    GonnaBFit2510 Posts: 87 Member
    I ride but not as much as all you guys, I'm a uk girl so English saddle all the way ;0) I rode western when I went to Vegas about 5 years and my goodness it's so different. I ride every week and started jumping a few months ago which I am loving! I would really like to have my own at some point but with two kids under 4 I just wouldn't have the time that is needed to look after one. If anyone want to FR then feel free just put a message with it and ill accept. :0)
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