Tips and Tricks to get out of bed early in the morning?



  • whiskey9890
    whiskey9890 Posts: 652 Member
    get a dog.

    its amazing how motivating the thought of having to clean up dog mess from the floors if you don't get out of bed on time can be
  • shazzamax11
    I have a sunrise clock which is helping me get out of bed in the mornings. It wakes me up with a burst of light (replicating the sun) and I'm not woken up with a start like an alarm clock. I'm not a morning person and I tend to go to the gym in the evening after work - which is really hard ;o(
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    there is no way you'd find me exercising instead of catching that precious extra 30 mins! If you do want to stick to exercise go at a time that suits you. I exercise as soon as I come home at 3pm. The rest of my family come home at 5pm so there is 2 hours to just get hot and sweaty and it's then done for the night!

    yeah but its summer in australia right now so its really really hot at night. the only cool time is early in the morning.

    dude, seriously?! it's so not even hot at all atm :S
  • carterjerm
    there is no way you'd find me exercising instead of catching that precious extra 30 mins! If you do want to stick to exercise go at a time that suits you. I exercise as soon as I come home at 3pm. The rest of my family come home at 5pm so there is 2 hours to just get hot and sweaty and it's then done for the night!

    Great! Whatever you can find to stick to
  • violetness
    violetness Posts: 131 Member
    Hahahaha! That's awesome! I have to badger myself to get out of bed, but it makes me feel great to get my first workout done before the kids get up so I try to just think of that.
  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    The alarm on the other side of the room tends to work to get me out of bed, but staying out is the hard part. I immediately turn on a light and throw some water on my face to help get me up. It also helps me to think of how amazing I'll feel after, and how bad I'll feel if I skip it. It's tough, but some days I have to get up at 5:00 or earlier if I have a super busy day, just to get in a workout...and I'll do it! After, I love it! I feel so much more awake and have more energy. :) Lastly, my bathroom mirror has motivational quotes all over it.
  • SithZombie
    SithZombie Posts: 165 Member
    Workout with a group! That's the ONLY way I'm getting out of bed at 4:30 in the morning! including myself, there are four of us that go to the gym together.
  • SandyQ229
    SandyQ229 Posts: 153 Member
    I have a alarm app on my phone that makes you solve math problems to snooze/turn off the alarm, does the job nicely =)

    what is the name of that ap?? i bet it would help me greatly!!!
  • athensguy
    athensguy Posts: 550
    I think that setting coffee to brew automatically can help.

    Go to bed a little earlier.

    Practice getting up.
  • WifeMomDVM
    WifeMomDVM Posts: 1,025 Member
    I used to HATE getting up early (I get up at 4:30) BUT that's the ONLY time my work-outs get done. I remember that I want the body of my dreams more than I want sleep - and it motivates me.

    Also, make it a point to go to bed early (8:30 for me) - it's tough to get up when you're tired and likewise - NOT tough when you feel rested.

    My college-aged brother has an alarm for deaf people - it shakes his mattress and flashes really brightly colored lights - he bought it on the internet - you could look into one of those -but I really liked the app that someone else suggested that makes you solve a problem to turn the alarm off - turn your brain on - clever!
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    I started getting up a half hour earlier than I needed to. I HAD to be up by 430AM in order to get ready and make my train, so I started getting up at 4AM for a while. It was pretty brutal, but now getting up at 420 isn't so bad.
  • badfattitude
    badfattitude Posts: 54 Member
    I put the alarm clock in the bathroom. Then I'm already there - so do my business, jump in the shower, grumbling the entire time of course.
  • alltalk199
    Oh come on now, I'm in melbourne, it's still hot and I'm just going to bed, gears already for the gym tomorrow morning, 5.30am, so looking forward to it, push yourself baby!
  • Juliebean_1027
    Juliebean_1027 Posts: 713 Member
    I have a alarm app on my phone that makes you solve math problems to snooze/turn off the alarm, does the job nicely =)

    This absolutely terrifies me! I'd have to turn the phone completely off. Math+me = big time fail

    But this is an awesome idea!
  • christina_theresa
    christina_theresa Posts: 290 Member
    I set a timer on my coffee in the morning so it will start brewing. I feel like if I don't wake up then I am wasting a pot of coffee. LOL
  • aball1705
    I have 3 children the best alarm clocks in the world FACT
  • LooseWheel
    LooseWheel Posts: 211 Member
    Hit snooze once only and thats it. Giving it 3 or 4 goes every ten mins is another 40 mins of solid sleep u can get. so just one snooze. Putting the alarm out of reach may help but for me I think it would just make me angry lol. I just cut down to one snooze only.

    sleep in your gym gear! you are ready to go. All bar the sneakers :)

    Have breaky. Its only something new i have started myself a week and half ago! But in that short time I am noticing I am able to wake up sooner and stay awake longer before 'flake out need more coffee midday' time.

    Best of luck. Hope you get good advice that helps.
  • Juliebean_1027
    Juliebean_1027 Posts: 713 Member
    I've heard of some people sleeping in their workout clothes so they're already dressed and ready to go in the mornings. This doesn't work for me because I find yoga pants to be extremely comfortable so I just roll over and go back to sleep.

    Unfortunately I can't be of much help in the advice department here; I am NOT a morning person so I either work out right when I get out of work (before dinner) or late at night before my shower and bed. The key is to finding a time that works for you that you will stick with. Good luck finding a routine that works for you!
  • StrongGwen
    StrongGwen Posts: 378 Member
    Morning is the best time for me to work out, but getting out of that warm bed is tough!! Here's what I am doing while I try to build the habit:
    1. Make a "side bet" with one of your MFP friends who has the same problem. My friend and I have a bet to see who can go the most days without oversleeping. We are allowed to hit the Snooze button ONCE, but if the alarm goes off again before we're out of bed the loser has to do 100 jumping jacks (insert the exercise of your choice, of course!)

    2. I got one of those old-fashioned alarm clocks with the 2 bells on top. It makes a really loud, obnoxious ring. It is set to go off a couple minutes after the bedside alarm. I try to get to it before it rings, but if it does go off, no doubt I have to get up!

    3. Turn on the light as soon as the alarm goes off, the brighter the better, and a radio or TV too if possible, up loud.

    4. Put on your workout clothes immediately, no bathrobe allowed.

    5. The obvious would be to get to bed sooner, but if I could do that I would! Good luck!! :yawn: