How will you know

I see a lot about goal weights and such on this site, but weight is just a number, so I'm wondering how will you know when you've "arrived" at your goal? If you get to your goal weight will you want to lose more? Build muscle? Maintain? Is there something aside from weight that you'd like to see happen with your body? Will you ever be "finished" or is fitness a never-ending process in which you always find another goal to meet? On one hand I'd like to reach a point where I'm totally satisfied with my body, but on the other hand I know that (barring plastic surgery) something will always bother me. So is it better to make peace with whatever "flaws" you see in yourself or is it better to always work toward improvement? Thoughts?


  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    I see a lot about goal weights and such on this site, but weight is just a number, so I'm wondering how will you know when you've "arrived" at your goal? If you get to your goal weight will you want to lose more? Build muscle? Maintain? Is there something aside from weight that you'd like to see happen with your body? Will you ever be "finished" or is fitness a never-ending process in which you always find another goal to meet? On one hand I'd like to reach a point where I'm totally satisfied with my body, but on the other hand I know that (barring plastic surgery) something will always bother me. So is it better to make peace with whatever "flaws" you see in yourself or is it better to always work toward improvement? Thoughts?

    for me it's easy: when I can fit in that old pair of true size 2 pants and have room, that's the day.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I see a lot about goal weights and such on this site, but weight is just a number, so I'm wondering how will you know when you've "arrived" at your goal? If you get to your goal weight will you want to lose more? Build muscle? Maintain? Is there something aside from weight that you'd like to see happen with your body? Will you ever be "finished" or is fitness a never-ending process in which you always find another goal to meet? On one hand I'd like to reach a point where I'm totally satisfied with my body, but on the other hand I know that (barring plastic surgery) something will always bother me. So is it better to make peace with whatever "flaws" you see in yourself or is it better to always work toward improvement? Thoughts?

    for me it's easy: when I can fit in that old pair of true size 2 pants and have room, that's the day.

    See I thought that too-- although not size 2!-- but now that I fit in my old clothes I still feel like I'm not quite "there" yet. Only now I don't know where there is yet.
  • opajee
    opajee Posts: 69
    My current goal is to get to my goal weight. My goal after that will be to maintain it. I'm really aiming for a lifestyle change, so I would like to hope that 10 years from now I'll still be maintaining my weight and not undoing all the hard work.
  • amoffatt
    amoffatt Posts: 674 Member
    My goal weight is about 5 pounds more than recommended, 4'11 and about 110 is on the higher side and I use to be around 115, and preferred it over my use to be 97 pounds for I looked ill and at 105 I didn't think I looked good either. I want to be toned as well not just a number on the scale, so 115 gave me a good number that included being toned and I want that again.
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
    Most people will want to lose more when they hit their goal, because most people underestimate how much they need to lose to look like that picture they have in their heads.
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member

    See I thought that too-- although not size 2!-- but now that I fit in my old clothes I still feel like I'm not quite "there" yet. Only now I don't know where there is yet.
    How about setting fitting in old clothes as stage one goal? once reached, we will talk about what's next. Good luck. :)
  • jlemoore
    jlemoore Posts: 702 Member
    When I wake up in the morning and look at myself and say "Damn! You look good."
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    Weight, body fat, pants size...

    These are the variables I consider.
    To track body fat, go here:

    And there is always the mirror test. Do I like what I see?
    If not, the it's time to adjust the goals.
  • kardsharp
    kardsharp Posts: 618 Member
    I said I wanted to lose 20 pounds but, I'll see how I feel when I lose 10 or 15. If I feel good, I'll work on maintaining and getting fitter.

    I think it all about how YOU feel.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    Most people will want to lose more when they hit their goal, because most people underestimate how much they need to lose to look like that picture they have in their heads.

    Exactly this! I thought at 125 I would be looking perfect, got there, blah. 120 will be perfect! Got there, blah. New goal: 110.
  • DestinyDarbi
    DestinyDarbi Posts: 260 Member
    Gosh I HOPE there is an end to it!! I reached my goal weight a long time ago, but honestly, I think it's never ending! I think it differs for each person; for me, plastic surgery would be the only way to be truly happy! Exercising and eating right doesn't get rid of stretch marks and loose skin! LOL But really, I think eventually fitness will no longer be a "struggle" but will simply become who I am!
  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    My goal weight is 120lbs, but I'm some way off yet and aware I might actually want to stop earlier than that. My plan is to aim for that, and if I need to stop earlier I'll be happy about it.

    Towards the end of my weight loss, when I'm close to my goal, I'll aim to tone up my stomach if it's not already flat. From there, there are no more 'goals' I want to reach - I just want to ensure I maintain properly. I know I've changed my whole lifestyle already so I'm not worried about what happens at 'the end' other than learning how to stop losing. By then, I doubt that'll be too difficult.
  • elvb
    elvb Posts: 423 Member
    I am VERY close to my weight goal. My body goal now is more about losing the jiggle. :wink: I want to fit into a nice pair of jeans and not have muffin top. I want to look in the mirror and be happy with what I see. Something that hasn't happened in 10+ years.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member

    See I thought that too-- although not size 2!-- but now that I fit in my old clothes I still feel like I'm not quite "there" yet. Only now I don't know where there is yet.
    How about setting fitting in old clothes as stage one goal? once reached, we will talk about what's next. Good luck. :)

    Actually it has been reached. lol That's what I'm thinking about now-- whether I want to keep losing weight, or just focus on building muscle, or what.

    It sounds like for most people there may not be an ending point, so to speak.
  • Amf5627622
    When I no longer have a muffin top over my dress pants and can throw all my Spanx in the trash!
  • Elizabeth_M
    Elizabeth_M Posts: 562 Member
    I think that wherever you are happy is a reflection of where you should be. Some may be happy at a certain weight with little muscle tone, some may want to weight less, it's about the number to them. Some, want to be completely muscular.

    I do think there is always room for improvement - and, even if it's not physical, you can always improve your inner self.

    For me, I do have to learn to make peace with my flaws that will never change with weight loss, and learn to love myself. I'm getting there, but it can be slow. :)
  • nataliemae2011
    nataliemae2011 Posts: 37 Member
    Most people will want to lose more when they hit their goal, because most people underestimate how much they need to lose to look like that picture they have in their heads.

    I agree eveyone looks diff. in sizes. my goal is weight yes but i look at inches.
  • evesacks
    evesacks Posts: 94 Member
    I knew as my weight loss slowed down so much that I wasn't really motivated any more. Plus I was happy with my body, yes really.

    My original goal was 130lbs and I got to 119lb. However I am stabilized at 122lbs as maintaining 119lbs too hard with no scope, even in maintenance for a day off.

    I had lots of other goals too though - 18% body fat, more muscle mass, triathlon, flat stomach etc
  • JondaC
    JondaC Posts: 42 Member
    I think I will be satisfied, but only with the scale, when I reach my goal weight. I believe then I will really need to focus on shaoping and toning. Then I will need to focus on maintaining. I believe that this is something that I will have to work at my entire life. I'm not sure what I will look like when I reach my "goal weight", so I'm not sure that I will want to stop losing when I get there, or I may be satisfied before I reach my "goal". My main goal is health. This is a lifestyle change, for sure. There will always be something to improve, but I think when I finally feel healthy, I can maybe overlook all of my other flaws and just be happy.
  • 623Hernandez
    I like being a big girl. I got down to 180 and LOVED it!!! My goal now is 160 because it will take me out of the obese category. 101 – 136 is considered the healthy range for me but, I think it is sexy to have some curves and soft places! lol That is just me.