Right About Now I Fall Apart



  • chantelle149
    chantelle149 Posts: 22 Member
    Green tea and an afternoon snack like fruit or yogurt always helps me. Also if you have a break, mines 15 mins. I go for a quick walk and it helps me get over the cravings. Best of luck :)
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    I keep a bag of apples at my desk. No need to go anywhere and be tempted. Also, I drink more water.
  • A high protein snack is the only thing that works for me. A protein bar or, if possible, a hard boiled egg. Fruit just makes me crave more carbs.

    And, lots of water.
  • I read on Tumblr once, Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a nobleman, and dinner like a pauper. So, eat more earlier in the day to keep you more full! Also, I stuck a post it note on my desk that gives me a list of things to do if I feel like snacking, like playing Just Dance and trying to get five stars, or drinking some water, or jogging down to the convenience store to get a juicy apple or orange.
  • tanigrrrrr
    tanigrrrrr Posts: 137 Member
    I usually find my demotivation and cravings come when Im hungry and want something NOW.

    Also when I hit that 3pm mark at work, I find I want a snack to try and boost me throiugh the afternoon.

    If im craving something sweet, i generally make myself a coffee with whole milk. I usually use skim - no fat, but I find if i make a coffee with a splenda packet and real milk, it satisfies both my starting of hunger and my cravings.

    However, if sweets are something you crave, maybe try a museli bar with a small layer of chocolate, or if you really cant continue on with the healthier options, just buy fun sized and allow yourself one only.

    I personally use sweet food as something to look forward to - I allow myself one treat per week and think about that when im craving... Ie - Crappy chocolate bar out of the vending machine, or completely decadent cheesecake on my dedicated treat day.

    I also have a quote that constantly sticks in the back of my mind ... "Nothing tastes better than a loss on the scales..."
  • damonmath
    damonmath Posts: 359 Member
    I bring a myoplex protein shake to work and sip on it when I get hungry. Both before and after lunch. It tastes like chocolate milk but contains 42 grams of protein. :)

    This has always worked for me and I burn a ton of calories every morning.
  • brandi_b
    brandi_b Posts: 3 Member
    I have the same problem, and I have a major sweet tooth so I'm always craving cookies, cakes, etc. around this time of day. I just discovered my favorite "replace junk" snack: dannon light & fit vanilla yogurt, strawberries, granola cereal (I like Cascadian Farm), and a wee drizzle of chocolate syrup (or a few chocolate chips). It cures my sweet junk craving, feels decadent with the bit of chocolate, and is quite healthy. Win win win. :love:
  • 4hotmama
    4hotmama Posts: 112 Member
    Eat a protein for breakfast and a protein for lunch and it should help with cravings. Ex. I had a protein smoothie for breakfast and an egg mid morning and then a chicken breast and cauliflower for lunch and I am still full- to the point I dont want to think about food the rest of the day.
  • I have the same problem, and it's a struggle right up until dinner for me. What helps me is making some green tea. For me, there is something so comforting about a mug of green tea so it fills that void. It also tames my appetite a bit. If I'm still hungry, I grab some carrots and hummus that I bring from home. Your body might be used to eating at this time, so you may have to tap into that mental strength for a few days to retrain it.

    Good luck. You got this.
  • rosieflo
    rosieflo Posts: 218
    I do a 1/2 serving of pistachios, a cheese stick and and fruit sometimes.
    Or fruity greek yogurt.
    Anything with protein helps me make it through!
  • Zarebeth
    Zarebeth Posts: 136 Member
    We have a "common area" where everyone puts cookies, candy, cake, brownies, etc. I have to walk past it every time I need to go to the front. I am so far being very strong. I take the long way around, even if it means walking up Executive Row. Not only that, but at least three of them keep a jar of candy on their desks. I was a real good customer until after the first of the year!

