Are you becoming obsessive?



  • PirateJohn
    I wouldn't say that is a bad thing! You are more aware of what you are eating, which isn't bad!

    But I'm turning my nose up at what OTHER people eat... lol

    Do you want us to tell you that you are bad?

    I think this board just took a turn for the dirty :P
  • kittyneutron
    kittyneutron Posts: 160 Member
    Yes, I always get obsessive, it's just how it is...however, I have learned to keep it mostly quiet and to myself. If someone comments on my weight loss, I will tell them I am trying to lose weight, but try not to talk about it too much, I know it's annoying to people who are not on a weight loss plan :)
  • nebbz
    nebbz Posts: 18
    I have definatly been obsessive since i have got here, as have a couple of my collegues who i told to join lol! But its good, for the 1st time when i eat crap food just to get me through the day, rather than a meal, i feel terrible! I actually miss the salads! lol
  • cgavin77
    cgavin77 Posts: 219
    Once you realize that no ones going to listen to your advice anyway, you'll learn to keep things to yourself and be a lot happier.

    Give it a few months, you'll be as jaded as me in no time.

    OH how true!!
    I just smile and nod much easier!
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    I wouldn't say that is a bad thing! You are more aware of what you are eating, which isn't bad!

    But I'm turning my nose up at what OTHER people eat... lol

    Are you saying something to them about it? If not, then good and your obsession is your burden to bare. I think it is very important that we becareful of saying things to people about what they eat, this can be a turn off to people and make them spiteful. This reminds me of the over zealot religious person, trying to convert everyone over to their religion. Not a pretty site.

    I have a family member who will make insulting and derogatory remarks to people about what they eat, it is very obnoxious behavior.

    Not that you are doing this, but it is something to watch out for. After all, if we start criticizing people, that means we are opening ourselves up to be criticized, not matter what it is about. I know I live in a big old glass house and am far from perfect.

    Nothing personal, but I am betting this response hits home to a couple of people. :wink:
  • AmberJslimsAWAY
    AmberJslimsAWAY Posts: 2,468 Member
    I wouldn't say that is a bad thing! You are more aware of what you are eating, which isn't bad!

    But I'm turning my nose up at what OTHER people eat... lol

    Are you saying something to them about it? If not, then good and your obsession is your burden to bare. I think it is very important that we becareful of saying things to people about what they eat, this can be a turn off to people and make them spiteful. This reminds me of the over zealot religious person, trying to convert everyone over to their religion. Not a pretty site.

    I have a family member who will make insulting and derogatory remarks to people about what they eat, it is very obnoxious behavior.

    Not that you are doing this, but it is something to watch out for. After all, if we start criticizing people, that means we are opening ourselves up to be criticized, not matter what it is about. I know I live in a big old glass house and am far from perfect.

    Nothing personal, but I am betting this response hits home to a couple of people. :wink:

    I try to bite my tongue, but I can't help myself sometimes when someone is going "I had a blahblah blah" and I'm like "Do you know how many CALORIES are in that?!" lol. It's not a problem yet :)
  • dobenjam
    dobenjam Posts: 232 Member
    Just saw this a couple of days ago... thought you might enjoy it. :happy:

    "Obsessed is the word the lazy use to describe the dedicated"

    Stay obsessed girl!

    I'm stealing that! Def going on my facebook "favorite quotes"
  • gdunican
    gdunican Posts: 20 Member
    Girl i don't the time to worry about anyone else. It's all i can do to pay attention to myself. But i did notice my girlfriend eating my veggies that i bought instead of her crap Only becasue now i gotta go back to the store grumble.

    After months of hearing my obsessed ramblings about calories, etc that I was learning about, my hubby has started, very quietly so as not to bring attention to himself (lol), eating similar things to mine... and told me today that's he's down 8 lbs... gotta love it!

    I have been rambling since my niece turned me onto this site. She is a dietician major. So I thought that if she is using this site - it would be wise for me to as well. I always ate what I wanted - but as an ex Navy Seal (disabled since 2006) - my burn was ALWAYS so much more than I ate. AND I did eat allot of Red Meat! Well, after my disability and lack of working out daily and eating allot of what was so bad for me - I decided that going from 195lbs to 265lbs was no good and I needed to do something.

    Now I research everything you can imagine that had to do with nutrition! My wife has been most kind in listening to me. AND now that I have been dropping the pounds - (down to 245 from 265)!!! She is starting to think - HMMMMMM


  • tistal
    tistal Posts: 869 Member
    I figure if someone wants to know about my weight loss they will ask. I dont push it on anyone. Not even the rest of my family. My hubs can eat whatever he wants and not gain a pound. He also has a very physical job. My kids are tall beanpoles but they will eat bananas and grapes over cake anyday!
  • bigbeardiver
    bigbeardiver Posts: 154 Member
    I just started on MFP a week ago, and I find myself telling people "Did you know such-and-such has THIS MANY calories?! You shouldn't eat that..."

    I'm becoming obsessed!!! At least here, I have some kind of outlet! haha

    I would call it AWARENESS not obession. Obession is for perfume, :laugh: It is like any new hobby or activity that you become engaged in. You eduate yourself, this is the same thing only some do it like there life depends on it .... because well ... for some of us it is true.
  • Betsybeee
    Betsybeee Posts: 113 Member
    I'm a label reader and it's sure eye opening! I don't tell people they shouldn't eat that but I do comment on the label.