Running Friends!



  • Floridaboiler
    Floridaboiler Posts: 51 Member
    On days when I don't want to run, I tell myself to get out and do a mile out and if I still don't feel like running then I can turn around and head back. Everytime I have done that I have always finished my normally planned run.

    If you still struggle with motivation find a running group, if you don't already have one. Having someone to talk to, or even just be next to you while running is a huge mental boost!
  • radicalmom
    radicalmom Posts: 54 Member
    Wow...did I ever need to read this thread. I have been a runner for the last 10 years, I rarely have motivation issues but lately seem to be in super duper funk!! Great ideas and inspiration.l
  • Kilter
    Kilter Posts: 188 Member
    Times my motivation wanes:

    - when the weather sucks - too wet
    - when the weather sucks - too cold
    - when the weather is too beautiful - rather be elsewhere
    - when the weather is too beautiful - too hot
    - when the run is too long - long being 1km more than I want to do that day
    - when my friends aren't going to be out running too - running alone, boo hoo
    - when too many people are going to be out there - running in crowds, boo hoo
    - at between 5 - 8 km - no clue, just happens
    - at between 12 - 14km - my body's way of saying, 15km is a round'ish number
    - at 18km, everytime - no clue
    - at 26km - because I know I'm going long
    - at anything after 32km - because I know I'm doing a full marathon
    - at 1.5km before the end of ANY race regardless of distance - this is when I'm feeling like **** and starting to push
    - after biking long, before starting to run - any run distance after a bike is hard to start

    - when I'm too:
    -- tired
    -- hungry
    -- lazy
    -- sad
    -- busy

    Then I just tell myself to shut-up and run. Not everytime, but most times. And everytime I manage to get through the low motivation makes it easier to get through the next time.

    Have a GREAT run today.

  • campbellcjdm
  • IronmanPanda
    IronmanPanda Posts: 2,083 Member
    I hit those time every once in a while. Right now I'm running about 35 miles a week to maintain but even on my short runs sometimes I get that urge to quit. Then I have to remember, "Hey.. its only 3-4 miles, you can do this in your sleep."

    And I push on... And never once have I been sorry I pushed through that time because I always feel better after I run.
  • GownleyC2
    GownleyC2 Posts: 72 Member
    I just started running in December and definately have weeks like this. What helps me is to keep track of my runs and reflect on the progress I've made. I use an app on my iphone that is helping me prepare for a 5k. What keeps me working hard is knowing that the next run will be harder than this one and the better I do now, the easier that run will be. :-)

    Also, try to switch it up. If you're running inside, try running outside. If you are just running do run/walk intervals and try to increase your speed.

    And my final word of advice, run first thing in the morning. Don't give your brain a chance to talk you out of it!

    Keep up the great work!

    Thank you so much for the advice! I am going to try and do the morning runs again. I think when I get home from work it is difficult to motivate myself!
  • GownleyC2
    GownleyC2 Posts: 72 Member
    I think we all get this from time to time. I greatly prefer out and back runs to several loops. Loops make it too easy to quit early.
    You know that little voice, "Wow, you've done enough for today. Remember you have to do this and that and blahblahblah"
    If I'm 3 miles away from home on a 6 mile run, shortest way back is the only way back :smile:
    Thank you! That is so true about the loop. It was my run last night I went with a friend and she mapped out the run and it was a loop around her neighborhood. I said I'm done with the first loop! I am running the same tonight. I will have to see if I do better tonight!
  • missy_1975
    missy_1975 Posts: 244 Member
    When I began running a few years ago I couldn't run for more than a few minutes and it was weeks, possibly months before I didn't want to vomit after a run (nice eh?). :sick: I'm no pro runner, but I have run lots of 10k races and a half marathon, and have just signed up to two half marathons this year. It not only gets easier, it actually becomes really enjoyable! I promise. Stick at it and you will be amazed what you can achieve. I'm not a natural runner, but I love to run.

    I advise anyone getting into running to get decent shoes and if female invest in several good sports bras (I think the shock absorber "run" bras are the best, especialy if you are over a b cup). I's also recommend cross training ie not just running and no other exercise, doing strength taining, yoga/stretching, swimming etc, and mixing up the type of runs you do to prevent boredom. Ie, short runs, long runs, interval training, hill training etc. I also run with different friends which is a great way to catch up on gossip and get some exercise in at the same time!

    Good luck! :flowerforyou: x
  • GownleyC2
    GownleyC2 Posts: 72 Member
    Thank you!!! I am getting ready now to meet my friend for 4mile today!!
  • GownleyC2
    GownleyC2 Posts: 72 Member
    4 miles in 40 minutes!!! Ok I'm back!!! Thank you so much to my fittnesspal's I couldn't do it without your support!!!!
  • speedyf
    speedyf Posts: 1,571 Member
    I started running in November. We usually have a pretty rough winter around here, so it wasn't the best time to start, but I did. I thought that if I could start running during the winter and hang on 'til spring, then I could probably accomplish a lot of things. So when I saw that I really like that, I bought myself an HRM, I needed the extra motivation that it could give me. And I never regret it! I can keep track of my pace, speed, route, heart rate, calories, etc. Even though I like running, I started to get bored two weeks ago, so I start doing interval training once a week. And I change my route every now and then. Hilly run, regular run, dirt roads, etc.

    But I can tell you that when the temperatures are down to -24C, I definitely don't feel like going out and run. But I do. Every time. And it's just a great feeling when I come back home!

    Change your routine, change your route, do interval training once in a while... Might help you. And if you really don't feel like running, whatever the reason, don't stop going out, but take a power walk instead. You'd be surprise how much calories power walking burns! I run 3 times per week, and take power walks every two days.

    Just don't stop moving :flowerforyou:
  • wpgmom
    wpgmom Posts: 11 Member
    I've probably "started" running more times than anyone on earth! LOL

    I agree with all the other posters that the 1st 20 min sucks. I follow the Jeff Galoway method although I usually stretch the running segments compared to the walking breaks. The point is that walking breaks work on a number of levels.

    I would recommend for a beginner who is in relatively good shape, or for someone who wants to increase their distance, to do 9min run/1min walk. You will find you can do this much longer than you can just straight run.

    If you can map out a route through an interesting neighborhood that will also help. I like to run home from work because it doesn't give me the option to stop. I have about a 6 mile run from work. If I haven't run for a while I will work my way up to at least a 45 min run over the course of 2 weeks or so. Then I will do the direct run home. It takes me about 1 hour so I am not fast. I consider these runs my long runs and do 30-40 min runs 2-3 other times during the week. I only do 1 long run per week. I will add a mile every 2 weeks or so by going up and down some nice streets on the way home. It helps if you add the extra streets early in the run so it's not so tempting to skip them.

    This past summer I worked up to 9 mile runs. Unfortunately because I live in a VERY cold city in Canada (frequently -40 or colder), I don't/can't run in the winter so I will have to start up in the spring again. I do other indoor things through the winter, including shorter runs on the treadmill. (I just can't face anything longer than 30 min on a treadmill - totally mental :-) )
  • wpgmom
    wpgmom Posts: 11 Member
    YAY! Way to go! Keep it up, it only gets better!:wink:
  • cprice05
    cprice05 Posts: 82 Member
    4 miles in 40 minutes!!! Ok I'm back!!! Thank you so much to my fittnesspal's I couldn't do it without your support!!!!

    Way to tackle it!