Bowflex treadclimber??

Has anyone used one or have one? Thoughts, comments? Hubby wants to get a treadmill one of these days... I prefer the elliptical... read that the treadclimber is like both and burns way more calories than a treadmill alone. Thanks! :)


  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    The treadclimber does not inherently burn more calories as a treadmill. The ads that make those claims are deceptive in that they don't compare apples to apples.

    They use an equivalent walking speed WITH NO ELEVATION as a comparison. So basically they are saying that "working at a higher intensity burns more calories" . Well, duh....that is true for any activity.

    If you have the fitness level to sustain a certain intensity on a treadclimber, you can replicate that intensity on either a treadmill or cross trainer and burn the equivalent rate of calories.

    So calorie burn should NOT be the primary reason to decide whether or not to purchase a treadclimber. Consider the overall quality of the machine compared to other machines in that price range, and consider whether or not doing that movement is something that your will enjoy and help motivate you to continue exercising.
  • LisaWeir74
    LisaWeir74 Posts: 88 Member
    I have always thought they looked interesting for a variety of equipment, but I would not chose a treadclimber over a treadmill. I love having a treadmill to run/walk on anytime. I use the speed & elevation to create a lot of variety in my workouts.
  • CRSE1214
    CRSE1214 Posts: 196 Member
    Has anyone used one or have one? Thoughts, comments? Hubby wants to get a treadmill one of these days... I prefer the elliptical... read that the treadclimber is like both and burns way more calories than a treadmill alone. Thanks! :)

    My parents bought one last year. My hubby and I have an older Nordic Track treadmill, which my husband uses pretty regularly and lost 40# last winter using the built in programs available. When we were over my parent's house he tried the Bowflex treadclimber but didn't like it because he couldn't run on it and also had to slow down when walking on it because his stride was longer than the running boards (he's 5'11").
  • tangal88
    tangal88 Posts: 689
    Just bought one, and had it a few days. Husband and I have knee issues, so for us this was a good option. We need low impact. And I needed additional cardio in my routine. We have the more expensive model which has the longer treads, and handles multiusers better, and heavier body weight - as my husband is taller, and a bit on the to heavy range. Hes 5'7" and they are fine in length for him. (I am short at 5'2")

    Used the first time - Cal burn for me was about 600 cal per hour, doing intervals, with a max speed of 3.5-4.5. Low speed was 2.5. (slower walk, to very brisk walk)
    Basically low speed for 5-7 min, high speed for 1-3 minutes then repeat for entire timeframe.

    I am in pretty decent shape, but was definitely worked hard. Drenched in sweat. My heart rate stayed high for a good hour after I was finished. I am short 5'2".

    As I get more familiar with the machine, I expect to improve on the cal burn, as I will be able to rotate between speeds more easily, and use the higher speed more often in my circuit. (I was only at 4.5 for 2 min, rest of the time my high was 3.5) As it was I had stops and starts, due to unfamiliarity, hitting wrong button etc, LOL

    Husbands was about 250-300 for 30 minutes. He did a set steady pace. 2.5 I think. He is much more overweight then I am. As his weight drops, he should have a performance increase.

    We have had a decent treadmill before, and hated it. Also more stressful on knees, which is an issue for us. We also are not fans of running (for same reason, joint stress, and have done way to much of it in our lives in the Marine Corps) so a fast walk suits our needs better. It also was a bigger piece of equipment, the treadclimber is more compact, but heavier.

    But if you like to jog, the treadclimber cannot be used in that manner - a treadmill will better suit you.
  • TaraMKL
    TaraMKL Posts: 124 Member
    I like using my moms every onc in awhile but would prefer a treadmill or elliptical at my own house. Definitely a great workout but whoa...felt like I was going to injure myself a few times. Needs concentration. Lol.
  • kimberly702
    kimberly702 Posts: 369 Member
    I like using my moms every onc in awhile but would prefer a treadmill or elliptical at my own house. Definitely a great workout but whoa...felt like I was going to injure myself a few times. Needs concentration. Lol.

    Concentration?? Haha then in that case it's NOT for me! Thanks everyone for the info!
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    It's ok to use, comfortable and that, it just doesn't have any high intensity options, and I'm not convinced by the calories claimed since it's so easy.
  • tangal88
    tangal88 Posts: 689
    I was reading my kindle the whole time. No problems. Staying on was not really bad, once you get used to things, it seemed easy enough :smile:

    DH watches TV the whole time.

    I use my own Polar 7 heart rate monitor for cal burn, so I would say its accurate.

    I do not use the strap and cal count on the machine. So cannot compare.
  • moimth
    moimth Posts: 1
    I am looking at buying it next month. From what I can tell it looks like what I need. I am super excited!

    Was it hard to assemble?
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    I've had one for a few years now. I like it, it gets the job done. I would prefer to have an elliptical but that's just a personal preference. I wouldn't advise it for running, though.
  • laurie41565
    laurie41565 Posts: 64 Member
    I was using the Bowflex treadclimber the past couple of years. Thought I was burning a ton of calories from what the machine stated on the display and then I purchased a Polar FT7 hrm and was I wrong big time!!! I would use it on the highest resistance and go 2 minutes at 3.5 and then 2 minutes at 4 (highest) for 36 minutes. Machine stated I burned 495 calories, my hrm 135 calories. Now that is quite a difference. I was really disappointed. I even wore my hrm a few times after that thinking maybe it was wrong but got pretty much same reading and when I do my 53 minute Combat dvd I burn 368 calories. So I think I will stick with dvd's for now and look into an ellilptical. Lilke the idea of the upper body working out too and I've always loved the ellipticals. :smile:
  • vickaged
    vickaged Posts: 13 Member
    I have one and I regret purchasing it! I have almost fallen off of it several times because one of the belts would slip and cause me to lose my balance. I much prefer an elliptical.
  • I own one, but I bought it used. If you go in with reasonable expectations, it's a good machine. If you believe the hype, you will be disappointed.

    What I find of benefit with this machine is that it *is* easier on knees and joints, and at 52 years of age, and with asthma (that prevents me from doing a lot of exercise outdoors), that is of great benefit.
  • polargurl13
    polargurl13 Posts: 15 Member
    I have the new tread climber it has the heart rate monitor with it (I also have a Polar heart rate monitor which I will be comparing curious to see) I have a treadmill that does not incline much and jogging is no longer an option for me. I have an elliptical which is on its last leg which made me look at the tread climber. I am not sure if it magically burns a boat load more calories but it does kick my butt for sure. I don't find it hard to use but I find it a hard workout. I am looking forward to advancing on it and using the higher settings then just minimum :happy: Hope that helps if anyone is looking at them or you can message me.
  • spideywebb77
    spideywebb77 Posts: 126 Member
    I have one and I regret purchasing it! I have almost fallen off of it several times because one of the belts would slip and cause me to lose my balance. I much prefer an elliptical.

    On most all treadmill's you can adjust the tension on the belt to prevent slipping. You should be able to find information on how to do this for the tread climber also.

    OP - I would prefer the treadmill. You can set an incline for your tread mill which will help you burn additional calories.
  • eomuno215in541
    eomuno215in541 Posts: 201 Member
    Thanks for reminding me! I have to call them today. My daughter broke the main wheel assembling it :huh: I'm sure we'll love it when it's ready!