Squeaky treadmills (Please help)

So i started my c25k again today. Last time i felt really self conscious as the first treadmill i went on squeaked really loudly if i went over 3.5 miles an hour. Moved to the next one and it did the same. There was a big guy on another one and his wasnt squeaking so i vowed to go on that one next time.....did this morning....and guess what?

Is it just my size? I'm sure it never used to happen. I am so aware of it being annoying for other people in the gym, it didn't bother me so much as i had my earphones in but for 30 mins it must be doing their heads in. But I don't want to quit now


  • ElliieMental

  • amygeorgina
    Have you thought about doing the C25K outside? I hate treadmills with a passion, whenever I've been to a gym, the instructor always tries to get my on one and I just tell them to do one! I've done the C25K outside using the app, there's a new housing estate at the end of my road with a mixture of hills and flats and I love it - plus, you get to nose at people's houses which keeps you going!!

    If you're determined to do it in the gym, ask the instructors, maybe you've got it on the wrong setting??! Good luck!
  • Lizi19
    Lizi19 Posts: 180 Member
    Treadmills squeak for me too, even when I was at my skinniest! I think it may have something to do with the way we run rather than weight, but idk.

    I I do suggest that you do C25K outside. I did so much better when I started running in the park.
  • missdelarocha
    missdelarocha Posts: 32 Member
    I think most other people are listening to music/TV or otherwise paying very close attention to their workout, compared to the whizzing, whirring and clanking generally in the gym your squeaking probably doesn't bother anybody, maybe you have a very bouncy step :p.

    If it really bothers you I suppose you could substitute the treadmill for the elliptical, rowing machine or bike.
  • ElliieMental
    I am really focused on doing the c25k tho and it's just too dark to do it outside at the moment.

    I spoke to the gym lady, we think it might be the treadmills!