
I am in my first week of p90x.
On the days you add the Ab Ripper, would you do it first or last? or is it a preference thing?


  • brycegoll
    I would try doing it after your workouts!
  • Andrealeah32
    Hey there - I'm doing p90 and I add the ripper in on days I do cardio, right after the cardio exercise...i just find it fits well with my schedule. But, in the end, you gotta do what feels good for you :) Have fun with it :) I'm hoping to start 90x when I'm done this round!
  • Amber824
    Amber824 Posts: 51 Member
    The ab workout is also at the end of the workout you're supposed to do it with. I just finished week one and recommend doing it at the end.
  • brycegoll
    Try to at least get abs in 3-4 times a week. Remember, your abdominals heal a lot faster then the rest of your muscles, so it's ok to exercise them more then other muscle groups.
  • Scorpioangel
    Scorpioangel Posts: 951 Member
    I do it right after. . I am on P90X 2 but we have an X2 Ab Ripper :)