What's your weight loss program?



  • TrefG
    TrefG Posts: 112 Member
    I lost around 90lb by limiting to 1200 calories and exercising (walking and light jogging) 3 times a week.

    In the last month I had stalled, but have been doing lots more excercise (5-6 times a week), so I upped my calories to 1400 and concentrated on increasing my protien. We seem to be moving in the right direction again !
  • SithZombie
    SithZombie Posts: 165 Member
    =\ I'm watching my calorie intake (1440 a day), and exercising at 5am (strength training for an hour or more) and 5pm (cardio for 30 minutes).
  • almondgirl00
    Mine is one of those "don't eat this, seriously, it's not good for you" diet plans to manage a dermatological condition. Experimental, early days and all. I aim for 1250 calories a day and refuse to track my saturated fat; I'd have to cry a little if I saw how much I was actually eating.
  • margo36
    margo36 Posts: 222 Member
    I cook from fresh ingredients and eat all my exercise calories :wink: Although my ticker is showing 4 pounds lost I have lost about 150 pounds. I just set myself a target and when I have lost that I set another target :flowerforyou:
  • asyouseefit
    asyouseefit Posts: 1,265 Member
    Moderate calorie deficit

    This. I try to eat at least 100g of proteins a day but I don't beat myself up if I don't make it.
  • TeeferTiger
    TeeferTiger Posts: 136 Member
    I used to do Slimming World, but I found it demoralising when I was following the plan and only losing 1/2, putting on, maintaining, losing 1lb etc and others (who, admittedly, were a lot bigger than me) were losing 5lbs a week and eating more crap than me and loving it. I wasn't eating unhealthily before though, and for me it was purely calorie intake that was the problem. I'd gone from being a postwoman and then was suddenly ill and unable to exercise. Anything I ate went straight onto my waist. I didn't have to adjust my eating habits too much when I joined SW unlike a lot of the people there and so I found it wasn't really for me.

    So now, I basically just calorie count. I make sure I use more than I consume and the weight is slowly but surely coming off.

    It does make me chuckle though when people rave about Slimming World "I've lost so much weight!". Yes, well, if you stop eating 8 takeaways a week and replace them with fruit and veg, that does tend to happen! lol
  • Kevww1982
    I follow this site


    Hes got a great plan and some good food ideas. Every morning I make a spinach shake and take vitamins. I drink tons of water and follow his exercise program. I dont really follow his food plan but I use MFP to do that for me. So far Ive been doing this for 45 days and lost 29.4 pounds which averages to 4.5 pounds a week. You should check it out its got great stuff on it.
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    I eat six small meals a day. I do not give up the foods I love. I just make healthier versions. I eat tacos, ice cream and even cheese cake. I do not eat anything white: no white flour, no white potatoes, no white sugar, no white rice, etc. I make my carbs counts by only eating whole grain carbs such as quinoa, Healthy Life Bread, and low carb high fiber tortillas. I watch my fat, sugar, and sodium by limiting them to 40 grams or less, 30 grams of sugar (no white sugar, I use Stevia), and 2500 grams or less of sodium. I keep my carbs at 100 grams or less a day and my protein at least 75 but more like 100-125 grams a day. I keep my calories between 1100-1300 a day (You may need more).

    I exercise 5-6 days a week. I try to do the circuit training everyday (There is a free video section at http://www.perfectweightamerica.com for circuit training). Circuit training is an excellent way burn calories. I do Zumba 4-5 times a week too. Zumba works the all the muscles in the body and is fun. It actually follows the principles of circuit training by raising and lowering the heart rate during exercise so you burn the maximum calories.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    It was calories in, calories out, with a whole lot of exercise. Then I got stuck. Now it's drink a lot of coffee, eat more calories than I was, and exercise less. The scale is moving in the right direction. When the scale stops moving, I think I'll switch it back. Or try something else. Anything to keep the numbers going down. Well, almost anything. I'm not hacking off limbs or anything.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator
    I eat 3000 calories and do P90X2. Actually thinking about increasing my calories some more because I don't think I am getting enough.

    For all those on 1200 calories and not eating back exercise calories, be careful as this can do two bad things; kill your metabolism and kill your lean muscle mass. Both make long term lost and fitness difficult, especially when it gets to a point you want that flat stomach.
  • escloflowneCHANGED
    escloflowneCHANGED Posts: 3,038 Member
    I shoot for 1100-1300 net calories per day, limit the bad carbs and eat lots of fiber!
  • tcemt
    tcemt Posts: 15 Member
    I follow this site


    Hes got a great plan and some good food ideas. Every morning I make a spinach shake and take vitamins. I drink tons of water and follow his exercise program. I dont really follow his food plan but I use MFP to do that for me. So far Ive been doing this for 45 days and lost 29.4 pounds which averages to 4.5 pounds a week. You should check it out its got great stuff on it.

    I've been thinking about incorporating jucing. Just watched Sick, Fat and Nearly Dead. That was interesting to say the least. What have you seen as your challenges? Do you only do it in the morning or all day?
  • mdulanto9177
    Hey everyone!
    I follow MFP guidlines that they set for me, but I also use Shakeology every morning, then I work out 2x a day to TurboFire and Insanity. My goal is to lose approx.45lbs in the next 15 months. Well I would like to lose it faster then that but I can be patient.LOL
    I hope everyone has a great day!!!

    Can I ask what is Shakeology??

    If you google it, you can find it there...it's a healty shake that has all these veggies and one shot of wheat grass...kinda nasty...but if you mis it with fruits too and almond milk...it's also on the procy side!...
  • sayfay
    sayfay Posts: 90 Member
    My really "complicated" program is eat less, move more! Seriously, that's all I've done and I've lost 30 pounds in 3 months.
  • noiva
    noiva Posts: 94
    Moderation, boo.
  • avonchik
    avonchik Posts: 106
    I follow MFP and do Zumba 4x's a week for 20 minutes,. that is low as i just started exercising again! ( i'm pooped at the end of 20 min.!)Hope you find something that works for you!:smile:
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    I started out with cutting calories and doing lots of exercise. I was only looking at a 10lb loss (my main goal was to eat healthy). I hit that after about 6 months. But when I hit my goal I thought "now what?" To maintain I would have to keep weighing, logging and counting. I was sick of counting and I was sick of eating every couple of hours.
    So - I did a little searching. I came across Primal Blueprint - I thought "let's do an experiment". What have I got to lose? Diabetes is a dysfunctional carbohydrate metabolism and there is diabetes in my family and since even whole grains are carbs that spike your blood sugar - just slower to get there - I figured I would try it to see what happens. It made sense to me. So I ditched the counting. Dropped the grains, milk, legumes, and sugars. I cut back on the exercise - especially excessive cardio - and did just enough to stay fit. Limited my fruit (all non-fiber carbs turn to sugar when digested). Started eating healthy fats (butter, coconut oil, olive oil, animal fats, uncured bacon) and protein like crazy. Stopped eating processed foods. WOW!! My energy levels went up. My digestive problems went away. My hair stopped falling out and receding areas at the temples are growing back (yes I'm female). My stress levels dropped. I lost my belly. I learned I have a serious sugar addiction - this is still the hardest part. I dropped another 10lbs in four months. Hit a weight I haven't seen since before puberty.

    So now and for the immediate future and probably for the rest of my life I will be following Primal Blueprint (and PB Fitness). Who knows, my continuing journey of knowledge might send me in another direction. We'll see...