What’s your secrete to “NO”?



  • merzback
    merzback Posts: 453 Member
    My biggest problem is saying no to yummy foods (especially sweets). I’m currently looking into books about emotional eating and how to overcome it (I suspect that that is the root of my evil here) But I’d love to know from those of you out there… what motivates you to just say no to unhealthy foods?:flowerforyou:

    Ok, this is my thought- you don't have to ALWAYS say no to "yummy foods" If you think that you are going to go the rest of your life with out them, you will just feel VERY resentful. Make a meal a free meal (not a cheat meal because the word CHEAT is so negative).
    We all emotionally eat, well most of us. Geneen Roth writes EXCELLENT books on emotional eating. Honestly, ditch the diet mentality, realize you may eat junk from time to time. I don't buy that every time you are emotionally hungry- you can chew gum or run to brush your teeth, no offense to Kymmu, I think you need to think about if you are really hungry - rate on a scale of 1-10 -- then what are you hungry for? Are you hungry for love- call a loved one? Are you hungry for food or love or attention? Find out what it is. Allow yourself to have slip ups occasionally but JUMP back on track. Add me as a friend if you want. Another great book is by Chalene Johnson called Push!
  • merzback
    merzback Posts: 453 Member
    Also, realize at the time- step back- and think
    WHAT TO I WANT MORE? A HEALTHY self or a quick fix. Food is like a DRUG to many of us.
  • RobDelco
    Oxyelite Pro.
  • Wendyma1
    Wendyma1 Posts: 289 Member
    Hey there-

    Not sure how much this will help you.........but I plan my meals ahead for the next day. I log everything in my diary in the morning time. If its not on my diary, it doesnt get put in my mouth. Simple enough to tell you, however, it was a bit tough in the beginning. I keep a bottle of water near me at all times, and when I do get a craving, I chug some water down.

    Also, dont be afraid to indulge now and again. If you crave M&M's, have a couple. its better than denying yourself of it and driving yourself crazy, that is when you end up eating the whole bag! Maybe if your mind and body know that its ok to have a little now and again, it wont seem so much like a "diet" or a "bad" thing to do.

    Good luck my dear!
  • Carolyn_79
    Carolyn_79 Posts: 935 Member
    For me exercise is my key to saying no. When I exercise, I don't want to ruin my efforts by eating crappy so it's not hard to say no. The second I stop exercising, I begin eating junky food.
  • gesosoge77
    gesosoge77 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm not sure if this will answer your question, but here's what I can suggest.

    When I get the temptation to eat something between meals or that is not that healthy for me, I chew a piece of gum. I've found with this method that sometimes I'm just not hungry, I just need to give my mouth something to chew on for awhile. Usually, the gum will satisfy my need for the unhealthy food.

    I don't know if this will work with you, but it works wonders for me. :)

    same thing with me especially the extra dessert flavor gum (i am chewing apple pie as i type) :)
  • KristyGirl8
    KristyGirl8 Posts: 20 Member
    I work at a studio where there are constant treats EVERY afternoon. THE BEST cookies. Today there were candied peanuts. Sometimes it's Spicy asian rice mix stuff. Whatever it is, it's never something I NEED. I work on my feet, and I'm constantly walking by these treats! Sometimes i eat them just because I need a distraction- sometimes because I want a break. It seriously compromises my daily calorie goal. 1 cookie can make or break me, because regardless of my exercise, I try to stay under my base daily calorie goal. It's SO HARD to say no!

    Lately, I've been trying to have a cup of tea instead of the treat of the day. It's HARD!
  • Courtney24107
    My secret to saying NO to yummy foods is to think about tomorrow. Tomorrow, that food won't even be on my mind. Sounds kind of lame but it works for me! :)
  • bbygrl5
    bbygrl5 Posts: 964 Member
    Just don't do it.

    ...when that fails, chug water, lol.

    To me, it's more about knowing when to say no and when to give in.
  • SWEETS1234
    SWEETS1234 Posts: 243 Member
    I like to have treats so I plan it into my day. I learned to exchange somethings for healthier choices. If I had to say no all time I never would of stuck with it. It's a lifestyle. Cheers and good luck.
  • TakeMyTai
    TakeMyTai Posts: 28 Member
    My secret to saying no to my favorite foods is;

    If I eat this slice of cheesecake, how many Skinny Cow Carmel Truffles could I have had. 3? Well, I'll have one bar and if I'm still hungrey, I'll have another and still save 100 - 150 calories.

