Anyone used a Fitbit Ultra?

Hi, has anyone used one of these?

I was thinking of getting one for my birthday. They have been in the US longer than UK so wondered if anyone has used one and if they are any good.


  • sparkypink
    sparkypink Posts: 8 Member
    YES! I got mine for Christmas and I love it! It has really been motivating for me to get up and move more. I love that it creates all sorts of lovely charts and graphs for you, so you can see very easily how active/not active you are.

    The food database is pretty lacking, but they are working on syncing it with MFP right now so that should be happening in the near future.

    I highly recommend it!
  • irjeffb
    irjeffb Posts: 275 Member
    I've been thinking about getting one as well. The big holdup for me is that it doesn't include a HRM. If it did, I'd be ordering it right now.
  • gluey99
    gluey99 Posts: 7 Member
    Hubby gave me one last week as an early Valentine's Day present. So far I love it and it is really motivating. And syncing it with MFP made if even better as MFP has a better food database.
  • ramseyrose
    ramseyrose Posts: 421 Member
    Thanks everyone. I think I will go for it
  • tig_ol_bitties
    tig_ol_bitties Posts: 561 Member
    I have the regular fitbit (the ultra version is new). I've used it for over a year and I don't go a day without it! You'll love it!
  • Mandypt
    Mandypt Posts: 173 Member
    YES! I got mine for Christmas and I love it! It has really been motivating for me to get up and move more. I love that it creates all sorts of lovely charts and graphs for you, so you can see very easily how active/not active you are.

    The food database is pretty lacking, but they are working on syncing it with MFP right now so that should be happening in the near future.

    I highly recommend it!

    supposably its already synced
  • I just opened mine in the mail. i'm excited to see how it works with the sleeping accuracy. I'm a night shift worker, respiratory therapist, and I work in our sleep center once a week. I've also been using mfp since april 2011 and am excited to get started.
  • sparkypink
    sparkypink Posts: 8 Member
    I don't know how accurate the sleep tracker is. You wear it on your wrist, and it basically senses your movements to determine if you are awake or asleep. It tracks the amount of time it takes to fall asleep, the amount of times you wake and how long to fall back asleep, and total sleep time.

    I had a night that I know I was awake for the first two hours, but it said i was mostly sleeping with short bursts of being awake during that time. I had taken a muscle relaxer that night that wired my brain but put my body to sleep (good times :)) so I know I wasn't moving as much as I normally do.

    So it's not really scientific, But it is interesting at a basic level. I have noticed that it does seem to correlate about 90% of the time with nights I "feel" like I slept horribly.
  • ramseyrose
    ramseyrose Posts: 421 Member
    I don't know how accurate the sleep tracker is. You wear it on your wrist,

    I wonder if works by your pulse being as its on your wrist?
  • mickn
    mickn Posts: 15
    Yes mine is beng returned tomorrow though, its a great little device as long as you never get in a car. If you do it logs all the cars bumps etc as activity which gives you false additional exercise calories on here.. For instance a 20 minute journey to work logged over 1000 steps and told me I had climbed 10 floors..
  • SithZombie
    SithZombie Posts: 165 Member
    It's basically a glorified pedometer. I was looking in to the fitbit series, until I realized that little fact....I thought it would have a HRM, but it doesn't, so I sprung for a Polar FT7 monitor yesterday.
  • SueGeer
    SueGeer Posts: 1,169 Member
    I don't know how accurate the sleep tracker is. You wear it on your wrist,

    I wonder if works by your pulse being as its on your wrist?

    I clip mine on my knickers all the time even when sleeping & it works fine.

    Had it for 2 weeks & am loving it.............especially as it syncs to MFP too. I log my food on MFP & it automatically syncs and I just let Fit bit automatically adjust cals so I don't log exercise per se on MFP. I know you can use the 'stop/start' facility on Fitbit to log exercise but I keep forgetting to do it!

    I have a desk job & it shows how sedentary I really am!!!!!
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    I have one, I love mine but they seem to be like marmite and pretzels, you either love em or hate em.

    Some have said its a fancy pedometer - maybe but for me it definitely encourages me to move more if only to beat yesterdays total steps/flights of stairs.

    The sleep tracker is good but it only highlights how dire my sleep pattern is and theres not a darn thing I can do about it. Wear it on your wrist, it detects your movement so if you toss and turn it will show up and although you may not remember it, it does impact on sleep quality. However if you wake up and dont move around it wont show up as being disturbed (seen a fair few saying they remember wakkng up opening their eyes and looking at the clock but it didnt show up on the fitbit dashboard - it wont its a movement tracker!)

    If you search the boards for "fitbit" you'll get a fair few threads coming up with generally either love or hate reviews. I would recommend reading them to make sure it is the gadget for you.
  • winterwolf227
    winterwolf227 Posts: 10 Member
    I just ordered one today. How does I work in the car. I do a lot of driving and walking. Do I need to turn it off in the car.
  • ramseyrose
    ramseyrose Posts: 421 Member
    Yes mine is beng returned tomorrow though, its a great little device as long as you never get in a car. If you do it logs all the cars bumps etc as activity which gives you false additional exercise calories on here.. For instance a 20 minute journey to work logged over 1000 steps and told me I had climbed 10 floors..

    can you not pause it for when you're in the car? I know I could with my WW pedometer
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    I've seen reviews where it does pick up movement and bumps in the car and tracks it as movement and the solution apparently is to press the button (stopwatch) when you enter your car and again when you exit and then log that period as driving which will cancel out the steps and calories. Fitbit has a very good forum so i'd ask any specific questions on there
  • Cal28
    Cal28 Posts: 514 Member
    I looked at this but decided on a Heart Rate Monitor instead as I wanted to log exercise more than daily movement. (Also I was told HRM's are more accurate, and it can be used whilst swimming) x
  • mickn
    mickn Posts: 15
    Yes mine is beng returned tomorrow though, its a great little device as long as you never get in a car. If you do it logs all the cars bumps etc as activity which gives you false additional exercise calories on here.. For instance a 20 minute journey to work logged over 1000 steps and told me I had climbed 10 floors..

    can you not pause it for when you're in the car? I know I could with my WW pedometer

    It doesnt have a pause.. The only thing you can do is put it in recording mode and then when you have finished driving take it off recording mode... Then at the end of the day log onto the FitBit site and manually take a note of the recorded start and stop times of all your driving.... Then because you cant actually change those to driving activities you have to delete them, then manually add in for the times recorded an activity called driving which will then override the calories burned... But as FitBit technical support have told me it doesnt override everything properly... can you see why it had to go back now.. its not automatic it takes a lot of maintenance to keep the figures even partially accurate and if you forget to log your driving you can forget the calories and activities its logged for the day as they will be wrong..

    I suggested to FitBit Support they add an off function to it for people who drive.. The reply was... We thoguht about that but decided people might forget to switch it back on... LOL Of course no one is ever going to forget going through the rigmarole outlined above are they?
  • mickn
    mickn Posts: 15
    I just ordered one today. How does I work in the car. I do a lot of driving and walking. Do I need to turn it off in the car.

    See my other long post on the subject... You can't turn it off.