Skinny Chicks Don't Eat Salads



  • espinozAgal
    espinozAgal Posts: 160 Member
    I just got that book on my Kindle. Like most diet books, It has a lot of great tips, and some not so great or useful. But I would recommend it!
  • espinozAgal
    espinozAgal Posts: 160 Member
    and also... the book called The Spark is great. They have a website like MFP, so I don't know if I'm allowed to post about it. I don't go on the website because i LOVE mfp, but the books is really great. It helps with not only diet change, but how that can jump start change through all parts of your life!!
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    Interesting book. I'm a carb lover too! I will be interested reading it. I agree with you on this is not about looking for any specific diet. My nutritionist / gym trainer told me to read different diet out there to --> get some idea what's they are all about, there is always something to learn.
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    I haven't read it but all the "skinny chicks" I know eat a crapload of rubbish and are just blessed with a freakish metabolism.

    The not-fat chicks I know practice portion control, mostly, and exercise regularly.
  • cydonian
    cydonian Posts: 361 Member
    Can you eat at your desk? For example:

    Meal 1: breakfast, as you've been doing it so far
    Meal 2: lunch, as you've been doing it so far, but perhaps a little bit earlier (like around 11 am)
    Meal 3: mid-afternoon Pure Protein or Think Thin protein bar around 3 pm
    Meal 4: dinner, as you've been doing it so far
    Meal 5: evening snack of Greek yogurt and fruit, protein shake, etc. at least 1 hour before bed

    I could, I just know that if I have that mid afternoon snack, I'm not hungry at dinner. Then I get hungry at 9PM or something stupid... haha. My body is really strange. It's hard for me to eat when I'm not hungry and I just tend to get hungry at the usual times: around 9AM, around 12-12:30 and around 6.
  • cydonian
    cydonian Posts: 361 Member
    I could, I just know that if I have that mid afternoon snack, I'm not hungry at dinner. Then I get hungry at 9PM or something stupid... haha. My body is really strange. It's hard for me to eat when I'm not hungry and I just tend to get hungry at the usual times: around 9AM, around 12-12:30 and around 6.

    I mean, under your thing, I would be consuming around 1,600 calories per day. I would think that would be too much for me to still lose weight? My base recommended is around 1,500. I do 1,200 and eat back any exercise calories I burn.
  • maillemaker
    maillemaker Posts: 1,253 Member
    I don't know about this diet per se, but there are many "diets" or nutrition experts out there who counsel eating 5-6 meals per day and not adhering to a strict low carb diet.

    This makes sense to me. What this probably does is evens out blood sugar levels by having a relatively continuous flow of food.
  • pixiechick8321
    pixiechick8321 Posts: 284 Member
    I just finished reading/skimming the book. I liked the premise of it, since she talks about changing the lifestyle, not following a "diet".

    I don't know that I can eat the way she suggests with every 4 hours...I get hungry faster than that and I like looking forward to a big lunch, rather than 4 meals of the same size (btw, you don't have to eat 400 calories for each, if you only eat 1500 a day, then do that math, or's flexible).

    As for the title - I liked it once I read the book - basically, instead of eating salad to be "good" during the day, then sneaking treats at night, she says "skinny chicks" (or people comfortable with eating healthy) eat regular food consistently and thus don't need to "binge" on sweets later.

    She does also include some yummy recipes and meal ideas in the book - I made a "stuffed" french toast today for breakfast, just adapted it for my eating habits.

    So I think it is worth checking out, just realize that you should aim for a healthy lifestyle, not for following a plan that may or may not be good for your personal habits.
  • asalikin
    asalikin Posts: 19 Member
    I bought this book, and was a bit skeptical, but it made sense to me, so I thought, well, it can't hurt to try for awhile!
    I half did the kick start, on a couple meals I cheated, and ate some refined whole grains, but in the first 7 days, eating this way, 3-400 calories, with the protein/carb/fat ratio she recommends, every 4 hours, and now, it's been 11 days, and I've lost 5lbs! I'm never hungry, so far so good! I have to say, this is the first meal plan/lifestyle change that I don't feel deprived at all. I completely agree, its all about stabilizing your blood sugar.

    I'll try keep up with my progress, (here) if anyone is interested in hearing how it goes!
  • cowgirlslikeus86
    cowgirlslikeus86 Posts: 597 Member
    Like alot of others, I have not read the book, One thing though, it seems similar to the atkins diet only you eat alot of protein and fat. no carbs. No matter what diet you do, if you cut out one food catagory, you tend to loose weight. I've done protein and fat together as well as, protein and carbs. It all seems to work, it just might not be the best nutritionally.
  • SaishaLea
    SaishaLea Posts: 333 Member
    Love this book! The diet has been working for me!
  • lunamare
    lunamare Posts: 569 Member
    I picked this book up last month and I've started reading "Skinny Chicks Eat Real Food". I like the way that she writes and the whole premise of the book makes perfect sense to me. I'm hypoglycemic, so anything that helps with balancing my blood sugar is a blessing to me. The fact that it's not "eat 1/2 cup of cottage cheese for breakfast and 1/2 cup of tuna salad for lunch or you won't loose weight" to me is great. I can't follow very strict diets of things that I dislike. If you can get your mind past the title, she has a lot of good information to share. It's sad that so many people see the title and jump all over it.