When I first started out, I was sooo excited and did a WONDERFUL job at logging in, trying do eat better, and trying to fit-in exercise whenever I could... but for MONTHS now I have just not done it and I feel HORRIBLE!!! :frown: After I had my daughter and seemed to lose the weight without trying- I thought 'okay, this will be easy' and I fell into a junk-food trap. Although I still breastfeed, the pounds are packing on and I am scared of how bad it will get when I stop altogether. It really seems like I don't have time and my family and I are currently living in two homes... and I am constantly running back and forth- so log-in time is hard and fast food is my only savior (I hate to cook anyways because it's so time consuming- so ANY excuse to eat out is great for me).
I hate to sound so pathetic and I would love to try all the 'quick fixes' that I keep seeing ads for- but I know they won't work (or at least for the long-term) and I need to find a way to help my husband get in better shape/health too. I'm just at a loss and didn't know if anyone had some words of advice for yet another stressed-out mother who swears losing weight is impossible... :ohwell:


  • ebkins7
    ebkins7 Posts: 427 Member
    I was in your place about 2 years ago! I was active duty military so you know that I had a lot of pressure to get back in shape after my son was born. It seemed that no matter how I tried the weight just wouldn't come off! I even stopped breast feeding before I really wanted to so I could "DIET"!!! I too fell into the trap of no excersice, no time, bad food! It took a toll!!! Today I'm heavier than when I had my son and I HATE it! I wish I could go back and do things over but I can't! All I can tell you is, just do it! Your daughter and hubby will appreciate that 1 hour a day missing you when they have YEARS added on at the end of your life! I learned a hard lesson, please learn from me and my bad choices! I know the food thing is hard, try the weight watchers smartones or lean cuizines. They are great for quick meals and a healthier alternative. There is also a website that I use for quick easy recipies called You can even find quick healthy meals on there!

    Don't give up! You can do it!

    If you need any motivation look for me, ebkins7 is my profile name... but I'm Brandy!

    Good luck!
  • indianagranny
    You can do this. As ebkins7 said it will add years if you just want to. Think of the long term ending, but do short term goals. Think of seeing your daughter grow up and have her own children, but think of teaching your daughter to be healthy from the beginning. Learn to cook healthy chices for the family. Think of it as a lifestyle change and not a DIET - cause that is what it is. Good - Luck
  • Sezzwick
    Sezzwick Posts: 12
    My best advice?....take Baby Steps!! No pun intended!!! Start with things that are fairly easy to control. 1) DRINK WATER!!! If you drink 8-10 glasses a day it serves many helps to fill you flushes the fat and toxins...if you drink a sip of water between bites of food it helps to slow down your eating.
    2) WALK!!!! Put the baby in the stroller and walk as briskly as you can! This is a great benefit to you both!
    3) EAT BREAKFAST!!! Of course you can't chow down on a Sausage and Egg McMuffin, but some Oatmeal and a piece of fruit will kickstart your metabolism, fill your belly and prevent you from over-eating throughout the day!
    If you can do these three things, you'll be well on your way to success!!! Don't be too hard on yourself either!!! This is INCREDIBLY tough, but you can do it!!!!!


    PS. Your daughter is GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    It sounds to me like you already know what needs to be done. You need to get on track and take responsibility again for what your eating. Hit the grocery store, stock up on HEALTHY snacks and carry them with you when you are busy. Fast food is not food, its just a quick unhealthy appetite supressor until the next time your on the road. Plan ahead, it doesnt have to be inconvient to eat healthy. Even if you eat out, there are healthy options. If you dont know what they are, start looking at nutrition info for the places you go and avoid the places that dont have that information available.

    If you set these habits in place now, it will be much easier to teach your little one that sliced apples are better than french fries. AND if your still breastfeeding, think of it this way... Your baby is eating what you eat, which makes it even more important for you to eat right.

    On the exercise front...just do it. Plop that little one in a stroller and commit to walking 30 minutes each day. Good for you, good for them. Then... get going and do 30 minutes of stretching or some toning of some kind.

    I guarantee, you get started and it will be easier to stick to the program. You dont HAVE to log on everyday and log your food. Get a little notepad and keep a journal with your goals. Sometimes just writing it down gives you a better sense of reality when tracking calories. You can even plan a few days of meals at a time and print it out so you know what you are eating. This helps a ton for busy people who cant get online every day to log thier food and stay on track.

    Sorry if this seems a bit harsh, Im not trying to be mean or anything. Just giving you a little push with the padded slipper in the right direction. :wink:
  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    When I first started loosing all this weight my daughter was very young, I was working full time and going to school part time for a masters. I cooked almost every dinner in a crockpot using lean meats, low fat or fat free condensed cans of soup and frozen veggies. I did my workouts with my daughter. She loved to go for walks and sometimes I would take her to the park and I would use the playground to do pull-ups, dips and sit-ups.

    Like everyone else said, starting is the hard part. Good Luck. :smile:
  • acoker
    acoker Posts: 9
    Thank you so much for ALL of your advice! None was too harsh- :laugh: - I needed it! :wink: I am going to see what I can do to get my act in gear and to remember that by helping me... I will be helping my family! (And that is what matters the most to me!)
    Thanks again for all the info- I'm going to put it into action... starting NOW!!! :flowerforyou:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I hate to cook, but know it is the only way to lose weight for me.

    I grill 6 chicken breasts at a time. Freeze 3 in sep bags, keep the others in the fridge.

    I also bag up 3 oz burgers, 3 oz salmon, 3 oz turkey breast. Etc.

    For dinner I have a George Forman Grill. I quickly cook a breast, steam veggies in the microwave, and throw a salad in the bowl. I find it is quicker than waiting in line for fast food and so much better for me.

    It comes down to this: You cant have it all. You will need to work to lose weight. It is worth every moment.