Eating your biggest meal at lunch!

I'm thinking of experimenting with this and I know it's not a new concept. I'd like to eat my biggest meal which would normally be supper during lunchtime to help with weight loss. How many of you do this?


  • PercivalHackworth
    PercivalHackworth Posts: 1,437 Member
    It won't help for weight loss. To make it simple, if your body needs more than you eat, you loose weight.
    If you eat your biggest meal at lunch, it won't change anything, since it's the overall that matters :)
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't, depending on my schedule, especially if I have to go out to eat during the day with clients. You are still taking in the same amount of calories, so I don't think you'll lose any faster. However, if eating that way keeps you fuller longer then go for it. Some people do the 6 small meals throughout the day, others do a big lunch/small dinner...for me, I generally prefer a bigger dinner in the evening. If not I tend to get snacky at night. Find what works for you!
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    I have found that when I eat a larger lunch, it keeps me fuller longer, which means I am not eating dinner at 5:30. If I can hold off until 6:30 or 7, then the chances are better that I will not snack later that evening. Which means less calories and more weight loss for me.
  • sweetie1975
    sweetie1975 Posts: 154 Member
    What I mean by helping with weight loss is that I have found in the past that if I eat a heavier healthy lunch, then i'm not really that hungry for supper and not eating as much in the evening.
  • sweetie1975
    sweetie1975 Posts: 154 Member
    I have found that when I eat a larger lunch, it keeps me fuller longer, which means I am not eating dinner at 5:30. If I can hold off until 6:30 or 7, then the chances are better that I will not snack later that evening. Which means less calories and more weight loss for me.

    That's exactly what I'm talking about:smile:
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    It won't help for weight loss. To make it simple, if your body needs more than you eat, you loose weight.
    If you eat your biggest meal at lunch, it won't change anything, since it's the overall that matters :)

    ^ this

    Meal timing, size, and frequency has very little to do with weight loss. TUless it helps you stay with your calorie target.
  • little_old_me
    That's what my parents do. They are in thier 70's and since they aren't as active as they uses to be this helps keep thier weight down. I was thinking of doing the same. The more I eat at night the worse off I am.
  • theoneandonlybrookie
    I often do, simply because we have a chef at my work and we eat for free! I actually don't like it, though. It means that I have to delay my run until even later in the afternoon.
  • poundhound52
    Just been to the Doctor to start my weight loss program. Her recommendation was to not eat one "big" meal at any time but to break it up to 5 or 6 meals in a day. This has 2 benefits. It keeps the body in longer digestion periods increasing the metabolism making it (the body) feel like it's being fed. Important if you've had cycles of feast and famines and your body has taught itself to save for the famine times. Also, it helps keep the blood sugar levels leveled. I've only been doing this for a couple of days, so I can't give a yea or nay on the success, but it does make sense. She also recommended no snacking or eating after 6 unless I've just completed a cardio work out.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Just been to the Doctor to start my weight loss program. Her recommendation was to not eat one "big" meal at any time but to break it up to 5 or 6 meals in a day. This has 2 benefits. It keeps the body in longer digestion periods increasing the metabolism making it (the body) feel like it's being fed. Important if you've had cycles of feast and famines and your body has taught itself to save for the famine times. Also, it helps keep the blood sugar levels leveled. I've only been doing this for a couple of days, so I can't give a yea or nay on the success, but it does make sense. She also recommended no snacking or eating after 6 unless I've just completed a cardio work out.

    this was bad advice, for the famine response to actually happen will take days, not hours of not eating. And by eating the same amount of calories, your body will burn the same amount during digestion once averaged for the full day. And the eating after 6 is BS, if you didn't reach your calorie goal you should eat after 6, plus would this not go against her famine response "idea" when she told you to eat ofter. Wow she even contradicted herself with that one.

    The reason many people say don't eat after a certain time is that that is when they typically over eat, but if you plan your day, and don't eat more than your caloric goal timing has little or nothing to do with weight loss.

    I do find though if I do it one big meal I am sluggish as my body uses a lot of energy at that one time to digest the food. I eat small frequent meals for that reason, constant energy no ups or downs, but not for weight management.
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I definitely eat my biggest meal at lunch, but it's only a difference of 100 calories. My diary is public to see a typical day for me. I find that I have to go the longest between meals for lunch and dinner, and I workout before my dinner in the evenings. I need the fuel or else I won't have the energy to workout. I also have an afternoon snack (usually an apple). It works well for me and I'm not tempted to snack all afternoon at my desk. I also make sure it has plenty of protein, or else I'll just be hungry an hour later even if i ate 400-500 calories.

    My schedule is 250 calorie breakfast, 400 or so calorie lunch, 100 calorie snack, 300 or so calorie dinner and a 150 or so calorie snack. That's a baseline of 1200 calories and I tend to go over that a bit for a total of 1300.
  • jbahrami
    jbahrami Posts: 206 Member
    I love to see all of the really helps to answer a lot of my questions too.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I often do on the weekends, but during the week I have a desk job so I have a pretty light lunch. Otherwise I get sleepy in the afternoon.
  • jojociecie
    Basically, this is a good idea for some people, but I don't do this for a few reasons....That much food in the early part of the day puts me into a sort of food coma...I get lazy and don't want to be active. The other thing is that I'm hardly hungry at that time of won't have a nice dinner around 5, to look forward to. ;~) But, this would be a great idea for some!
  • ninjapixie87
    ninjapixie87 Posts: 124 Member
    I have started eater larger lunches (but not necessarily my "largest" meal) for two reasons:
    1. I'm fueled up for my workout, and not running on empty.
    2. I'm less hungry and less cranky in the evenings, when it finally comes time to eat dinner. (Since dinner is after I get home from the gym, it's usually late to be eating a large meal.)

    The one downside for me is that I tend to get sleepy/sluggish after lunch.
  • Shweedog
    Shweedog Posts: 883 Member
    I eat when I am hungry and stop when I am full. As long as I stay within goal I am good to go. If that means I eat a big lunch well then so be it. If it means a big dinner well then so be that too.
  • ahealthy4u
    ahealthy4u Posts: 442 Member
    Switch up play around with your food to see what works best for you. Never hurts to try we are all diffrent have fun and good luck to you.
  • galegetsthin
    galegetsthin Posts: 1,352 Member
    I dont eat any BIG meals. I try to have 6 - 200 calorie snack meals. I will eat a bit at 8, 10, 12, 2, 4 and 6. I will make dinner for everyone and have 200 calories (give or take 30) for dinner, then I will also eat it at some point the next day so that I eat both leftovers and a new meal once a day, then I will eat fruit, veggies, various forms of protein. That way, I am never far removed from something yummy, and I am never really hungry because I have recently eaten. Some days it is hard to get them all in, and some days I am a little over, but it is healthy foods and it evens itself out. I LOVE celery sticks stuffed with dried chopped apricot and ricotta cheese and peanut butter apple slices.
  • Fit2befitZ
    Fit2befitZ Posts: 150 Member
    Due to my client schedule I do this and it has helped me. My lightest meal is dinner and I love it that way. My lunch is heavier than other meals but not substantial enough to put me in a food coma, LOL.
  • monkeypantz
    monkeypantz Posts: 288 Member
    My lunch is heavier, as it fuels me for the day. I eat lunch around 1pm and then dinner at that's a 7 hour gap, and during that 7 hours I hit the Gym and do a lot of house work too, so I need the energy.

    I also try and make dinner a little carb lighter than my lunch.

    It works for me :)