    I look at something I want that's high in calories and unhealthy, and then look at foods I like that are far lower in calories.
  • stacyevans33
    stacyevans33 Posts: 2 Member
    Here is what I do, if I see something that looks just too good to pass up, i will take just one bite. T:flowerforyou: hat is usually all I need and if I just take a second and really taste what it is, I usually decide it isn't worth all the exercise I have done. A lot of chocolate really doesn't taste all that good if you stop and really taste it. Sometimes it is just waxy or not all that flavorful. But sometimes it is really delicious and I will have another bite then toss the rest before I have time to think about wanting more. Try it . It might work for you.
  • ratherbeskiing
    ratherbeskiing Posts: 847 Member
    ... it comes in time... make little steps like no to half... or yes to one cookie but not the brownie... soon as you limit these items you will not crave them anymore (or much less can't help you on your TOM)

    ... or at least that's my experience
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,716 Member
    My biggest problem is saying no to yummy foods (especially sweets). I’m currently looking into books about emotional eating and how to overcome it (I suspect that that is the root of my evil here) But I’d love to know from those of you out there… what motivates you to just say no to unhealthy foods?:flowerforyou:
    The secret is I don't. There isn't any reason that you can't have the sweets you like and still be in deficit. As long as you meet your daily essentials, exercise, get rest and eat fairly well, you can enjoy foods you like.
    Restricting favorites is why many people fail on diets in the long run. Once you then cave in to your favorites, you eat like there's no tomorrow because you think you'll never have the chance again. Learn how to do it. That's the secret.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    I eat them. I just don't eat the whole box.
  • simpledelights93
    simpledelights93 Posts: 4 Member
    It's true about the body not recognizing hunger with thirst. So try quenching your thirst ... well first ha-ha! if you still feel hungry! Drink more water keep drinking until you feel like you're going to burst .. I guarantee you won't feel hungry after ... more nauseous.
  • 10acity
    10acity Posts: 798 Member
    I also have a sweet tooth with a vengeance! One thing that REALLY helps me is working out in the morning. This way, everything I consider eating I see as "undoing" (in a way) what I worked so hard at that morning. When I work out in the evenings instead (as I'm forced to do for now), I find it difficult to avoid an "I'll just work it off later" attitude, which makes things permissible that would not be otherwise. Make sense? : )
  • SusanMcAvoy
    SusanMcAvoy Posts: 445 Member
    I do different things. One is to pour water on the food and throw it in the trash. That's when I'm having a real hard time of it. Or I'll have my housemates hide their junk food. If I don't see it I usually don't have a problem. Most of the time I tell myself it isn't worth it and am able to stay in control. It's real important to me that I succeed on this program. That's not to say I don't eat junk once in a while. One of my coping mechanisms is to eat junk of lessor calories. For example, if I'm craving eggplant parm I'll have 2 slices of veggie pizza. I still get the satisfaction of eating junk but not the one with the most calories. You can bet the next day I'll workout extra hard to help rid myself of the "bad" calories. And I drink tons of water thinking I'm flushing the "bad" food out.

    My grand-daughter is currently selling girlscout cookies from my house. There are 13 cases in the other room. I opened one box of trefoils and ate a sleeve of cookies. It was 560 calories. That was enough to satisfy my cravings. Now I can ignore them knowing I had some. It just isn't worth it to totally sabotage my new lifestyle. I love the phrase "Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels" because it's true. Stay strong. If I can do this, anyone can. :flowerforyou:
  • addy_rodriguez
    addy_rodriguez Posts: 18 Member
    My secret to saying NO to yummy foods is to think about tomorrow. Tomorrow, that food won't even be on my mind. Sounds kind of lame but it works for me! :)
    I love this
  • merzback
    merzback Posts: 453 Member
    My biggest problem is saying no to yummy foods (especially sweets). I’m currently looking into books about emotional eating and how to overcome it (I suspect that that is the root of my evil here) But I’d love to know from those of you out there… what motivates you to just say no to unhealthy foods?:flowerforyou:
    The secret is I don't. There isn't any reason that you can't have the sweets you like and still be in deficit. As long as you meet your daily essentials, exercise, get rest and eat fairly well, you can enjoy foods you like.
    Restricting favorites is why many people fail on diets in the long run. Once you then cave in to your favorites, you eat like there's no tomorrow because you think you'll never have the chance again. Learn how to do it. That's the secret.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition