URGENT Help! Eating out dilema!!!



  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    If this is URGENT, I'd hate to see you in a fire.

    Well forgive me, but I thought this was a friendly forum where I could ask advice? To me, it is urgent as I am extremely overweight and was looking for some positive help with what I consider to be a stressful situation. I don't want to let my friends down by turning down the invitation, and I don't want to make a big song and dance about me "being on a diet". Perhaps if I'd have entitled my post as Urgent Help, I'm on fire, maybe I would have had a more positive response from you?

    To everyone else, many thanks again for your feedback

    I'm not sure it ever needs to be a "song and dance". Remember, there's no need to justify, explain or announce that you're deciding to make healthier choices for yourself. Just order what you like - these are your friends, they shouldn't be grilling you about what you're eating or not eating anyway, right? :)

    And the bit about "urgency"... I think it's just a matter of perspective. To the other poster this may not be urgent, to you it is, and that's fine. Just a matter of perspective.

    Good luck!
  • Judway
    Judway Posts: 246 Member
    yes i see lots you could have
    start with the garden salad
    then have Salmon & Caper Fishcake, Poached Egg, Mango Hollandaise 7.95/10.95
    or the seabass
  • sadee2006
    sadee2006 Posts: 4 Member
    I have had this dilemma also in the past. As a life long dieter I have learned to order with no sauces or to order them on the side.
    Also a trick is to ask for a to go container when you first get your food and divide it right then. This way you don't over eat. It helps to control your food intake. This works very well for me. Good luck
  • mixedfeelings
    mixedfeelings Posts: 904 Member
    I 'd say this looks fairly healthy;

    Seabass Fillets, Sweet Potato & Aubergine Tagine, Chickpeas and Olives
    Chermoula Spiced Mackerel Fillet, Warm Potato, Orange, Olives and Fennel Salad, with Tomato Salsa

    but anything that isn't covered with sauce, red meats, or pastas, it also depends on how everything is cooked.
  • amazon75
    amazon75 Posts: 165
    don't be afraid to special order your food. I was invited out for a birthday dinner recently to a mexican restaurant and I automatically started panicking.

    I ended up ordering a la carte and being very specific with how my food was prepared (no oil, no cheese). Also, I'd eaten lighter earlier in the day in order to allow myself some leeway with dinner.
  • darylinny
    darylinny Posts: 146
    There are some really great tips here. Control the calories during the day, stick with non-fried food, have the fish and have half of the meal wrapped up right away (unless they plate actual portion size).

    If you over do it, add some more time to your work outs during the week. Don't beat yourself up and don't stress out. This is a lifestyle change not a diet. Soon this will be second nature to you.
  • 1969San
    1969San Posts: 10 Member
    thanks for all the tips, I think I will go for the seabass with green salad or spit chicken with salad. Unfortunately in the UK it is unheard of to ask for your meal to be wrapped to take home. I think what made me panic more than anything was that the menu isn't a simple one, usually pub food in the UK is fairly standard and there would usually be more than enough choice to choose healthily without having to ask for special requirements. However, I had not heard of a lot of things on this menu and therefore was at a loss as to what to choose.

    I will go out and enjoy the company of my friends, I will enjoy my meal without guilt and log everything I have when I get back. One good thing about me is that I don't really have a sweet tooth so forgoing a pud is not a problem :o)
  • ...One good thing about me is that I don't really have a sweet tooth so forgoing a pud is not a problem :o)

    you're lucky :) I have to plan to eat less to fit in the requisite chocolate at the end of the day :D
  • LorrainePorta
    LorrainePorta Posts: 2 Member
    Just be sure to keep portions under control. Have salad with dressing on the side. anything grilled. veggies and exchange any potatoe or rice for an extra side of veggies.
  • veniceit
    veniceit Posts: 112 Member
    If it was me I'd order the, Mediterranean Mezze, and offer to share some if anyone wants a taste. then get a side salad or soup if it's veggie.

  • 1969San
    1969San Posts: 10 Member
    Update! So I had the mackerel fillet with salad and tomato salsa followed by the spit chicken with green salad instead of chips and it was bloody loverly! LOL. Skipped dessert and had one glass of soda water with a dash of lime.

    Had a great girly catch up and had a thoroughly great night. Thanks everyone for your support. I feel like I have stayed on track, within my calorie allowance and have no guilt whatsoever!
  • mariodispenza
    mariodispenza Posts: 28 Member
    Well done.
  • Nice one hun! I was going to give you a reply, but noticed that you had already had loads of advice and they had already said what I was going to say!! Its ok to have treats occasionally too! I try not to think of it as dieting, but eating healthier. x