We are here to support eachother... Not to troll.



  • Zaffy01
    Zaffy01 Posts: 28 Member
    Be nice?

    What's nice about seeing someone going down a path of long-term failure and ill health and NOT trying to get some sense into them before it's too late?

    I believe the phrase "you catch more flies with honey than vinegar" applies here. You can be informative and make the person aware of their errors without being mean or berating them. Sure there are times when we'd all like to yell, but given this is a community meant for support and help, not nagging, it's better to bite your tongue than to upset someone.

    100% this
  • 1ConnieR
    Trolls; as you call them are to be pitied as thier lives are so sorry they have to put others down to try and make themselves look better, little do they know they only emphasize thier flaws. You go girl, you are doing the right thing and will be a great example to your child how even in the face of diversity you don't give up. God Bless you.
  • PeaceLoveVeggies
    PeaceLoveVeggies Posts: 682 Member
    This is not going to end well.
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    Things may seem rude, sometimes they need to be said. If words on a message board is going to derail someone there is a lack of proper attitude. Do this for yourself, don't let words rule your life. Listen to them because sometimes the rude things may sting but carry some truth to them. I hope I haven't said anything rude in this thread as all I've done is be completely honest. This is a battle against the bulge, there is no prisoners. You have to be tough and hardened to make it through the journey. You are going to have to show restraint, a thick skin, and more to make it to the end. That is why so many quit and then yo-yo back. You can do this, push yourself as you control what you are feeling, you can shape how you are feeling.
  • pmad37
    pmad37 Posts: 105 Member
    well said...all of you!
  • AlbertPooHoles
    AlbertPooHoles Posts: 530 Member
    1. I doubt any member on here is a doctor or nutritionist.
    2. I highly doubt that we all know each other personally-- and we don't know each others past or diet history.
    Which is why one should not complain about the responses received in a public forum.
  • Emellon
    Emellon Posts: 36 Member
    Be nice?

    What's nice about seeing someone going down a path of long-term failure and ill health and NOT trying to get some sense into them before it's too late?

    There's a world of difference between offering helpful, encouraging advice/comments and being a total asshat who thinks they know everything. Get over yourselves and if you can't say anything positive, don't say anything at all. Trolls belong on 4Chan, not MFP.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member

    got it

    wait, what?
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    some people honestly feel that they know everything thats best for everyone. in reality, i know many doctors who put some over weight patients on 1200 calorie a day diets, and they have been quite successful! just because something doesnt work for them, doesnt mean it wont work for you. there is nothing wrong with eating weight watchers meals... IF THATS WHATS WORKING FOR YOU!!! its your journey, and the majority of us are here on our own journeys and want to use that time to give help, as well as recieve it! ignore the trolls, the know it alls, and the girls who can only feel good about themselves when putting others down... high school was way too long ago to stoop to thier level! in the mean time, do your best, do what feels right for your body, and listen to your body, if its not happy, believe me, it will let you know! good luck, and god bless!
  • rpantusa
    rpantusa Posts: 267 Member
    I have seen some of this in the message boards as well, and i can not believe that some people are so rude. its because some people just think they know it all, and they think everyone wants their negative opinions, when actually we are just here for support. I have learned that people like that will always be that way, so you should just ignore them, and just talk to the people that are giving you good advice. If it is really bad, report them, and 3 strikes and they are out. Good luck on your journey, you can do it! :wink:
  • Pifflesmom
    Pifflesmom Posts: 134 Member
    Be nice?

    What's nice about seeing someone going down a path of long-term failure and ill health and NOT trying to get some sense into them before it's too late?

    I believe the phrase "you catch more flies with honey than vinegar" applies here. You can be informative and make the person aware of their errors without being mean or berating them. Sure there are times when we'd all like to yell, but given this is a community meant for support and help, not nagging, it's better to bite your tongue than to upset someone.

    Well said - if you haven't got something helpful to say, then don't say anything at all. We're all here for our own reasons - and we all got here in our own way. Nobody should be criticized or demeaned for their choices - constructive advice, yes...being mean and belittling someone - no.
  • sarahgilmore
    sarahgilmore Posts: 572 Member

    got it

    wait, what?

    Did you not get the memo?
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    Also if you don't like someone click the little triangle by their name and choose ignore user, problem solved. You have all the control you need, you just have to use it!
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member

    got it

    wait, what?
    Did you not get the memo?
    My dog ate it...
  • MrDude_1
    MrDude_1 Posts: 2,510 Member

    got it

    wait, what?

    hmm.. me thinks someone that knows the "wait, wut?" meme knows the internet well enough to be a troll......

    also, if you dont eat more then 11,999 calories you will die, but 12,001 will make you fat.
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    I'm not here to support anyone, and I'm not here to troll.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused

    Seriously? This again?

    Getting a little old eh?

    Actually there are a few doctors and very smart people on here.
    I'm working my way through my nutrition degree that you :P
  • xMedullaOblongatax
    There are a lot of people here who wish the best... but they have a very terrible way of getting it across, which does more harm than good. One does not have to be a biting, unmannered, sarcastic, rude jerk to deliver a good message. I do agree there are some rude people here, and if I run into them then I just block and forget.

    You're not here to take anyone's crap, you are here to improve yourself! I find that few things are more discouraging than a pack of hangers-on calling me a fatty when I am focused and working toward a goal!
  • Capt_Chev
    Capt_Chev Posts: 93 Member
    Also if you don't like someone click the little triangle by their name and choose ignore user, problem solved. You have all the control you need, you just have to use it!

    Ha that's awesome, I never knew what that was for!

  • InnerPinup79
    I honestly don't frequent the boards that much because people tend to be rude and forget where they came from when they started. There's a difference with being honest and being rude. The rude ones are insecure just like most of us here are/were and I see it as a way they feel better by putting someone down then getting internet high fives. It's like a popularity contest. Just ignore them doll. They feed off the vulnerable/the newbies. Whatever makes them feel better at night I suppose.
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