Any active vegans or vegetarians on here?! :)



  • AnarchoGen
    AnarchoGen Posts: 400 Member
    I bounce back just depends on the day... some days I'm vegan, some days I'm ovo-vegetarian (eggs) - I have my own chickens & I get 30 eggs per week. They are REALLY happy LOL
    Anyone feel free to add me. The only junk you'll find in my diary is hot sauce, peanut butter, and granola. Oh I buy some Great Value brand - just can't afford to get any good stuff. The rest of my family are meat eaters. I might be able to turn around my daughter easily (she doesn't like to eat meat really, she likes dairy). My husband is definitely not ready for the change.) Anyway, add me, and my diary is public too.
  • I've been a vegetarian for over a decade, but most of my meals consisted of pasta. Not only does this restrict my meals I also am very picky when I eat. I'm ready to branch out and find some delicious meals that I can cook (but I do cook meat for my daughter/husband) that I can incorporate into our dinners. Also I notice that I'm hungry minutes after I eat because I'm consuming 80% carbs... Please add me!!
  • i_am_asparagus
    i_am_asparagus Posts: 336 Member
    Hi, I'm a pescetarian, but I cook and eat a lot of vegetarian food. I'm always looking for new healthy veggie recipes, so would love to have a peek in your food diaries to get some ideas. Add me if you like!
  • oceanrose78
    oceanrose78 Posts: 133 Member
    I've been eating plant based for a little over 100 days. Was a Pescetarian for about 6 months before that. Love it!

    I do eat some junk food, working hard on cutting that out. We eat a lot of veggies, soups, stews and so on. My biggest problem is my bread consumption. I LOVE bread sigh. I aim to eat 2 cups of veggies minimum per meal.

    For my breakfast veggies I use green smoothies. I use my food processor and mix frozen fruits, and spinach, kale, chard, herbs, whatever I have with them and some water. I used to use Almond milk but felt it wasn't adding enough. It makes an icy smoothie that has normally 1.5 cups of fruit and 2 cups of the leafy greens. Love them! If I'm really hungry I'll eat something else too, but I love my green smoothies :).
  • sweet_lotus
    sweet_lotus Posts: 194 Member
    Vegetarian of 12 years - add me if you want!

    I eat a lot of carbs and probably one of the few people who don't see it as a problem! My diet is typically nuts, beans, tofu, olive oil, fruits, veg, and complex carbs (whole grains), and unfortunately some prepared and processed foods, as well as sweets here and there. I aim for 20% of calories from protein but don't often make it.

    My food problem is staying interested and motivated in healthy food - I get stuck in food ruts and get bored. Also, because of a chronic health condition (not diet related) I have a low appetite and it's been hard for me to cook so I'm experimenting with finding prepared food that doesn't suck. I'd probably be vegan if I could shop/cook more.
  • sammybey
    sammybey Posts: 72 Member
    I"m vegan, always up for more friends!
  • shalinimunjal
    shalinimunjal Posts: 192 Member
    I'm vegetarian but I eat egg. Breakfast almost every morning is an egg omelet with chai. I eat nuts, whole grains, peanut butter and peanuts, beans and lentils, avocado, fruits and veggies. I've given up white bread (finally!!)
    I struggle with fat and protein...too little protein, too much fat. I am able to keep the carbs ok but need to work on fat/protein ratio.
  • i'm a veggie woo ;)
  • tigerdactyl
    tigerdactyl Posts: 112 Member
    Vegan power! Just like almost everyone else, carbs vs protein is a struggle. I'm not a "carbs are evil" person, but most vegan forms of protein come along with just as much carbs. I try to get as much tofu and seitan as possible, this helps with it.
  • About to celebrate my 2 year anniversary of becoming vegan. It has been a wonderful journey from the compassion point of view, but I'm still struggling with making the right choices. Not making wise choices has affected my heath, and I am trying out new things in order to get back on track without compromising my choice to be vegan. I have gotten better lately about being prepared and taking my meals to work and making better choices, but I have a long way to go. It won't be easy - but it will be worth it. =)

    Breakfast is the hardest for me. I usually have fruit, but realize I need some protein to start the day off right. Most of my mornings being with a queasy tummy (something I have lived with since I was a kid) so eating tofu or tofurkey isn't always easy. Any ideas for some much needed protein in the morning?
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    Vegetarian almost 20 years, celiac, food allergies. I eat well, the only nutritional issues is not getting too many calories!. I run and work out daily.

  • weaverfit
    weaverfit Posts: 124
    I'm an omni but have been seeking out interesting Vegan recipes to add to my repetoire. Found these little lovelies tonight at:

    Spinach Pancakes

    vegan, gluten free, dairy free

    3 cups (handfuls) fresh spinach
    3 tablespoons chia
    1/2 cup + 1 tablespoon water
    2/3 cup rice flour

    Combine chia seeds with water, set aside to gel. Pulse spinach and chia gel in food processor until blended. Add flour and pulse until completely blended.

    Pour in 1/4 cup increments onto heated griddle, flipping once when cooked through. Makes 10-12 pancakes 3 inches in size.
  • msmgis
    msmgis Posts: 15
    I'm a new, mostly vegan. I'm allergic to dairy so no problem there. I do eat fish very, very rarely. Where I trip up is when I go visit my brother, not a lot of options in his town and I have to be non-dairy before non-meat so that is a real trial sometime. Feel free to add me. I love it so far.
  • tjalred
    tjalred Posts: 21 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm a "borderline" vegan - meaning I still eat eggs. LOL I know, I know, I'm a dork. Milk and cheeses make me sick to my stomach so does any type of meat. So here I am. :) I was a vegetarian for a number of years and quit for ex-husband reasons. :) Anyhoooo, I'm back to what makes me feel good.
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    Me too, tjalred. Meat and dairy make me sick, and I do eat eggs.

    Hi everyone, I'm a "borderline" vegan - meaning I still eat eggs. LOL I know, I know, I'm a dork. Milk and cheeses make me sick to my stomach so does any type of meat. So here I am. :) I was a vegetarian for a number of years and quit for ex-husband reasons. :) Anyhoooo, I'm back to what makes me feel good.
  • amydray
    amydray Posts: 26
    I was a vegan 15 years ago. I felt great, lost weight and noticed only slight anemia. I attribute that to a lack of education on balance and supplementation. I'm have fibromyalgia, and have had sporadic urticaria. Hoping to cure all that noise with an ultra clean dietary lifestyle.
  • gentsevetzak
    gentsevetzak Posts: 147 Member
    I'm a vegetarian, i don't drink milk, i do eat eggs and cheese from time to time.
  • msgill40
    msgill40 Posts: 5 Member
    I am vegetarian and have been for almost 24 years........I eat eggs (from rescued battery hens that now belong to a relative) and use whey based protein shakes as a protein source......making a real effort to remove cheese from my diet...biggest challenge is balancing out protein / carbs.....
  • bdsnell
    bdsnell Posts: 4 Member
    I recently became vegetarian and it has been life changing ! It has made my body feel so clean! I will probably never going back to eating meat! yay veggies!!!
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I am a strict vegetarian. Only organic dairy, and only eggs from farms I know.

    I exercise 4 or 5 times a week, mostly running, some circuit training. 5'5", 123 lbs.