Needing tips to learn how to eating more slowly



  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member
    I've heard to place a mirror on the wall wherever you eat so you can watch yourself. It not only helps you eat slower but you usually eat less.
  • k121777
    k121777 Posts: 306
    Imagine throwing it up. Would the pieces be embarrassingly large? Probably, so chew longer and more thoroughly.

    Thats FUNNY!
  • kendrafagan
    Wow! That is amazing success with your weightloss. Your advice is really helpful! Thank you.
  • kelfromhell
    kelfromhell Posts: 25 Member
    One thing that helped me. I used to be putting food in my mouth before I swallowed the last bite, or while I was still finishing the last bite......if that is your case, sit somewhere that people dine publically and watch. It is repulsive to see them shoveling in more and more food when they haven't savored, chewed and swallowed the last bite. You don't have to be creepy about it but seriously take in others can't hurt. Also, I like to take a drink between each bite as well makes sure this is not happening to me. Then I might even have to wipe my mouth too before getting to the next bite! Good luck!
  • ctalimenti
    ctalimenti Posts: 865 Member
    One thing that helped me. I used to be putting food in my mouth before I swallowed the last bite, or while I was still finishing the last bite......if that is your case, sit somewhere that people dine publically and watch. It is repulsive to see them shoveling in more and more food when they haven't savored, chewed and swallowed the last bite. You don't have to be creepy about it but seriously take in others can't hurt. Also, I like to take a drink between each bite as well makes sure this is not happening to me. Then I might even have to wipe my mouth too before getting to the next bite! Good luck!


    Another not so flattering habit is sticking out your tongue to greet your food!
  • Cold_Steel
    Cold_Steel Posts: 897 Member
    It still sometimes takes me an hour to eat a chocolate bar. :D

    How the hell do I manage to do that, you ask? I love food with layers. I eat the first layer, say it's the chocolate coating. Only I don't bite it off, I lick it off. lol

    With all food, I eat it slowly or lick it, suck it, nibble it. And each layer I think of the flavor and how good it tastes.

    Another thing some people say is put your fork or spoon down after each bite, and savor the flavor.

    Are you sure your not having sex while you eat..... ? That makes it go slower... licking it sucking it nibbling it.... geezus
  • Cold_Steel
    Cold_Steel Posts: 897 Member
    On a more serious note... Eating at the table helps...

    I really do not focus too much on my speed, I focus more on the breaks in between. I realized I would scarf down a plate of food and then I was eating another before my brain recognized my fullness and before I knew it I was sick. It really is about portions for me. I eat the portion, I get up and do something else then decide if I am hungry or not.
  • Dexy_
    Dexy_ Posts: 593 Member
    Take a sip of water between each bite!!!

    Will take up some time, and make you feel fuller!
  • cookiemomlane
    cookiemomlane Posts: 6 Member
    First thing, drink water before you eat.
    Second, put your fork/spoon down between bites.
    Try to enjoy each bite:happy:
  • rahonda28
    Are you eating enough protien because protien helps you feel fuller longer because it takes so long to break down this may help so you dont feel like your starving and make sure your drinking plenty of water because sometimes we think we are hungry when its really are bodys telling us we are thirsty. Also measure your food out into proper portions that might help with your weight loss because what looks like a tablespoon or cup may not be same with onces I sugest getting a food scale you can pick them up pretty cheep around 10 dollars at most department stores mine was 18 because i wanted digital also use a small saucer instead of a big plate this helped me with porpotions as I always wanted to FILL my plate
  • sharleengc
    sharleengc Posts: 792 Member
    If I find myself eating fast, which I have a tendancy to do...I make myself count each time I chew to see how many times it takes to make the bite completely mush. Then however many that was, I try to make the next bite an additional chew. :) It doesn't add too much but just enough wher I draw it out a little.
  • crdav13
    crdav13 Posts: 53 Member
    I naturally eat SUPER SLOW, I'm always the last one done eating. It's never been on purpose but I guess it has helped me. I always put my silverware down between bites and have to drink water after each bite. I feel like food is stuck in my chest if I don't. Those habits make it so I am always the last one done eating by usually a lot!
  • ChristineS_51
    ChristineS_51 Posts: 872 Member
    Thanks for posting this, and for all the great ideas. I tend to eat really quickly, rush at most things in life! Except when I am in company then I chatter so much I tend to be the last to finish.

    Going to try some of the ideas here - small plate, water before & during, small bites, cutlery down each time, use "wrong" hand to hold fork, really savour the flavour.

    Great ideas (love the suck nibble lick - won't tell you how I used to eat bananas when I was a kid LOL)
  • pinkminy
    pinkminy Posts: 286
    *if you are eating alone try reading while you eat It helped my work colleague slow down and enjoy her lunch, by wanting to finish a paragraph before turning her eyes back to the food. This only works though if your not just putting the food in your mouth mindlessly it has to be in between paragraphs or pages..
    * put your cutlery down , lean back in your seat and fully finish chewing and swallow before you pick up your cutlery again.
    *setting a nice place at the table and even a candle lit make eating a really lovely time, talk to someone and have a few laughs.
    If you enjoy the mealtime your more likely to want it to last a little longer so you can saver every mouth full and the good communication time.