New To MFP

Good Morning, I'm new to MFP and I can't believe how I've let myself go. I I know I'll never be 120 lbs again, but I let myself gain 80 lbs in 21 years since I got married. I'm 44 and the time has come to get serious. I joined TOPS ( a weight loss support group like WW) 3 weeks ago and the first week I lost 5.4 lbs. Last week- 0. i was so disappointed! I also didn't gain any, but it made me realize that I have to make time for exercise. I love that I can track all my food, and it tells me how much longer it's going to take to reach the goal I set for myself. I think 155 lbs is attainable for me, but my doctor set my goal at 165. Whatever. Just a number. I'll get to whatever I can do as long as I'm healthy. Tonight is weigh-in again at TOPS so wish me luck. I'm hoping for at least 1 -2 lbs. Going for a walk right now. We also have started a "Biggest Loser" contest at my work, so for the first time in my life, I'm hoping to be a big loser! :) Here we go...getting serious


  • aurapowell
    Keep up the good work!
  • JudyPMorg
    Good for you! I have found that moving is a good thing! Keep up your terrific work! Feel free to add me if you want someone on your cheering squad!

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • Claiire_Louise
    MFP is a fantastic help and support network :-)
    ensure you log every little thing that goes into your mouth (including juice, coffee, the odd sweet or bite of cheese) and every movement you do (cleaning, cooking, carrying shopping etc)
    we are all here to support you on your journey :-)
  • dleewilliams
    dleewilliams Posts: 1 Member
    Good luck and please keep us posted on your success!!
  • newlaura30
    excellent keep at it your doing great. feel free to add me as a friend for additional support i'm just turned 30 and have decided this is going to be my year. i have loads to loose overall but am setting some smaller less daunting goals first.