Plateau advice from those that met their goal



  • YoungerNextYear59937
    This may sound strange, but I started eating more and working out a little less.
  • racerZ28
    I really think the earlier advice of measuring is helpful....a lot of times your weight stabilizes (especially when you are close to goal or only have a little to lose), but the inches keep creeping off. I also think the type of calories you consume can make a difference. I can't eat 1200 calories that are carb heavy & lose weight, but can eat the same 1200 calories with a higher protein ratio, and the weight keeps coming off slowly & steadily. Just don't give up, and trust your smart choices & healthier lifestyle. You can do it. :wink:
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    Nice question.. Thanks for asking.. :-)
  • hedgiie
    hedgiie Posts: 1,245 Member
    I learn a lot from this thread. good job posting this questions and thanks for those who replied
  • cassblue21
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    My workouts were always pretty consistent. I never upped my workout routine to get out of a stall. But I did up my calories. Many times. As time goes on and you get closer and closer to your target weight, you should be increasing your calorie intake, so that your calories approach maintenance as your weight approaches goal. Make sense?
  • Russian1
    Russian1 Posts: 21 Member
    bump - have to read after my workout!
  • treyedwin
    Something to keep in mind when wondering why your weight loss may have slowed or plateaued is that sometimes you start gaining muscle more from your exercise, which weighs TWICE as much as fat does.

    Switching up calorie intakes, raising your workout intensity, it all helps. Good luck!
  • crewsicka
    crewsicka Posts: 105 Member
    Hit a plateau for 2 months. Ate more and dropped 10 lbs in 2 weeks.
  • BethGThomas
    BethGThomas Posts: 8 Member
  • lisakyle_11
    lisakyle_11 Posts: 420 Member
  • Russellb97
    Russellb97 Posts: 1,057 Member
    My first ever Spike Day 8 years ago broke my diet plateau and I spiked my way to losing over 100lbs. Even better I've kept it off and I'm in the best shape of my life. Just pick a day coming up and try to eat a small calorie surplus. It only takes a day of overeating to restore the "ant-starvation" hormones.
  • kayleeblue
    I've been at a plateau since August...have lost inches but the scale stays within 3 pounds give or take. I've upped my cals. lowered my cals., upped my workout and lowered my workout..Still nothing..the plus is ..I haven't given up ...YET. Good Luck to all.
  • merteach367
    I have pretty much been at a plateau for almost a year, so I understand how it can be frustrating. One thing that has kept me motivated and focused has actually been to avoid setting a specific goal. When I started on my "healthier living" journey I routinely told myself that my only true goal was to try to be at least as healthy, if not a little bit healthier than the day before. If I ran on the treadmill for 20 minutes one day, maybe the next time I was at the gym I would up it to 22 minutes...or maybe run a little faster. If I had a small bag of pretzels one day for a snack, the next day I would try to just have half that. Without setting a goal on the scale, I just focused on being fit and aware of my eating habits. I lost about 50 pounds and have gone up and down a few pounds here and there...but I always make sure to get myself back into the gym, or dancing, or doing yoga or going for a walk. Ultimately, I figure the whole reason I wanted to lose weight was to live a longer, healthier and more energized life. I can do that give or take a few pounds. :)
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    I've been at a plateau since August...have lost inches but the scale stays within 3 pounds give or take. I've upped my cals. lowered my cals., upped my workout and lowered my workout..Still nothing..the plus is ..I haven't given up ...YET. Good Luck to all.

    This is perfect! You are maintaining lean mass and losing fat! Perfect diet!
  • annameier8706
    annameier8706 Posts: 572 Member
    Eat more for a couple days and rest. Also, take measurements!! I have seen inches lost when I haven't seen the scale move.
  • NitaCB
    NitaCB Posts: 532 Member
  • kirianna55
    kirianna55 Posts: 459 Member
    Bump. I need this for later
  • rutkowsm
    rutkowsm Posts: 43 Member
    This thread is exactly what I needed to read today. I've been stalled for a little while now and I've been getting really frustrated. Gonna plan a cheat day (I still think planning is important!) and be guilt free about it. And I'll check out that Fat to Fit Radio Tools thing too. We will see how it goes! I feel more encouraged than I have in a couple weeks now.

    Thanks to everyone for posting.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,412 MFP Moderator

    Unless you have calipers or even a water tank its hard to get perfect measurements.
    The military BF calc tends to give a few numbers.
    I tend to pick the one in between!

    Completely agree. I was merely stating that neither are perfect. Heck, calipers can be off as well depending how you use them.