Who is doing 30 day shred?



  • I'm doing Level 3 day 25, welcome to add me.
  • DiamondEyes_x
    DiamondEyes_x Posts: 120 Member
    Today is day 2 on Level 1. All achey so hopefully it's working! :D
  • I am starting today, I am also training for a 10k on february 18th so hopefully this does not hurt my legs to much! Am in decent shape already but love this workout and it definitely gets results. Will take before and after pictures! If anyone wants someone to keep them accountable I am in!
  • USNGirlMel
    USNGirlMel Posts: 33 Member
    ON SALE @ TARGET FOR $9 :glasses: :drinker: :heart: :smooched:
  • sarabig2fit
    sarabig2fit Posts: 274 Member
    i've seen major results from the 30ds. i'm on day 6 of level 2. i love it. plus, you can't beat a 20-30 minute workout. :) i just hate her voice. it's def worth a shot! days 1-10 were the best days for me!
  • ameyc2002
    ameyc2002 Posts: 247 Member
    i am also d2 level 1. i stared it a few months ago on demand only got 5 days until it was gone. so i am tryig again. i have lsot about10 pounds since then and i can definatly tell its easier for me this go around. but dont misunderstand its not easy at all. just better this go around since im smaller i guess. i was going to take b4 and after pics but i hated the before pic so im not. hopefully i can finish good luck to all
  • deb54
    deb54 Posts: 270 Member
    I'm stopping to buy this on my way home from work tonight after a few days of reading about it. I've had some success with weight loss through dieting but not so much luck with losing inches. I've been dealing with a back injury for the past several months and after lots and lots of physical therapy, I think I'm ready for something high intensity again. Hoping this will be the change I need to keep the weight coming off. Starting tomorrow or Thursday. 30 days straight. No excuses!

    I did the shred up to level 1 day 9 and hurt my back ... Bad. ... That was in August and I still have difficulty with my back tightening up on me ... Please take care doing this ...
  • mariabee
    mariabee Posts: 212 Member
    Do you remember which move tweaked your back? My husband has a horrible back, I want to keep an eye on him, so far, he's okay...

    I did the shred up to level 1 day 9 and hurt my back ... Bad. ... That was in August and I still have difficulty with my back tightening up on me ... Please take care doing this ...
  • i also just started it to. last time i tried i gave up so im determined to make it through
  • MOesmama
    MOesmama Posts: 15 Member
    I'm on day 4 of level one. So hard, but so good too.
  • emfnp
    emfnp Posts: 23
    I'm on L1D3, which is cool (even though I am sore)
    Does anybody else work out on top of it? I do this in the AM, and go running/zumba/step class etc etc in the evening, as I want to lose weight and inches; but I'm not sure if thats recommended. Thanks gang!
  • Sammie927
    Sammie927 Posts: 10 Member
    I just started it yesterday! After todays workout i feel fantastic! cant wait to see everyone results! including my own! good luck to everyone!:)
  • snarff2012
    snarff2012 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm on L1 D2 yesterday i walked 9 miles in addition to it and today i done some extra work with the weights and toning exercises.. tonight i can hardly move!
  • slimmerchick
    slimmerchick Posts: 189 Member
    I've just finished day 10 level 1 but I've done the whole thing before and I find level 3 easier than level 2 - I hope I can get through level 2! I can see a big improvement already.

    Circuit training is accurate (I tested with an HRM) but if you do a search in your exercise log and it doesn't find it, you can add your own.

    i found that too!!! i was so scared to try it cuz L2 was pretty brutal but i actually enjoy level 3 besides the plank with the leg lifts and the dumbell row... exercise itself is easy but is killer on my wrists

    Oh yeah I remember that one - I had to get different weights because of that exercise!
  • clowermom
    clowermom Posts: 52 Member
    I'm on Day 6, Level 1. The first couple of days I felt like crying I was so sore. But the soreness is gone now. I skipped today -- I just couldn't get motivated for it this morning -- but instead I walked 2 miles to the grocery store and carried the groceries home. It was a fair trade off in the amount of calories I burned, but I actually miss the toning exercises.

    My biggest "complaint" (which just really means what I don't like) is the cardio. I HATE jumping anything. Jumping jacks, jumping rope, butt kicks, etc. The impact hurts my knees. So I don't care what Jillian says, there is a modified version -- I just don't lift my feet of the ground. It may not be ideal, but it's right for me. And it's a heck of a lot more than I was doing a month ago.
  • hdrodgers
    hdrodgers Posts: 5 Member
    I just started today too! Not looking forward to the pain everyone is saying they felt after the day 1 workout but definitely looking forward to losing some inches! I would like to stay accountable with a group of people also doing it...I'm new to MFP...how do I do that?
  • mariabee
    mariabee Posts: 212 Member
    I just started today too! Not looking forward to the pain everyone is saying they felt after the day 1 workout but definitely looking forward to losing some inches! I would like to stay accountable with a group of people also doing it...I'm new to MFP...how do I do that?

    Just keep checking back into this thread, I will do the same, and I'm sure alot of people that have replied will as well.

    I skipped today and went to the gym instead, so tomorrow is Day 3 for me.

    Personally, I love being sore from working out... okay "love" isn't the right word, but you know what I mean.
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,357 Member
    I just started today too! Not looking forward to the pain everyone is saying they felt after the day 1 workout but definitely looking forward to losing some inches! I would like to stay accountable with a group of people also doing it...I'm new to MFP...how do I do that?

    A saying that's made me love the pain "If your not sore then your not doing it right" lol. And it never get's easier, your endurance just get's better :)
  • Charliegag
    Charliegag Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks for the info guys... ;):happy:
  • Kagard11
    Kagard11 Posts: 396 Member
    I'm on L3 D3, and I haven't lost much weight, but am smaller and tighter! I hope I'm officially smaller when I take my final measurements in 7 more days!