Has anyone tried Prescription Weight Loss???



  • joeygirl84
    joeygirl84 Posts: 224 Member
    I'm sorry, but I've lost almost 90 lbs the healthiest way with good diet and lots of exercise... and sometimes I can't help but feel irritated with these "quick fix" ideas.

    You can't expect to correct something in a couple months with drugs... that you took years to screw up in the first place. I understand we all have stress and so on and we can get out of hand... but I wish people knew the satisfaction you get from knowing YOU did it... and not wondering what some drug will do in the long run, like allow the weight to come back because you never really did change your habbits which got you in trouble in the first place.

    All the best to her, but if she were my friend... I'd give her as many high fives and hugs as it took to help her stick it out the best way for her health.
  • monicanicoletta
    monicanicoletta Posts: 176 Member
    Look everyone is going to have their opinions and some people will lash out because they dont understand different things work for different people and they assume its a quick fix lazy people use etc etc. Here is MY story

    I was 164 and 5'3.... I ate healthy, especially during the week. We are talking no breads or white starch's, lots of veggies/fruits/proteins. On the weeknd I would be a little more lose with my diet and wasnt till I started prescriptions that I realized how much I mindlessly snacked...grabbing chips here and there not logging but all those calories add up. I work out 6 times a week and we are talking real workouts: I do strength training, spin class, turbo kickboxing at a private studio, circuits at the gym made by my bf who is a personal trainer, running etc etc. Basically.. if anyone that I knew in my life aka co-workers/family/friends... ate like I did and worked out as much and as HARD as I did- they'd lose weight no problem! But that wasn;t happening for me.

    Went to see a dietician at UCLA and after an ekg, blood work, body fat test, etc etc he determined I have an abnormally slow metabolism and I bet a lot of people do with similar issues. So he suggested I go on phentermine for a few months to jump start it since my life style easily proved I could maintain it and had the discipline and right habits. Now again remember I did heart/blood tests before going on this to make sure I could handle it beacuse yes it does increase your heart rate andlike everything, even some vitamins, it has side effects.

    I started on December 29th, 2011..so it will be 4 weeks on thursday. I have lost 15 pounds (and that is as of saturday, i havent weighed myself because I am on my period and know i get heavier). 15 pounds in 3.5 weeks is pretty awesome if you ask me :) Now some lose a lot faster, some lose a lot slower- just depends. Now have I changed a lot in my life? not a whole lot... but I stopped the mindless snacking all day and really think about what I am putting into my body. I'm hoping to lose 15/20 more so that I can be in the 130's range. Its not good to be on it for more than 3 months because your body gets used to it and your heart/body needs the rest. But I would HIGHLY recommend it for a jump start...

    however if you dont have an active life and plan on taking this then going back to a lazy/bad eating life, umm of course you'll gain it back; duh :) But if you really are changing and want the help, as long as your doctor makes sure you are ok to take it, take it and see the results!!! good luck :)

    Phentermine side effects

    Signs of an allergic reaction to phentermine: hives; difficulty breathing; swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat.

    Other side Effects:

    Feeling short of breath, even with mild exertion;
    Chest pain, feeling like you might pass out;
    Swelling in your ankles or feet;
    Pounding heartbeats or fluttering in your chest;
    Confusion or irritability, unusual thoughts or behavior;
    Feelings of extreme happiness or sadness; or
    Dangerously high blood pressure (severe headache, blurred vision, buzzing in your ears, anxiety, confusion, chest pain, shortness of breath, uneven heartbeats, seizure).

    Less serious phentermine side effects may include:
    Feeling restless or hyperactive;
    Headache, dizziness, tremors;
    Sleep problems (insomnia);
    Dry mouth or an unpleasant taste in your mouth;
    Diarrhea or constipation, upset stomach; or
    Increased or decreased interest in sex, impotence.

    Worth it? I would say not.

    In addition, its only works for SHORT TERM weight loss. People that stop taking it haven't changed the underlying problem of how they eat and when they eat, and ultimately (Statistically) gain the weight back.


    Do it the right way.
  • jmullis83
    If you change the way you eat while taking the medication then you will continue the journey when off of it. I am on Phentermine and an inj at the same time and in 1wk I have dropped 5lbs and have started changing my eating habbits. But you have to change your mind set before you start the medication...
  • rocketpants
    rocketpants Posts: 419 Member
    Drugs, supplements, miracle herbs..... are not necessary to lose weight. It may not be easy, but it is simple If she eats fewer calories than she burns she WILL lose the weight.
  • karenann1989
    karenann1989 Posts: 63 Member
    I was on phentermine along with about 14 other pills, some prescription and some vitamins under a Dr's direction. I lost over 50 pounds in a short amount of time and felt GREAT!!!! I had 20 pounds to go and the Dr I was going to moved and there wasn't any other Dr in the area willing to keep writing the prescriptions that he was. Even though I was still watching what I ate I slowly gained back the weight plus about 20 pounds extra. I went to another Dr and he told me that is what happens with that type of drug, as soon as you stop taking it the weight will come back along with some extra. We would all like a quick fix to out weight issues but I think the best way is just doing it naturally with diet and exercise and thinking of it as a lifestyle change and not a "diet". Diets are something that we start and stop ~ in order to be successful we need to make a change and stick with it for life.
  • MsTanya77
    MsTanya77 Posts: 357 Member
    I took Phentermine briefly back in 2009 when I was about 30lbs heavier than now. It worked for a few weeks for me and then my body developed a tolerance to it and it stopped working. It had terrible side effects for me, dry mouth and horrible constipation. Everyone has different results, but for me it didn't do enough for me to want to keep taking it. I joined MFP and lost these last 30lbs with diet and exercise............
  • addy_rodriguez
    addy_rodriguez Posts: 18 Member
    I used Phentermine like many of the people responding to this post. I lost 5 lbs within the first two weeks but the headaches and nausea (and on two occasions actual vomiting) were so unbearable that I had to stop. I gained back the 5 lbs and a few others (but that's because of my crumby eating habits) with in the next 3 months. Did NOT work for me
    However a friend of mine used it for the first 6 months and did great (its been a year and shes kept her 40 lbs off with diet and exercise)
  • AshleyNPeters
    AshleyNPeters Posts: 78 Member
    I LOVED Phentermine as a way to jump start my weight loss when my body was in a place where no matter what I did it would not let go of any weight. The 46 lbs I've lost are actually from diet and exercise and your friend may be one of those people who needs accountability to someone. Bottom line, if she doesn't learn to eat right and exercise, any diet aids are a short term fix...but they can start her off right.

    And to the guy who thinks she hasn't been trying...Before my 3 month course of phentermine and metformin to wake my body up, I was swimming 4 days a week, and 45 minutes at a time, and not losing a lb. Some people, especially women, need a kick start. Our dang hormones can mess up even the most honest attempts. Case in point - in a month where I eat healthy every day, and exercise 6 days a week, I will lose 2-3 lbs for 2 of the weeks and 0.3-0.8 lbs a week for each of the other weeks. Doing exactly the same thing.

    She is quite overweight - she needs to lose about 150 lbs to be a "healthy" weight. Phentermine is one of the options for them to use on her which is FDA approved. The thing I liked about the clinic she is looking at is that they constantly monitor her health by taking blood tests, blood pressure check, etc. She has tried the natural approach and has been honest with her eating and exercising, but just hasn't been able to loose the weight. This post is great for her so she can look at the pros and cons, I appreciate the comments!
  • nelson6500
    I did the phen/phen thing. Lost 30 lbs quickly but now I have heart valve problems. That was FDA and dr approved. I gained it all back and then some. It has taken me quite a while and some ups and downs but finally loosing just by diet and exercise. It is the healthiest way to do it. It may take longer but worth it. If done properly, no side effects.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    To me it'd be about risk assessment. The drug you listed isn't Phentermine, but it might be related. I'd tell her to talk to her doctor to figure out whether the risk of using the drug/VLCD outweighs the risk of remaining 150 lbs overweight. I'd also look into the program as far as education. If they're not going to teach her how to count calories and maintain a healthy lifestyle then there's not much point. My father-in-law has been going to a weight loss clinic for just over a year. They give him injections, he loses weight until he's out of shots. Then he gains it back. But they've never worked with him on a plan for keeping it off (because he's paying them lots of money for the shots probably) and so he hasn't learned. Due to FDA scrutiny they've told him this round of shots has to be his last but they still haven't helped him develop a healthy eating plan.
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    Phentermine side effects

    Signs of an allergic reaction to phentermine: hives; difficulty breathing; swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat.