    I bring a big lunch box with blue ice on the bottom and a bag of cubes. In it I have my breakfast yogurt, lunch and a couple of snacks - fruit, lowfat cheese stick, carrots and celery. I force myself to drink a mug of green tea with Splenda before lunch, and if I am hungry after I eat everything I brought I have a 32 oz mason jar I fill with the ice, then brew some green tea mixed with herbal tea for a better flavor, then pour it over the ice and fill with cold water. After that I find I am full enough to resist, and I get 4 of my 8 glasses of water in that one jar. And everyone thinks my jar is so cute! lol

    Today I didn't bring enough, and I am starving, even after the 32 oz. of tea. I may just take a stroll around the warehouse. I am strong, because today I broke my first plateau!
  • bevskiwolf
    bevskiwolf Posts: 296 Member
    I eat every 2-3 hours. I try to eat 5, maybe 6 meals a day. I feel fantastic and the binges have disappeared. Good luck!
  • noneya2010
    noneya2010 Posts: 446 Member
    This is my normal daily routine. I do super well with my nutrition until about 2:30 or 3:00 in the afternoon when I'm sitting at my desk doing my work and all I can think about is grabbing something to munch on from our kitchen. I don't understand. I can go all morning without eating the bad things back there, but right now it's hard to keep myself in my chair! Does anyone else have this problem? What do you do to get past it?

    One thing I do that helps a lot is to have my days worth of food written down. I also started drinking a lot of green tea with honey and lemon and that is helping.
  • RenshiG
    RenshiG Posts: 71 Member
    From your comment I am reading that you eat well and the munchies are more due to boredom or habit. I have had similar issues and found that I can do two things that helped.
    1) I always have a cup of (preferably) green tea next to me. It helps with the fluids and keeps me satiated, but most importantly it gives my hands something to do\grab for. Important: Put nothing into it... which is why I use green or herbal tea... cannot drink black tea straight.
    2) If I really, really HAVE to eat something I make myself a big, big bowel of veggies. Eating cauliflowers with brussle sprouts + light butter sauce (from the sprouts) right now. Nice and warming to the tummy, you get stuffed, and it is good for you. Even if you eat a whole lot, really you shouldn't have to feel bad about it (just don't Add ADDITIONAL butter)... and sometimes I do keep eating til the broccoli is coming out of my ears... still a lot better than chips or anything the like.
    I hope this helps!!
  • tisha_rae
    tisha_rae Posts: 216 Member

    I use to have this problem all the time – but not anymore – I have never been a breakfast eater and still find it hard, but I try – even if it’s just a piece of fruit, however on the days I eat more protein at breakfast (I like hard-boiled eggs) I am less hungry the rest of the day – I also try to eat high-protein at lunch – then at 2 or 3 if I want a snack I will have one – but a healthy one like fruit, veggies or sometimes I’ll eat a sugar free jello/pudding. This usually gets me thru the day. If you are counting calories – you should be able to snack on veggies without adding much to your count. If you are one of those people that have to have something to dip it in try mixing dry ranch w/ fat free sour cream/cream cheese. Personally I like apples or celery in peanut butter, things that are crunchy seem to satisfy me more.

    I use to only eat 1 or 2 times a day – now I am eating 5 or 6 times a day and steadily losing weight – so I’m a believer that it is much healthier to eat many small meals a day than a few large ones.

    Good Luck!
  • leannems
    leannems Posts: 516 Member
    I have this problem, although mine hits at 4:30.

    To solve it - I eat! Usually a piece of fruit or some greek yogurt (chobani pineapple - YUM). Or some light cheese with lean deli meats. I also make sure to fill up my water bottle around this time.

    Generally, I always have food with me. Some fruit or even some jerky. Just enough to tide me over and re-energize. Protein bars are a good idea (especially if you like sweets), but there's lots of other stuff too.
  • fetchfury
    fetchfury Posts: 84 Member
    I read on Tumblr once, Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a nobleman, and dinner like a pauper.

    love this!
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    I read on Tumblr once, Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a nobleman, and dinner like a pauper.

    love this!

    Sure, it sounds good, but it's neither a necessary nor sufficient condition for weight loss or fitness success.

    Tumblr is not exactly the best source for fitness information.
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    Identifying your weak time is half the battle... now just arm yourself with some good snacks to get through it so you don't have to feel guilty. A few squares of dark chocolate aren't bad, or Skinny Cow, or whatever else you can factor in to your calorie total. Sometimes you just need a break to get through the day... some people do it with smoke breaks, some people with food. A good-for-you but still tasty snack is much healthier, and planning leaves no room for regret. Good luck :)
  • I read on Tumblr once, Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a nobleman, and dinner like a pauper.

    ^^ This works for me. Munchies in between when needed. Usually I'll go for a glass of ice water first, and after that's finished if I can recognize that I'm actually hungry, I'll go for a single serve bag of popcorn or cup of dry cereal. Grapes, berries, small things that I can feel like I'm munching on for a longer period of time.