Only day 2 feeling :(

Hi yes just day 2 and I feel really :( ive yoyoed so much I need to forget the fails in the past but am wondering how can I after 22 years of yoyoing keep it off?
I didnt get any sleep the toliet was my friend last night 3 tims so maybe Im just tired.I still feel my calories are low as ive 98lbs to lose and when I do weightwatchers I can have more and still lose,maybe I will adjust to it as it goes on.
Great site here theres so many lovely people x


  • LauraSmyth28
    LauraSmyth28 Posts: 399 Member

    How many cals are you on daily? I figured out that WW propoints are only about 40 cals. Are you sure you got more with WW?

    Are you really hungry is that what's getting you down? If it is, you need to reset your weekly weight loss goal. If you have your goal set to a .5-1lbs loss a week you will have more calories each day.

    The weight will come off if you stick to MFP, I promise you that.

  • sandown12
    sandown12 Posts: 648 Member

    How many cals are you on daily? I figured out that WW propoints are only about 40 cals. Are you sure you got more with WW?

    Are you really hungry is that what's getting you down? If it is, you need to reset your weekly weight loss goal. If you have your goal set to a .5-1lbs loss a week you will have more calories each day.

    The weight will come off if you stick to MFP, I promise you that.


    Hi Tringle
    I lost 57.5lbs in 2010 in 40 weeks on ww and it did seem I could have more though I was 15 lbs heavier than now I looked at my old food diaries?
    I think im tired my 16 year old daughter was late in I was worried then need to loo trips so maybe its thatbut I am hungry ,Ive had a year of eating as and when which was bad so its going to be tough isnt it.
    I set it to lose 1.5lbs a week as I have 98 to go?
    How much do you lose in a week on average?
  • sandislim
    sandislim Posts: 264
    You can feel down in the first few days of lower calories. It goes away after a few days :)
  • sandown12
    sandown12 Posts: 648 Member
    sorry 1310 cals a day if you dont use them all can you save them for another day in the week or weekend?
  • sandown12
    sandown12 Posts: 648 Member
    You can feel down in the first few days of lower calories. It goes away after a few days :)

    Thanks sandi I usually am really upbeat having done this every year for 22 years nearly i suppose its as I have to rstart again my own fault just this first week x
  • rocketmouse
    rocketmouse Posts: 143 Member
    it did seem I could have more though I was 15 lbs heavier than now I looked at my old food diaries?

    Hey, you probably could eat a bit more when you were 15 lbs heavier! Usually the more you weigh the more calories you can eat and still loose weight, because your BMR is higher (in general, not always). Anyway, that might have been part of it. Not sure if WW adjusts points for weight, I've never used it
  • JulsDiane
    JulsDiane Posts: 349 Member
    Cheer up buttercup! You HAVE to remember that this process is really way more mental than most people like to acknowledge.

    Your attitude determines a lot. Be positive on the outside even when you don't feel it inside and it will eventually permeate you entirely.

    Set reasonable goals (i.e. 1-2 lbs per week), set mini goals and give yourself rewards when you meet them, even if you don't meet them on the original "time frame" you had planned.

    I personally do not "carry over" calories. I look at it as a daily goal to eat within a reasonable calorie range (mine is 1400) and move my body to help me feel better and burn more calories. If i want a treat on the weekend, or any other day, i move more to create the calorie allowance.

    Good luck and you are welcome to add me if you like ;):flowerforyou:
  • feistymoon
    Why not up your calories to 1450 or 1500 per day and either lose the weight more slowly or exercise a little (half an hour walking a day will burn about 120 cals) to work the rest off. Think of it as a change in lifestyle and not a 'diet.' That way it doesn't matter how long it takes to get where you want to be, as long as you are taking positive steps to make things better. Good luck xxx
  • lrd2010
    lrd2010 Posts: 161 Member
    You may be on a bit of a sugar crash. That will happen in the first few weeks.

    Try upping your calories to a loss of 0.5 lbs per week and stick at that for a fortnight, then drop it down to 1lb per week if you feel you can manage on less.

    That was the way that I got started. 1300 would have knocked me into a major depression if I'd gone all out at the very very start.

    Don't deprive yourself of your favourite things, stick to portion control to keep yourself on track. If you treat it like you're on a diet and restricting your food then you're more likely to fall off the wagon and start yo-yoing again.

    Slowly but surely (and that's why it's key that you don't restrict yourself to 1300 too quickly!) change your eating habits so that you start to eat smaller portions of the high cal things and you *WANT* to eat larger portions of the low cal healthy things that keep you full for longer and eventually incorporating exercise into your normal routine.

    The mental part of losing weight is the most difficult part. Once you get into the right mindet the rest of the physical will all fall into place! Work on yourself, learn to like yourself, train yourself to eat more healthily and for goodness sake, Don't rush it! Set yourself Small targets that you can aim at - say 5 pounds in a month - rather than focusing on the bigger picture. It was always the sheer scale of how much I had to lose that kept me trapped in my body for 30 years.

    Good luck with it!
  • velvetkat
    velvetkat Posts: 454 Member
    remember this... this is not a race to the finish.. you want to finish the race!! It takes time to do it correctly so that you will not get "down" feel discouraged and quit. I have been on this journey since last Feb. 15... 11 months... I am still on my journey and will be for the rest of my life... when I hit my "goal" Im not just gonna magically be able to eat all the foods that I havent been able to for the last 11 months but I have found new ways of fixing those foods so that I can still enjoy a good chicken wing or two or a piece of pizza.. Make yourself little goals .. like to get to the next even number and then when you get there make another... give yourself a little treat when you make a goal but dont make the treat a food.. we have to relearn to not use food to feed our emotions good and bad.!
    You can do this ;... I looked at my overall goal which was daunting.. 120;lbs... now I look at that goal as I have 20lbs left ...
    Friend me if you would like I will be glad to help you any way I can plus I can always use more motivational support myself!!
    Smile this is the start of something good!
  • richelle67
    Hi, I know where you are coming from. In fact most of us do. I started this journey on Nov. 14th. I am down 30lbs. We all reach a point that we say. "this is it, I am going to lose weight this time and keep it off". We have our ups and downs and hunger pains. That is what is so awesome about this sight. We are here for you. We will help you through those times. Take a picture of yourself, and measure yourself. Don't put that off. I did in the beginning and I wish I would have been on top of it. I went from a 18 pants to 14 and tops, xl or 2xl to a large. I never would have thought I'd get to those sizes. I still have around 55 lbs to go. So , you see, I started with the same amount of weight to lose as you. Take a look at some before and after pictures on here and read some of the boards where there are inspirational stories written. This really helps me. Feel free to add me as a friend if you would like. You can do this!!! Good luck!:smile:
  • CherryPie606
    CherryPie606 Posts: 44 Member
    Day 2 was my bad day too. Day 1 I was like - yeah! I'm gonna lose some weight, I'm gonna throw away all the bad food in the house! - and then when day 2 arrived I was really down. I got over it in a few days and now, two weeks in, I'm addicted to counting calories and logging everything I eat. You'll feel better soon. It is a big adjustment. Good luck sweet!
  • shadowkitty22
    shadowkitty22 Posts: 495 Member
    The mental part of losing weight is the most difficult part. Once you get into the right mindet the rest of the physical will all fall into place! Work on yourself, learn to like yourself, train yourself to eat more healthily and for goodness sake, Don't rush it! Set yourself Small targets that you can aim at - say 5 pounds in a month - rather than focusing on the bigger picture. It was always the sheer scale of how much I had to lose that kept me trapped in my body for 30 years.

    Good luck with it!

    I agree with the mental part. Personally with every pound I lose I put $5 into a savings account so that when I hit 50 pounds, I have a nice little stash for me to buy some new clothes. I'm thinking I might treat myself to a pedicure when I get to my first 10-15 pounds lost. I haven't decided on which yet goal yet since the first 10 seems important put yet the first 15 would be 10% of what I want to lose.

    And Ird2010, you're my new inspiration. You started your journey weighing exactly what I did at the beginning of this year and your goal is the same as mine. So to see that you've already lost 123 pounds is wonderful.

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • Sul3i
    Sul3i Posts: 553 Member
    This is a great site! Its definitely helped me but u are the one who will in the end do all the grunt work it takes effort andu have to want it every day... Best of luck get some rest I bet u feel better in the am! :wink:
  • sandown12
    sandown12 Posts: 648 Member
    Thanks all of you today Im feeling alittle low really am tired,your all great never talked to so many nice people on a site :)

    Well done all of you on your losses I will stick to this and like you say maybe up my calories as it is a life change and this time it has to be forever.

    All your replies are truely apprciated xx
  • lrd2010
    lrd2010 Posts: 161 Member
    And Ird2010, you're my new inspiration. You started your journey weighing exactly what I did at the beginning of this year and your goal is the same as mine. So to see that you've already lost 123 pounds is wonderful.

    :) Hi there! If you have a look at my twitter account (linked to on my profile page) you'll see my ramblings from the very start - including the couple of false starts ;)

    Add me if you like :D
  • sandown12
    sandown12 Posts: 648 Member
    And Ird2010, you're my new inspiration. You started your journey weighing exactly what I did at the beginning of this year and your goal is the same as mine. So to see that you've already lost 123 pounds is wonderful.

    :) Hi there! If you have a look at my twitter account (linked to on my profile page) you'll see my ramblings from the very start - including the couple of false starts ;)

    Add me if you like :D

    O I will I ate breakfast so feel abit better well done on your amazing loss xx
  • samandlucysmum
    Keep going, it is worth it in the long run, keep starting again everyday, eventually you will find the motivation to get to your goal. Look at your pitfalls, where you go wrong, what your weaknesses are, plan ahead, have emergency healthy foods for those times when you wanna crash. I know how you feel. Keep going.
  • sandown12
    sandown12 Posts: 648 Member
    Thanks :)

    I did get poorly yesterday I had to walk to school feeling awful took a migraine pill took ages to work it went then woke up with it which is usual for me took another feel abit sicky but this is the reduced calories probably alot if I worked out what I ate daily before day 3 so still here and trying thanks for your support x
  • Tara4boys
    Tara4boys Posts: 515 Member
    You have gotten wonderful advice. Not sure if anyone has said it but do some exercise even if it just a 10 minute walk. And I'm not recommending it just for the calorie burn but for (1) the sense of accomplishment and (2) the feel good hormones that are released from exercise. Trust me!

    Also, I lost a good bit of weight several years ago and then had hip surgery and gained it all back. Try not to look back too much. This where we are now. Lets move forward.