10-Day Juice Fast

Hello All,

My name is Ashleigh and I will be starting a ten-day juice fast tomorrow, January 24. I am looking for someone to take the challenge with me. I already have a juicer and have been juicing my breakfasts for the past couple weeks. I recently gained 25 lbs, after losing about 50 lbs over the past three years, and I refuse to gain the weight back. I need to cleanse and reset my body. My cravings are out of hand.

So I'm looking for someone who is generally experienced in juicing and cleansing and wants to join me. I will also be doing Bikram Yoga and walking every day during the fast. I would actually like to do a 30-day juice fast, but I plan on doing ten days to start off with, and possibly extend the fasting if I am feeling good and like the results. I would like a support group of one or more people who want to do it with me.

A good movie to watch for motivation is Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead...

Any takers?


  • lina1131
    lina1131 Posts: 2,246 Member
    I was reading about that documentary this weekend. I wish I could do it but there is just no way in hell I can just survive on juice. I like to chew food. I have been drinking a green smoothie in the morning the past couple of days in effort to give my body the fruits and veggies it needs.

    Good luck!
  • cls09
    cls09 Posts: 38
    Well I am not in any way experience in juicing but I would love to try it!
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    Fasts, like any diet, take of a big pile of water weight in the first week. Apart from that, all they do is possbily mess up yur metabolism and make you cranky.
  • More power to you! You can do it. Specially with a juice maker! Good luck! In my Christian belief, our church is frequently doing liquids only fasts. I've been on a 7 day water only fast & did really well. My sister & I started a liquids only fast today but its for 3 days only. But I can push you & motivate you! Lets do this!
  • yesthistime
    yesthistime Posts: 2,051 Member
    Best of luck, and keep us posted on your experience :)
  • If I put biscuits and gravy through my juicer, does that count? What if I mix an apple in with it?
  • I was reading about that documentary this weekend. I wish I could do it but there is just no way in hell I can just survive on juice. I like to chew food. I have been drinking a green smoothie in the morning the past couple of days in effort to give my body the fruits and veggies it needs.

    Good luck!

    We got a Vitamix for Christmas and we're hooked on the morning green smoothie! I used to always need coffee first thing, but the shot of veggies every morning is doing wonders.
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    I've tried it a few times, and have gone through two juicers. Both times, I simply could not keep up with the amount of produce needed to juice, and the juicer couldn't handle that volume either. I really like the idea of doing it, but it was just not something that worked out for me.
  • Ladyhawk71
    Ladyhawk71 Posts: 18 Member
    More power to you, hope it works!! Never tried anything like that before. Was it dr. recommended??
  • I did 4 days on juicing. the 4th day is the hardest, then it gets easier. It is really good for you, but I had a hard time drinking as much as I actually needed. Now I try to have a raw diet and drink a green juice each morning!
  • dobenjam
    dobenjam Posts: 232 Member
    I did a 10 day juice fast but ended up stopping because I almost passed out during a flag football match. I now juice for my breakfast every morning. I think it is a great thing but you may want to be careful with the hot yoga during the juice fast.

    Best of luck!
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    This is extremely dangerous and you may have an eating disorder. Please do not encourage others to "challenge" you by juicing.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    This is extremely dangerous and you may have an eating disorder. Please do not encourage others to "challenge" you by juicing.

    Might I add nearly ALL the weight you lose will be water weight, not fat. You are also putting your body into starvation mode by not consuming adequate calories or nutrition. Your body cleanses itself and this is completely unnecessary. Eat correctly, at a deficit, and you will lose weight. period.
  • clocklady
    clocklady Posts: 111 Member
    Juice fasting is very safe, make sure you drink plenty or juice. I did a 30 day juice fast to clear horrible acne brought on by prednisone. It worked.
    Drink juice when your hungry and listen to your body. If you need rest, then rest, but most likely you will have plenty of energy.
    Both of my parents are on day 15 of a juice fast to kick start a healthier way of eating. They both feel fine, have plenty of energy, and generally feel better.
    In my experience anyone who dismisses a juice fast as dangerous or unwise has done no real research into it.
    Just be prepared to take it slow when you start eating again. Only raw fruits day one, add raw veggies day two, and one new food item a day after that until you are eating normal again. Hopefully a healthier normal. :)
  • goneundone
    goneundone Posts: 38 Member
    Juice fasting is very safe, make sure you drink plenty or juice. I did a 30 day juice fast to clear horrible acne brought on by prednisone. It worked.
    Drink juice when your hungry and listen to your body. If you need rest, then rest, but most likely you will have plenty of energy.
    Both of my parents are on day 15 of a juice fast to kick start a healthier way of eating. They both feel fine, have plenty of energy, and generally feel better.
    In my experience anyone who dismisses a juice fast as dangerous or unwise has done no real research into it.
    Just be prepared to take it slow when you start eating again. Only raw fruits day one, add raw veggies day two, and one new food item a day after that until you are eating normal again. Hopefully a healthier normal. :)

    Clocklady, I agree with you that juice fasting is very safe if you listen to your body. I have done the research myself and have learned that it enables your body to do what it's built for.. cleanse and heal itself! Thanks for your support!

    It's important to get adequate calories, listen to your body and not over-exert yourself. Mostly juicing and cleansing is used for healing.. and I understand that most of the weight you lose is water weight.. at least in the first week or so. I am juicing to:
    1) help me go back to my old healthier diet.. it's practically a paleo diet. No sugars, grains, chemicals, etc, which i will gradual transition from juicing to fruits and vegetables to healthy meats and nuts.
    2) My health! I am healing from a bad acne breakout from last year and from a bad flare with ulcerative colitis (which juicing heals!!). The juicing will help remove toxins, take away cravings, give me energy, and I will experience increased healing.
    3) Weight loss is a great benefit. The juicing kick start, the fruit and vegetable diet, and the transition back to a strict paleo diet will definitely bring about 20-lbs of fat loss.

    Juicing and fasting promotes healing, cleansing, spirituality and well-being. I wanted someone experienced to do it with me, because it can be dangerous if you don't know how to listen to your body, and you are using it to restrict calories. I will still be getting at least 1600 calories a day, and if I feel like I can't do the hot yoga I will at least walk.

    I am not challenging anyone to have an "eating disorder," I'm challenging someone to embrace healing and cleansing with me. I know the first 4 days are very hard because I am detoxing. I'm lucky to have a juicer at home and work so I won't starve to death.

    Thanks for all the supporters and I challenge anyone who thinks it's dangerous to do some serious research on juicing and fasting and the historical use of it and the health benefits.

  • I did a juice fast during the summer after watching the "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead" documentary. You can expect to lose 1-2 pounds the first day, but then 0.5 pounds a day after that. You need to constantly drink water to keep your stomach full. I definitely wouldn't say it's a long-term weight loss solution but it IS a good test in willpower. The longest I fasted for was two days....also remember that the first day will make you dizzy and give you a nasty headache. (I find that a low calorie diet and exercise is a much better alternative. Plus, you are building healthy habits that you can use for the rest of your life)
  • goneundone
    goneundone Posts: 38 Member
    I also want to add that I'm going to do a 5-day preparation period before the juicing.. and a 5-day transition period after the juicing.

    Both the transition and preparation period will involve eating nothing but fruits and vegetables.. no salt, caffeine, alcohol or processed foods. The Transition period will be the same but I will start adding healthy fish and meats to my meals during the last couple days of the transition period. Then my maintenance diet will be fresh juices for breakfast.. and lots of salads and vegetables, fish and meats lunch and dinner.

    I will keep you all posted!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,909 Member
    There really is no reason to juice fast. If the concept is to "clear your body of toxins" that's what your kidneys and liver are for. If it's for weight loss, then you'll lose water weight, but it can/will return once you start eating normal. And for many that do this, they don't take in the essentials they need to have an effective metabolism.
    If weight is the issue, then address the real problem.................you're eating too much.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • clocklady
    clocklady Posts: 111 Member
    Sounds like you have a good plan and you're well prepared. I'm sure you'll do fine. Seems like everyone is ignoring that you aren't fasting just for weight loss but to heal which is the best reason to do it. Good luck and definitely keep us posted!
  • mallory3411
    mallory3411 Posts: 839 Member
    You see, our bodies are wonderful machines... if you eat healthy, exercise and drink water your body cleanses itself. Any weight lost will be water weight most likely which you'll gain back once you start eating again.

    Personally I think it's a terrible thing to do to yourself and your body. You can't get all your nutrients in on a juice diet. Just change what you're eating and you're good to go.