    Other side Effects:

    Feeling short of breath, even with mild exertion;
    Chest pain, feeling like you might pass out;
    Swelling in your ankles or feet;
    Pounding heartbeats or fluttering in your chest;
    Confusion or irritability, unusual thoughts or behavior;
    Feelings of extreme happiness or sadness; or
    Dangerously high blood pressure (severe headache, blurred vision, buzzing in your ears, anxiety, confusion, chest pain, shortness of breath, uneven heartbeats, seizure).

    Less serious phentermine side effects may include:
    Feeling restless or hyperactive;
    Headache, dizziness, tremors;
    Sleep problems (insomnia);
    Dry mouth or an unpleasant taste in your mouth;
    Diarrhea or constipation, upset stomach; or
    Increased or decreased interest in sex, impotence.

    Worth it? I would say not.

    In addition, its only works for SHORT TERM weight loss. People that stop taking it haven't changed the underlying problem of how they eat and when they eat, and ultimately (Statistically) gain the weight back.


    Do it the right way.

    This ^^

  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    I'm betting she hasn't tried as hard as she says she has. If she has, she should be going to the doctor to get a full checkup instead of a weight loss clinic. If she hasn't been able to lose weight the normal and healthy way along with whatever other things she has tried she probably has something medically wrong.

    This ^^

    Did she tried a low carb diet? Maybe she's insulin resistant. Maybe her thyroid is not working. Maybe she eats too much calories or not enough. There are so many people on this forum who lost over 100 lbs doing it the right way. It's not impossible.
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    Feeling short of breath, even with mild exertion;
    Chest pain, feeling like you might pass out;
    Pounding heartbeats or fluttering in your chest;
    Confusion or irritability, unusual thoughts or behavior;
    Feelings of extreme happiness or sadness; or
    Dangerously high blood pressure (severe headache, blurred vision, buzzing in your ears, anxiety, confusion, chest pain, shortness of breath, uneven heartbeats, seizure).

    Less serious phentermine side effects may include:
    Feeling restless or hyperactive;
    Headache, dizziness, tremors;
    Sleep problems (insomnia);

    I had all of the above. SOOO not worth it.
  • CeeJourney
    CeeJourney Posts: 149 Member
  • CuteAndCurvy83
    CuteAndCurvy83 Posts: 570 Member
    I had a friend of mine do it, and she did lose weight, however she also had some hair falling out, as well as some sores on her arms, and when she went off of it and went back to real life and real eating she gained all of it back. The thing is with diets like that is they don't teach you WHAT or HOW to eat.
  • Bethee101
    Bethee101 Posts: 99 Member
    I was at the Dr last month and she told me there was no legal pill anymore. I think you are thinking of the HCG Diet, they will give you injections of the hormone which pretty much wipes away your appetite. You literally have to force yourself to eat. My sister in law who is a nurse works at a beauty clinic and they had her go on it. She lost about 30 lbs. While it seems like a great way to loose weight fast, the course eventually ends and then you are back into "real" life again. Also some people have to go through it more than 1 or 2 times and I have heard it is pretty expensive. Good luck to you ;)
  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    Phentremine is not Fen-Phen. Fen-Phen is the one that caused the health issues with people. Get the correct facts before information is shared. Phentremine has been around and used for many years (50s - 60s? -- can't remember which off the top of my head). With that, there are still side effects as there are with an medications. I tried it, couldn't sleep at all stopped after 2 weeks.

    Your friend needs to make her own decision but I would have her talk to her doctor and not a bunch of people who have never even tried it. Most weight loss clinics teach you what and how to eat. If they don't, probably not the best choice to make going to them.
  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    Absolutely not true. You might want to find a new Dr. http://www.drugs.com/phentermine.html
  • _Ben
    _Ben Posts: 1,608 Member
    Pharmacy major here. Drugs like phentermine and diethylpropion can work, but you need to be careful for several reasons. They do not cause you to lose weight, but instead decrease your appetite. These are only short term solutions, you need real commitment, dieting, and exercise
  • natacha305
    natacha305 Posts: 117 Member
    Phentermine it works. but its a DRUG and you might get used to it (addicted)

    as soon as you get off of it you will feel tired and start eating like crazy. just like every other diet fad and pill out there

    so you can take phentermine or smoke some crystal meth, either way your going to feel cracked out and jittery, jumpy and won be able to close your eyes at night.

    im not totally against it, just my opinion. I take Lipo 6 gives me energy to work out, doesnt keep me up or make me feel cracked out. the appetite suppressant isnt that strong so i learn to curb my own appetite. After all im not planning to take pill forever