New Comer...

It's a new day and a new beginning...Hello Everyone, my name is Diane a mother of 4 and i been strugglin with my weight all my life. The most weight I've lost wasin 2005 I lost 80lbs but since then put the weight back on. I am determin to be more fit and healthier. 2012 here i come


  • bigpukekochick
    Hi there I only started 1 week ago but enjoying this site. I am a stay home mum of 3 I also have struggled with my weight for years. I am happy to support you in your journey :)
    Add me as a friend if you like :)
  • cjwilder
    I am brand new here and trying to find out how to put that progress link onto my profile page. Any help would be appreciated.
  • cjwilder
    Hi! I am new too. Can you tell me where you pasted the link to get the progress picture on your page?
  • danyeld619
    danyeld619 Posts: 39 Member
    Hi Diane! I started back with mfp last week, and I am ready for the changes also. I lost almost fifty pounds before starting school last fall, and I gained about 25 of it back. Good luck on your journey! You can do this!
  • holly1007
    holly1007 Posts: 102 Member
    Welcome :)
  • KareninCanada
    KareninCanada Posts: 834 Member
    Hi Diane :) Welcome to MFP!
  • cjwilder
    Anyone? I would like to put the cute little slider chart on my page, but I don't understand where to paste the link.
  • cjwilder
    I got it now. Thanks.
    I am new today and so excited to start a routine that will be healthy and long term.
    Not a diet, but a new way of living my life on a daily basis.
    I have been on every single plan that came down the road, as many of you have, but I want to change for good.
    Here's to a new you and a new me!
  • sxynanaplay
    sxynanaplay Posts: 83 Member
    :smile: Welcome new comer! We are all here to help we all have our struggles but the key thing is motivation, will power and consistancy! That is great to hear that you have lost alot of weight before, that means it can be done again! I know being a mom is busy but you can incorporate excerise with your children! :D we are here to help!
  • Candistixs
    Thank you for your warm comment...
  • darylinny
    darylinny Posts: 146
    Welcome, I recently started as well. So far this has been a great experience. In addition to the site, I've purchased some measuring cups and a food scale just to get a good understanding of portion sizes, it's help me and the "Get Healthy Team" that I have a work. Good luck to you!