easter is over

well now that my days is done i can officially say i blew it. :explode: tomorrow is a new day and i will treat it that way. :smile: hope you all had a great easter:flowerforyou:


  • bricker06
    bricker06 Posts: 316
    well now that my days is done i can officially say i blew it. :explode: tomorrow is a new day and i will treat it that way. :smile: hope you all had a great easter:flowerforyou:
  • mscottgr8
    mscottgr8 Posts: 11
    As Scarlett O'Hara said "After all tomorrow is another day"!!

    I would give my first born for a Reese's peanut butter egg!!


    Death to Matchbox, Long live Matchbox
  • wooch44085
    wooch44085 Posts: 115 Member
    Thank goodness it is over!!! We went away for the weekend and ate at several family functions and of course I overdid it!! I have worked so hard to get to where I am and now I have BLOWN IT!!! I got on the scale and it said that I have gained 5 lbs back. IN 3 DAYS?????:explode: I could just kick myself!!!

    But now I am back home and back on the wagon and back here at MFP where I belong. I could not have made my initial journey without this website! I don't look forward to RELOSING the weight but I do look forward to reading everyone's post and all the support that I get here.

    Good luck to everyone and remember that even the next minute can be the beginning. I am not waiting until tomorrow - I am starting over right now!!! No more candy or desserts!!! Back to counting my calories and loving the way I feel in my healthy body!!! :heart:
  • lorelai63
    lorelai63 Posts: 417 Member
    And i am glad its over too. I cooked for 22 people and we had a grand time. I have been logging my calories for a very long time tonight. So far I am over by at least 500 calories. Easter is over but I am sure I am not done eating yet. I will have another treat tonight and get serious again tomorrow. It was worth every bite. I have to say that the fat free sugar free desserts that I made were all gone before everyone left. No one even questioned whether they were the real thing or not. The lowest in fat and calories dessert was by far the favorite. Orange/sherbert jello mold. Even the guys loved it. Happy Easter now back on track!
  • LightenUp_Caro
    LightenUp_Caro Posts: 572 Member
    i blew it as well....

    i need more motivation!!!
  • GTOgirl1969
    GTOgirl1969 Posts: 2,527 Member
    I blew it royally...but it was my first "cheat day" in a month and a half:)
  • ali106
    ali106 Posts: 3,754 Member
    No comment! lol....hey one day does not break us right! even three days!!! I'm w/ Scarlett O'hara... for tomorrow...but today I was more like clark gable....frankly my dear calories, I dont' give a dam!..lol...
    hugs and hope your days were fun blessed!!!

    Ali .
  • kingon8
    kingon8 Posts: 200 Member
    I feel better that I was definitely not the onl yone that ate more than what they should. I didnt have seconds of dinner, but the sweets were enough i am sure, but remember a person would have to eat an additional 3500 calories over their limit to put on 1 lb. so once in a while is okay. :wink:
  • elliott062907
    elliott062907 Posts: 1,508 Member
    well I went over by 300, but everything I made this year was from Linda's Low carb, Blain's Low carb or I bought no sugar added.....

    The three things that got me was 1/4 cup Annie's Organic Mac N Cheese
    and 1 cup creamed corn from Paula Deen's recipes....
    and the no meat added stuffing mix about 1 cup, but I used celery, onion and garlic in it with low sodium broth..

    Other then that, I had no breakfast or Lunch.

    I was starving, so I nibbled here and there the whole time in stead of filling my plate up.

    This is the first time in my whole life I ate healthy on a holiday

    Woo Hoo, I can do this!!!!
  • dijo
    dijo Posts: 21
    Ohhhhh bless you all for admitting you blew it... I was nearly in tears when I came home and listed the foods I ate today. Went over by nearly 600 calories and that was having only 1 serving of sugar free-fat free cheesecake dessert. Passed up all the GOOOOOOOD stuff! backed to normal tomorrow,,,,right?? RIGHT??????????
  • mommyskis
    mommyskis Posts: 277 Member
    This was my first cheat day in 3 months, so I don't care! I did not even log any food today. My mother in law is a fabulous cook who loves to use butter, cream cheese and everything evil. She also makes several desserts. I am sure I doubled the calories I should have eaten, at least. But I have to say I still ate about half of what I used to. I do not regret it. This is a lifestyle change for me, and I do not think it is realistic for me to never indulge once in a while. The difference is that tomorrow I am back on track! And frankly my dear calories, I don't give a damn either (great quote!):laugh:
  • julie737
    julie737 Posts: 406 Member
    My kids have some Reese's Peanut Butter Eggs that are calling my name right now but I'm ignoring them really well. For the time being...
  • sopper6175
    Didn't Scarlett also say, "As God as my witness...I'll never be hungry again!" ...?!

    I'm kinda feelin' that one...
  • pdxmomof2
    pdxmomof2 Posts: 643
    :sick: It is just so hard during the holidays! I am angry at myself for not having the self control to make the right choices:angry: But I am glad to know I am not the only one out there!

    Tomorrow is a new day and the start of a new week!

    Good luck everyone! :bigsmile:
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    You will all be fine!! This is the first holiday I kept myself under control lately! Since I started losing in September, the only maintains I had were Thanksgiving and Christmas weeks (I have lost mostly every other week)....but, that is a success as far as I'm concerned!

    Yesterday was just my husband, son and I, so I was able to keep under control. My dinner came to around 600 calories....and I had gone to the gym and burned around 700 calories after church!! I can't believe I was so focused but I think because I hit 199 last week, it just added that much more motivation to keep going strong!

    But, just keep going. I always say that life get's in the way of our journey sometimes. Just don't let it sidetrack you for long. Get back on track, focus and you will all be great!

  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    Oh, Tamim, I cannot wait to see 199 :ohwell:
    I am happy to say that i did NOT splurge yesterday. But hol dyour applause until I weigh in at the end of the week, I havn't lost anything yet!
  • Rachael2179
    Rachael2179 Posts: 148 Member
    Okay You all were alot more honest then me. I blew it yesterday too, but I failed to log my calories yesterday in fear that my computer might start smoking maybe! :happy: However to be honest I don't miss eating all that stuff as much as I thought I would. I feel much better eating healthier and counting calories. I went to the gym at 6:00 this morning and I feel much better today. Yesterday is just a reminder at how the junk makes you feel and it encourages me to continue doing what I am doing. Hope you all had a great easter! :flowerforyou:
  • jesusgrl14
    jesusgrl14 Posts: 250
    I wish I could say that I had a successful weekend, but not only was it Easter, it is also my birthday! Argh, double dipping on the holidays is killer! My weekend started off with a surprise party with friends at a Dave and Buster's style place in Austin and then on to Houston for a food-filled weekend with family! Needless to say, I got back on the scale this morning to several more pounds than last time! My actual birthday is Wednesday so I still have some birthday stuff to overcome this week but I am going to do my best to stay on track around all the parties! Good luck to all of you for your climb back on the wagon this week! :heart:
  • elatoria
    elatoria Posts: 30
    I'm so glad I"m not the only one who blew it. I went over by 300 calories! bah! Back on the wagon again today. Didn't work out at all this weekend, and had a REALLY hard time doing my cardio this morning.
    Darn it....
  • Mtscruffy
    Mtscruffy Posts: 28
    I blew it but knew I was going to go off the diet on Easter. We went to Brunch and there was no way I was skimping. I'm starting anew today and am fine with yesterday.