Planet Fitness



  • smbakke77
    smbakke77 Posts: 273 Member
    The only criticism I have is that they provide free pizza on the first Monday of every month. REALLY?? I'm coming here to be healthy and all I smell is [expletive] pizza? So I avoid going that day. LOL.
    LOL...I know what you mean! The first time I was there when they brought pizza in, I was like "WTF are you doing?! This is a gym!" I was so hungry for junk food by the time I left.

    Don't forget about the bowl of tootsie rolls they leave for you at the front counter too. Luckily I have developed the willpower to not indulge when I'm supposed to be working out...if only I could transfer that to the rest of my life.
  • smbakke77
    smbakke77 Posts: 273 Member
    Oh yeah, I forgot about the, it smells so good when I work out that I almost feel like I have to do a quick workout so I wasn't tempted to grab a slice on my way

    Like I said I just avoid the gym those days or go first thing in the morning so I don't have to smell it!
  • missbethea
    missbethea Posts: 280 Member
    I guess it will always depend on the location...

    I go to PF and I love it. It can be crowded sometimes, but there is always room for me and I can always get things done that I need to get done.

    The personal trainer at the gym actually has a college degree in nutrition/fitness/whatever it is called. He's a super nice guy, very patient, and when he does the fitness classes switches it up so you learn lots of new exercises. I met with him to set up my own work out plan and it has benefited me a lot. I know that if I ask him a question he will know the answer. I also like that he has taught us a lot on how to work with free weights or other things in the weight area- a place that really intimidated me before.

    The staff at the one where I go is very nice and knowledgeable. And the place is incredibly clean and well organized. Even the locker rooms are spotless. (The ladies one is, at least, as I've never seen the men's locker room.)

    I like going there because it's been a good place to start. I don't feel awkward if I don't know what I'm doing- as far as asking, I mean. And I feel like there aren't people there staring me down thinking "What the heck is that fat girl doing here?"


    And there are a hell of a lot of good looking guys who go there. And I find them very motivational.

    Also, it's affordable- and all of my friends have a membership there, so I never have to worry about whether or not I have someone to go with (if I feel like I need company).

    Around here other gym alternatives are very expensive- 50ish dollars a month, even. And I'm currently not working so 10 bucks a month is really all I can afford.
  • Nikkerz620
    Nikkerz620 Posts: 212 Member
    I've been a member for about 3 months now and I love it. I wish they had put one by me last year before I bought my treadmill. Sounds silly that I would rather drive to a gym when I have a treadmill at home but I find myself working out longer and better. Everything is so clean too which is a plus and its such a wide variety of people so you def don't feel weird being there if your new.

    Hours are nice too. Late nights on M-Thur really helps! :)

    Never been there on a Monday with pizza and the tootsie rolls are yummy but I never grab them.

    The massage chairs are nice too. :)
  • monkeymomof3
    monkeymomof3 Posts: 107 Member
    i never been there but heard they dont like weight lifters there -- no grunting allowed i guess i cant join because i grunt when i lift weights lol what the heck.................

    I have heard this too! And I'm a grunter when I this true though?! seems crazy to me!!
  • monkeymomof3
    monkeymomof3 Posts: 107 Member
    i never been there but heard they dont like weight lifters there -- no grunting allowed i guess i cant join because i grunt when i lift weights lol what the heck.................

    I have heard this too! And I'm a grunter when I this true though?! seems crazy to me!!
  • Shannonnn92
    Shannonnn92 Posts: 86 Member
    I'm a member and I like it :) it can get busy sometimes, but I go around 5:30am so there I don't usually run in to any problems. The people are friendly, there are plenty of machines and I think overall it's a good atmosphere. My only complaint, along with what other people said is their lack of group fitness, but there are other places to go for that.
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    i never been there but heard they dont like weight lifters there -- no grunting allowed i guess i cant join because i grunt when i lift weights lol what the heck.................

    I have heard this too! And I'm a grunter when I this true though?! seems crazy to me!!
    No, it's not true at the one I work out at. There's music playing anyways, so I don't know how anyone would hear you grunt. If you were screaming or yelling, that would be different and they might not like that.
  • Nerple
    Nerple Posts: 1,291 Member
    I've been a member for a little over 3 years and I love it. The one I go to just expanded and got a bunch of new machines to replace the older ones. I enjoy it as I have no desire for group classes or aquatic classes, and therefore no real desire to pay for those as well. I usually go during offpeak times, but even when I hit the rush after work and it's busy I never have a problem getting my workout in. And most of the staff knows me well and even have my membership number committed to memory.

    I admit to treating myself to a grape tootsie roll after every workout though.
  • nytdreamer80
    nytdreamer80 Posts: 123 Member
    I work out at Planet fitness. I love it. Kinda bummed they dont have classes or childcare but for 10 bucks a month there is not much complaining I can do. I love all the cardio machines and love love love the circuit. Its a no brainer and I love how I dont have to think about which weights to do 3 days out of the week. I also love how its NOT a meat market and have half dressed people walking around strutting there stuff. ha.
  • whtlatina1214
    whtlatina1214 Posts: 765 Member
    i love it but only complaint is no classes...
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