Lunch Options for Work



  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member

    I was wondering what people took to work for lunch when dieting - I've been having soups and low fat snacks but finding that I'm nowhere near my calorie levels by doing so. I want to continue eating healthy but at the same have something more substantial that isn't too inconvenient for work.

    We don't have a cooker or oven in the office either - just hot water and a microwave so needs to be something I can make quickly at home the night before and refrigerate or can microwave.

    I'm trying to avoid starchy carbs too. Any ideas would be great!!


    First things first... youre not supposed to be dieting... lol

    Meal planning ahead is a big thing for us. Last night I cooked up some gorgeous split chicken breasts.. I plan on pulling the meat and two of those breasts are going to be for shredded chicken quesadillas, so Ill pack my low carb pita pocket, a hefty portion of chicken, 1oz of shredded cheese, lettuce, tomato, onions and peppers - just heat it up in the microwave. Ill also bring a soup that is vegetable-based, and I always pack extra proteins and veggies on the side for a salad.

    The other chicken meat will be used for a parmesan dish, sautee up some courgettes, onions and mushrooms with garlic and wine - perfect meal for lunch the next day.

    You just have to put forth the effort and get creative....
  • Nalgh94
    Nalgh94 Posts: 181 Member
    Usually it's salad or low sodium soup with rye crackers, lately I've been addicted to Quinoa salad. Occasionally I'll get lazy and just bring in one of the Lean Cuisine frozen dinners (always below 300cal). For snacks it's usually greek yogurt, almonds, berries and/or Quacker's mini crisps which are a very good substitute for a bag of chips. I usually count 12-15 mini rice cakes and put them in a bag.
  • Godsheart01
    When I bring soup, I usually bring a half of a turkey and cheese sandwich with a slice of tomato and a leaf of romain. Use mustard instead of mayo or use a soy base sandwich spread if you don't like mustard. For a snack I will bring a few nuts, a piece of fruit or a protein bar. Also you can have 5-6 whole grain crackers with peanut butter for a snack. The protein will keep you feeling full longer and doesn't pack on the pounds, but gives you the good calories you need.

    Hope this helps.

  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,052 Member
    For a while I was having Tuna and Humus sandwiches on whole grain bread and a Greek yogurt. Lots of protein and quite filling too.

    Lately thought I make a small salad and put it in a large ziploc sandwich bag, with cut up turkey and swiss rolls. I keep a bowl and a couple of salad dressings in the office. Still my Greek yogurt too... I love that stuff.
  • jlc1243
    jlc1243 Posts: 287 Member
    Today I had 150gs Fage 0% fat free yoghurt, 1 tbs peanut butter (crunchy), 1 scoop chocolate protein shake mixed together then topped with 10 chopped almonds. low calorie, low carb, very filling and totally delicious. :tongue:

    Great idea! Have to try this!
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    For my main I sometimes have soup (with some type of protein in it), a turkey chili, a mixed salad with grilled chicken, or a hard boiled egg, with vegetables, yogurt and fruit.

    I also love to make some Tomato/Cucumber salad as well but ensure that I have a protein on the side.

    I cut up all my veggies on Sunday and prepackage them so I can just get up, grab a bag of veggies and go....also helps when I am cooking dinner at night too as I don't need to worry about cutting the veggies up...I can just grab them and throw them into whatever I have decided to cook.

    Vegetables that I snack on are carrots, celery, red/green/orange/yellow peppers, cucumber, tomato, etc.
  • knowwhentoshutup
    knowwhentoshutup Posts: 318 Member
    I like recipe magazines like Healthy Cooking/Taste of Home (or their website),, and

    Some of my go-to lunches are planned left-overs from dinners, the one point lunch (old points from Veggie Venture) which includes all the veggies you want, with a serving of cottage cheese and a can of green beans, and whole wheat pita pockets stuffed with a little protein (like tuna, chicken, turkey, egg) etc.

    I usually make a soup for lunches at home, and many are really easy and have WAY less sodium than canned soups in the store. On days that we have soup (this week the soup is an Italian Veggie Soup with only 56 calories per serving) and I am afraid it isn't enough - I plan for small snacks every 2 hours or so, like fruit with yogurt, veggies with peanut butter, hard boiled eggs, etc. to boost my nutritional values and keep me full.

    Today is the Mexican Shrimp Cobb Salad from Skinny, left overs re-portioned for lunch after last nights dinner.
  • ymvestal
    I grill chicken tenderloins with rosemary and garlic on my George Foreman grill on Sundays. I make enough to weigh out 5 - 4 ozs servings. Then I cut up celery or cucumbers and an apple or peel an orange or grapefruit. I also sneak in a weight watcher cheese stick, sometimes colby/jack sometimes string, sometimes cheddar. This makes for a filling lunch and healthy. And I never use the microwave, i just eat my chicken cold.
  • kellyh2
    kellyh2 Posts: 64
    I like either leftovers from my low cal dinners or I eat weightwatchers microwave meals as they are easy to track calories while eating something yummy/healthy.
  • tamheath
    tamheath Posts: 702 Member
    Making soups at home to have here and there through the week is a help, too. I love soup when it's cold, but canned soups are so high in sodium. Google weight watchers soup, fat burner soup or taco soup. Lots of good ideas out there for soups to just reheat in microwave.
  • brendabuckeye
    brendabuckeye Posts: 53 Member
    I make a big pot of soup on the weekends and take leftovers most of the week. I like to make a meat and veggie soup or a heartier chili soup. It seems to fill me up (and is perfect in the winter). My favorite thing is making sweet and sour pork fom Cook Yourself Thin and taking leftovers with some wild rice. I keep containers in my freezer to make it easier and that way I don't get too bored on 3-4 days of the same thing.
    Sometimes I go uptown for a salad (it's a nice little walk, and the fresh air is a great pick-me-up unless the snow is really blowing), but I usually try to choose something with some protein in it to stick with me. I avoid the bread or crackers they like to add to the salad, though, and watch the dressing!
  • oouurr__aayylleeyycan
    Wow great response!

    Thanks very much everyone! I think the general consensus is to make enough food the night before to take as leftovers, which is a good idea.

    Thanks again!!
  • wisebadger53
    wisebadger53 Posts: 382 Member
    I take pretty much anything I want for lunch - from cold sandwiches (12 grain bread or whole grain oat bread only), to leftovers from dinners earlier in the week, to the (occassional) slice of pizza. I always have fresh fruit and/or veggies for snacks, and keep some protein bars in my desk for those nights that I head to the gym on my way home from work.

    I don't believe in depriving myself of particular foods, because in the past I have done that and just fallen back into bad eating habits when I hit my goal. There are two keys in my mind, and they seem to be working for me...portion control, and resisting the temptation to head out to the local pizza and hoagie shop with co-workers where I can easily pile on 500 - 600 extra calories without even thinking about it.

    Good luck...and good eating! :happy:
  • MistyGo
    MistyGo Posts: 7 Member
    the lowest calorie sandwich I found to make is:
    2 slices of Natural Choice Smoked Deli Turkey
    1 slice of Pepper Jack Veggie Slice
    1 100 Calorie thin roll from pepperidge farms
  • chachita7
    chachita7 Posts: 996 Member
    You can reheat anything and everything in the microwave - my lunch usually consist of left overs from dinner -- today is 1c brown rice and 4oz of chicken - to keep the rice moist and the chicken tender, when reheating simple cover it. 1.5 mins is all it needs...
  • oouurr__aayylleeyycan
    This Sunday i made turkey chili in the slow cooker and brought it in for lunch. I store leftovers in lunch size portions so i can grab it on my way out the door. I'm also a big fan of string cheese and oranges for a snack.

    Ooo turkey chili sounds fab! Do you have a recipe? We just bought a slow cooker so I'm still trying to find good recipes to make in it :)
  • cherylcerese
    Salads are always a good option. Add grilled chicken, or on another day, add black beans or a hard boiled egg. you want to have protein because that is what's going to stay with you. Of course, very low cal dressing too. Low fat cottage cheese is good with pineapple in it. Ezekiel sprout bread is great if you want a carb. Sweet potatoes are good too. If you get hungry in between, eat unlimited veges. Fat free sour cream with Good Seasons dressing mix makes a very low calorie dip. Almonds are a great source of protein too. Fruit is good too. Just a few suggestions.... good luck
  • tracyruz
    I usually bring leftovers but on the mornings that I may be rushing I try to keep a "pantry" in my desk drawer...I keep things like low cal/low sodium soups, granola bars/snack bars, anything non-perishable and healthy. I work in a hospital but have a desk job. The cafeteria is there for back up and unlike many hospitals the food is pretty good and they offer Weight Watcher menu items. I try not to use the cafeteria though just to save money but it's nice to know its there when I'm out of options to bring in or my work "pantry" is low! :)
  • lisabruce12
    lisabruce12 Posts: 77 Member

    I was wondering what people took to work for lunch when dieting - I've been having soups and low fat snacks but finding that I'm nowhere near my calorie levels by doing so. I want to continue eating healthy but at the same have something more substantial that isn't too inconvenient for work.

    We don't have a cooker or oven in the office either - just hot water and a microwave so needs to be something I can make quickly at home the night before and refrigerate or can microwave.

    I'm trying to avoid starchy carbs too. Any ideas would be great!!


    Hi! I am a teacher and I take my lunch with me every day. I usually take a ham or turkey sandwich on whole wheat bread. You can put mustard or miracle whip on without adding many calories. I also add a fat free chocolate pudding for a sweet treat.
  • doornumber03
    doornumber03 Posts: 221 Member
    i usually do a wheat pasta with chicken or something along those lines. Easy to put in the microwave and tastes good reheated. Also leftovers are huge! Just make extra for dinners.