Healthy Choice/Lean Cuisine/Weight Watchers Smart Ones



  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    I used to, but they are so processed and the food is horrible, I usually just make some extra leftovers or make my own food, I cant even eat them anymore.
  • Jenner22
    Jenner22 Posts: 94 Member
    I eat them a lot for lunch. I really suck at cooking.. so this way I know I at least get one good meal in before my husband cooks dinner lol!
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    honestly in my opinion , they are good in a pinch if you dont have anything else, but they are so loaded in sodium. The fat is gone, but instead pumped up with sodium. My body holds onto sodium like you wouldnt believe and then I get discouraged when I get on the scale due to the water weight. What I do is, make a huge pot of veggie soup, or your favorite low fat meal, measure it out in tupperware containers and freeze, just as easy to pop in microwave.

    I'm not much of a cook. -__-

    I never have been. I get distracted from it very easily or get frustrated because it doesn't come out the way it should. I guess I need to research a bit more on what I can eat and what I can't eat.

    They are just enough to fill me where its comfortable. And like I mentioned before, I have a problem with adding things in I shouldnt. Extra bits I mean.

    If I can cook, you can cook.
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    I eat them a lot for lunch. I really suck at cooking.. so this way I know I at least get one good meal in before my husband cooks dinner lol!

    except it's not a good meal. it's loaded with sodium and it's all highly processed.
  • twinmom430
    twinmom430 Posts: 457 Member
    My freezer is loaded with them. I know they aren't the best thing to eat, but compaired to things I was eating, this is much better. I am a mother of twin 2 1/2 year olds and it's hard enough preparing a heathly breakfast and dinner. I just don't have the time (or maybe I'm just too lazy) to prepare a 3rd meal. lol. I just added the sodium column to my diary and I think as long as you are within your sodium goal it's ok. But then again I'm not a diet guru, so I could be way off. lol.
  • Jenner22
    Jenner22 Posts: 94 Member
    I eat them a lot for lunch. I really suck at cooking.. so this way I know I at least get one good meal in before my husband cooks dinner lol!

    except it's not a good meal. it's loaded with sodium and it's all highly processed.

    Very true. I try to keep to lower sodium ones but the one that I buy is a heck of a lot better for me then an entire pizza.
  • MaggieMay131
    MaggieMay131 Posts: 211 Member

    I'm not much of a cook. -__-

    I never have been. I get distracted from it very easily or get frustrated because it doesn't come out the way it should. I guess I need to research a bit more on what I can eat and what I can't eat.

    They are just enough to fill me where its comfortable. And like I mentioned before, I have a problem with adding things in I shouldnt. Extra bits I mean.

    Like others have said, they're fine in a pinch, but I wouldn't rely on them. There are so many extra ingredients!

    You don't have to be a chef to prepare healthy meals for yourself! Grab a couple bags of "steam-in-the-bag" vegetables in the fresh produce section. Or just steam veggies yourself and add some seasoning. Chicken breasts & thighs, and fish fillets, are super easy to bake in the oven. And beef batties can be done on the stovetop or the grill! Add quarter to half of an avocado, or 1-2 tbsp of olive oil, and you have a meal! You will learn cooking techniques as you go - and you can become more creative with seasonings :) Good luck!
  • thepanttherlady
    thepanttherlady Posts: 258 Member
    I eat them daily and have done so since starting this journey on October 31, 2011.

    I love cooking dinner for the kids and I but rarely have leftovers for lunch. I tried doing the sandwich thing but it boils down to me loving a hot meal for lunch. I buy whatever is on sale at Walmart or the local grocery store. Eating Right is another good brand if you have that option.

    I just discovered Saturday that Marie Calendars has a steamer option as well. Some of them were higher in calories than a Lean Cuisine (the one I ate yesterday was 460 calories) but they did have some that were around 350 or less. The sodium content was about the same as the other brands. They were the ones on sale so I bought a few and have enjoyed them thus far.

    I don't worry about the sodium content as some people like to point out for these meals. I'm usually under in sodium for the day but if I go over, I go over. :)
  • StrongerJess
    StrongerJess Posts: 185 Member
    I am in college, and premade meals are easiest for me.

    Here is what my dietitian recommended when looking for a good freezer meal:

    *No more than 400 calories
    *Less than 600 mg of sodium
    *Not too high in sugar (no more than 10-15 grams is best)
    *High in fiber (5 grams or higher)
    *No more than 3-5 grams of saturated fat.

    I usually supplement them with some form of veggies. I like stirring in 1 cup of spinach or sugar snap peas to get more nutrition out of the meal. There are a lot of good ones, but I love the healthy choice 100% natural ones. Especially the Asian Potstickers. I also love Lean Cuisine Chicken & Vegetables when I am in a pinch.

    Hope this helps. :flowerforyou:
  • coquette87
    I get the Michelina's Harmony/Lean Gourmet ones. I really like them, I will get Lean Cuisine when they're on sale. I like the Healthy Choice steamers, but they're too expensive. I'm a student, I'm on a limited budget. I can't make a different meal every night (nor do I really want to, I'm busy and tired when I get home) for the same price that I can buy the Michelina's for. I could buy in bulk and make a huge batch of something (and I often will for lunches) but then I'd eat the same thing every night, and that's a little dull for me. I have low blood pressure, so I actually need MORE salt (as per my doctor's instructions). Are they gourmet cooking? Not really, but it's exactly the amount of effort I want to bother with at the end of the day. The rest of my food all day is whole fruits and vegetables, whole grains and reduced fat dairy. I figure one frozen dinner a day is no big deal.
  • omgitsgarry
    I think they are okay. They aren't to expensive on calories and don't take to long. My only beef with them is I'm not much of a veggie eater and they always overload with whatever veggie is in them and I find myself either picking them out or gagging through the meal so I just leave them be in the freezer.
  • Luvlynamazing
    If I am craving noodles or pasta, I will have them due to the portion control. I also always roast or steam fresh veggies to throw in with the meals. I have alos made boneless chicken breast and added to some of pasta dishes.
  • AlmstHvn
    AlmstHvn Posts: 378 Member
    I like them. I have one for lunch 4x a week as opposed to going out - saves me $10 a day and is healthier than most things I pick when I go out. I use all of them to mix it up. There's another brand, "Amy's", that is more "organic", if it's in your area (I get them at WalMart). You can read the labels and choose ones with lower sodium if that's a concern of yours.

    A pal of mine makes big pots of soup on weekends and then divides it up in to portions for the week, and brings in sides like a handful of fresh veggies or fruit. She alternates with the frozen meals you mentioned, too. Whatever works for your schedule and energy!
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    I love Lean Cuisine for occasional meals. I use them more at lunch time. Easy/fast and delicious.
  • swilkie1961
    swilkie1961 Posts: 107 Member
    I do Healthy Choice cafe steamer for lunch most of the days... I pick ones with less than 300 calories and 600mg for sodium. I love them. It is just enough to fill me up for lunch and it is no brainer for me. I try to stay under 1000mg of sodium daily and have been doing well most of the time. I plan on continue eating Healthy Choice for lunch after I reach my goal weight.
  • hbunting86
    hbunting86 Posts: 952 Member
    For me I wouldn't really go near the stuff...

    Firstly they may be lower in fat/calories - but to compensate are pumped full of rubbish and far too much sodium. My general rule of thumb is look at the ingredients - if there are things in there that you can't pronounce, let alone know what they are then leave well alone! I get that people are pushed for time, but I'm a PhD student and so am a) on a budget and b) don't have a lot of time between studying and working. However I do fit in the gym 5 times per week and make all my own meals. Generally on a weekend I might cook up a big pot of chilli and freeze it in portions, so that when I'm busy in the week I can just pull one out of the freezer.

    Lunch wise, I'll usually get the small tins of tuna (sometimes plain, sometimes with chilli etc) and make a salad from tuna, avocado, tomatoes, cucumber, onion and sometimes a bit of feta. I might take a yogurt for a snack in the afternoon. Breakfast tends to be scrambled eggs with a tomato/whatever is lying around in the fridge.

    For a little planning (and experimenting) I think you will find less plateau with your weight, as if you cook everything then you control what's in it. As for adding in extras, opt for healthy extras - extra veg and spices are great to bulk and flavour something up. Don't be daunted by the kitchen... think of it as a chance to play around and discover new things to enjoy. There are great recipes on this forum which are well worth a look at!

    H :)
  • Kittie_Kat
    I get them every once in awhile, or If I'm on a kick,(like now) lol, I'll make sure that whatever I eat for other meals is low in sodium
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I can't eat them (too much sodium) plus they never filled me up. I can make a giant plate of freshly cooked chicken and tasty veggies for the same amount of calories and way more nutritious.

    Once you get the hang of measuring out your food and cooking for yourself, it becomes habit and easy to do.
  • xMedullaOblongatax
    I don't have the budget to get a lot of fresh produce, and I'm usually strapped for time =(

    I used to eat Healthy Choice everyday for lunch because they are quick to prepare and eat in such a short time - the flavors I pick I find delicious (and if you think they're disgusting, then GOOD! MORE FOR ME!!!), and it keeps my calories and fat down. I would pick up about 10 at a time so I can scarf them down at lunch. I still eat them for the same reasons, but I have incorporated a lot more soup into my diet. I eat Progresso soups, which have less calories than the TV dinners, but I feel much fuller because of the water weight. I continue drinking tea throughout the day (no sugar or extras), so I continue feeling full until before I go exercise.

    I know that the tv dinners are not the cream of the crop, but they got me to where I'm going! =P
  • swimmchick87
    swimmchick87 Posts: 458 Member
    I was eating them almost every day for lunch and just got sick of them. I don't think they're that bad for you but I do feel better making the stuff myself. I think for me it's just psychological...I feel like I'm being healthier with fresh ingredients. I'm not one that buys into "clean eating" either- I just don't like to eat these meals every day. I do keep a couple around for when I need something quick and really don't feel like making something.