I have a very big announcement...



  • shayjgordon
    shayjgordon Posts: 90 Member

    I'm no longer eligible to foster because the shetler I was working with won't allow anyone who owns a Pit Bull to foster dogs, regardless of the dog/owner, etc...

    That is awful :noway: I'd understand if you had a dog aggressive dog, but otherwise why does it matter?

    totally ridiculous. we had a pitty/shar-pei mix. and he was super gentle and less snippy than our lab. but of course, mostly loser owners with pits, gave them (in some people's opinions) a bad rap! it's such a joke. Look at the owners...then talk to me.

    I feel sorry for you...thats really crappy.

    The whole pit bull issue is ridiculous. It is the trainers/owners not the dogs! I have a pit bull cross myself and he is the most gentle, cuddly dog I know. All he wants to do is play, which because of his size, some people may think he's being aggressive, but he's not, he wouldn't hurt a fly. I have some across many pit bulls in my life, and I have not had a problem with any one of them!

    Tifanie-congrats on your new dog! So cute!!
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,231 Member
    for those of you who don't know me in real life, please be aware that this "fostering" nonsense is just that.... nonsense. no one thinks i have any intention of giving her back. i am getting her from the shelter where i was the marketing director for 3 years, where i got mayer, and they're just like "ok, you can do it as a *trial* for two weeks and if you want to make it official then...but since it makes you feel comfortable now to say "fostering" we will call it that" nudge, nudge, wink, wink.

    as for pit bulls being banned, etc. it INFURIATES me. i mean, it's dog racism in my opinion. mayer was a dogo argentino/pittie mix and he was the biggest baby ever. not an aggressive bone in his body. bully breeds in general are brilliant, sweet and loving creatures. the only reason they are used so often in fighting is because they are very smart and very easy to train and are so loyal and wanting to please their owners, that if the idiot owner trains them to fight or be aggressive, then that is what will happen. they arent used for fighting because they are inherently "aggressive" or "blood-thirsty". i mean the breed isn't for everyone, but to be forbidden to have one because people make blanket judgements just makes me sick.

    k. that's all.

    Your dog is the cutest! I love those large breed dogs! He reminds me of the American Bulldog we fostered for awhile. He was so huge it was ridiculous....Huge and afraid of the dark.... He's grown out of that (thankfully) and lives with an older man with lots of property to patrol.

    My daughter wants a dogo when she grows up (she's 10 right now). I told my husband I want one before she turns 15...train it to keep the boys away. HA!
  • sangelic
    sangelic Posts: 207
    for those of you who don't know me in real life, please be aware that this "fostering" nonsense is just that.... nonsense. no one thinks i have any intention of giving her back.

    :laugh: I also took my 2nd dog home as a one week "trial"...she has now been with me for 6 years. Your new pup is beautiful, good luck with her!
  • CouchSpud
    CouchSpud Posts: 557 Member
    we took the last one home for trial, the big lab puppy - let's be honest, once the dog is out of the shelter and with the family that's as far as trial normally goes with me. :laugh:
  • ALW65
    ALW65 Posts: 643 Member
    Oh, she's such a cutie! I'm betting you can't part with her once she's home with you in her "forever" home. Thanks for saving another rescue - I've got the itch to get another greyhound myself right now, but my boy is so neurotic and just got over my girl coming along in Feb. of last year. It would send him to the Prozac clinic for sure!

    I hope things go wonderfully for you and your new best friend ( with Mayer always number one in your heart ) :heart:
  • Mummsy
    Mummsy Posts: 347 Member
    Stop it with how dang cute she is! I am in love <3 What a pretty girl! I can't wait to hear how it goes.
  • twocsmom
    twocsmom Posts: 120 Member
    Oh she is a cutie! I know no dog will ever take Mayer's place, and like with people you never love more...you love differently. I grieved my Timber for so long, but I love my Sophie girl just as much-just differently!

    Good luck! Keep us posted on how things go!
  • 1momx3
    1momx3 Posts: 16
    Good luck with the new pup! I have a 15 year old male golden retriever named Kody and I am dreading the day I lose him. All the best to you.
  • adamsonam
    adamsonam Posts: 127
    She is gorgeous!! I think she will be as much of help to you as you are being to her. This should be a great thing for you both. Good luck and Congrats!!
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    Good luck! I personally suck at fostering. I still have all my "fosters". Some of them 8 years later. I've come to the conclusion that fostering is just not for me. Adopting is though :love: