Need advice!

Hi y'all!

I'm not necessarily trying to lose weight, (trying to shed 1-2 pounds) but besides thay, I'm actually trying to maintain my weight and get toner... I just don't know what excerises to do or what to eat. I only eat one meal a day, and i try to snack but they're usually unhealthy snacks. Any ideas for healthy snacks? Thanks!

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  • ragekage21
    ragekage21 Posts: 106 Member
    For toning: low weight, high-rep sessions with free weights. (Small weights, lots of reps)

    Healthy snacks: carrots/celery with hummus or Laughing Cow cheese, trail mix, fruit cups (in juice), string cheese, almonds...

    You should definitely eat more than one meal a day if you're looking to add some muscle! Without enough protein, your body eats its own muscle.
  • tiffett
    tiffett Posts: 15 Member
    Personally I've been doing the a lot of Jillian Michael's workout videos... I know it's cheesy but I'm too weenie to go to the gym at this point. I can definitely tell that my legs and arms are getting toned even under the weight I am trying to lose. Definitely recommend her 30 Day Shred workout.

    As for healthy snacks I have lots of rice cakes, 100 cal snack packs, light yogurt, bananas and oranges. The bananas are really great, they fill me up really well and curb my appetite.
  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    Even though you're not looking to lose much, I would focus on learning how to eat properly (aka not one meal a day), maintaining your current weight, and building muscle. You should be able to set your calories to maintenance mode here.

    Have you looked into something like p90x? It's pretty hardcore but definitely results oriented.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    For toning: low weight, high-rep sessions with free weights. (Small weights, lots of reps)

    Healthy snacks: carrots/celery with hummus or Laughing Cow cheese, trail mix, fruit cups (in juice), string cheese, almonds...

    You should definitely eat more than one meal a day if you're looking to add some muscle! Without enough protein, your body eats its own muscle.

    No, the low weight high rep is a common misconception. the heavier you lift the better your results, and don't worry you will not bulk up. Women don't have enough testosterone, without drugs, to bulk up.

    Aim for 0.7 grams of protein per pound of your weight, or 1gram per pound of lean body weight (LBM), but you need to know your body fat% to get this. Protein helps build and repair muscles.

    I suggest you pick up the book "New Rules of Lifting for Women". a lot of good advice as well as routines.
  • katielou1986
    *pineapple,strawberrys,cherrys,blueberrys,kiwi,half banana, greek yogurt,almonds or mixed nuts drizzle of honey YUM!!
    *poppadoms homemade tomato salsa., or natural yogurt n fresh mint dip(home made)
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    Hi y'all!

    I'm not necessarily trying to lose weight, (trying to shed 1-2 pounds) but besides thay, I'm actually trying to maintain my weight and get toner... I just don't know what excerises to do or what to eat. I only eat one meal a day, and i try to snack but they're usually unhealthy snacks. Any ideas for healthy snacks? Thanks!

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    i would suggest lifting weights, heavy as you can ..10-12 reps. i found my routine at (i do the 12 week burn the fat program)..
    you dont HAVE to eat more than once a day, if thats what works for you, but just make sure you are hitting your calories and getting enough protein, and other macros. for healthy snacks, you could do veggies with hummus, cheese or peanut butter on whol grain toast, almonds or other nuts
  • celina1120
    celina1120 Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you :)
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    Eating only one meal a day is probably one of the worst things you can do...especially if you are going to be working out more to get toned up. To build muscle you need to ensure that you are getting the proper nutrients and protein.

    To get toned up I would try the following site. These exercises can be done in the comfort of your own home and use your own body weight to tone up.
  • Tianzi
    Tianzi Posts: 74 Member
    Do you run? That's a good one, or try one of the programs like pP90X?
  • celina1120
    celina1120 Posts: 8 Member
    I limit my running, I have pectus excavatum so it limits my lung capactity. I've tried p90x but I don't like home work outs, they're not for me.
  • Tianzi
    Tianzi Posts: 74 Member
    You may want to join a gym then :) Oh, and maybe try clean eating.....I heard it was good :) Good luck!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    You should be eating around your maintenance calories as wel as ericb recommendations on protein. So if maintenanceis 1700 calories then good luck with one meal a day. You may want to rethink the strategy.
  • Rosemarose
    Rosemarose Posts: 69 Member
    I'm sorry, I really don't mean to be rude, but you need to eat more than one meal a day. All that exercise is not going to help if you're not fueling your body the right way. I promise, I've been there before. The workouts are going to drain you, you're going to be pissy, and look really unhealthy if you don't eat right. If you're having one big meal a day, split it up into 3-4 smaller meals and add the workouts everyone's suggesting. You'll get great results.
  • celina1120
    celina1120 Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks y'all! And yes i'm aware that consuming one meal a day is unhealthy, I'm working on it! Thank yoou again!