Really really bad week :(



  • nathan72
    nathan72 Posts: 91 Member
    just realize that you really want to get back on track...put it behind you and start fresh today. you've done so good. you'll be just fine :-)
  • BrnIdGirl
    BrnIdGirl Posts: 129 Member
    Step 1: Don't be so hard on yourself.. Think about what you've accomplished!! You go, girl! :) Remember that keeping fit/ losing weight/ maintaining... is a lifetime project. Stop and appreciate how far you've come!
    Step 2: Don't keep that crap in the house. Constantly be searching for other ways to satisfy those nasty cravings.
    Step 3: Stop and appreciate the wonderful gift you gave your taste buds this week.. they may have been feeling neglected.. :) They went to Disneyland this week, but next week it's back to the real world. Take a picture, remember the moment.. If you don't let it get to you than it really is just one week out of your life... and just remember nobody lives in the theme park.

    Good Luck and Stay Strong!!! :)

    I love this post and will have to remember it. I keep beating myself up for days at a time. NO MORE!!!

    I agree that maybe 1200 is too low for you since you are maintaining.
  • smbakke77
    smbakke77 Posts: 273 Member
    I agree with the above. Raise your calories.

    Second... get rid of the trash from the kitchen. I am highly weak to that kind of food so my kitchen is devoid of most food. It works for me anyway. If it's not around me, I don't eat it.

    My challenge comes from work where they bring in donuts and other crap; I have to avoid the work kitchen like it has black plague.

    That happens in my office on Thursdays...luckily the donuts and other crap includes fruits, yogurts, english muffins and stuff I will actually eat and not be upset with myself over.
  • jenlarz
    jenlarz Posts: 813 Member
    Hope things go better! I was at that point a couple years ago and went from a size 8 to a 12 or 14. All I can say is TRY to stop b/c you feel very low when you gain so much back.
  • kmp411
    kmp411 Posts: 30 Member
    Yeah, removing all the bad stuff from the house might help a bit. Then, if you really want something, you have to actively go out and seek it.

    Yup.. you can't eat what's not there. I have a 5 year-old and I won't deprive her of some of the treats she likes, so when I do buy any sweets and such, its something that i wouldn't even eat if I was starving, LOL... A bit selfish, but there is no temptation
  • yesthistime
    yesthistime Posts: 2,051 Member
    I always go on binges when I have been eating too few calories, so I agree with the other posters that say you should raise your daily calorie limit so that you feel satisfied and don't binge out of hunger.
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Surely if your not trying to lose weight and have moved into maintenance you shouldn't be only netting 1200 calories anymore, it should be nearer 1700-1800 unless your are really tiny. I think you may be hungry for a reason.

    This.. Why are youe eating 1200 for Maint? I would think it woul dbe higher.. Maybe you should try to gradually increase your cals to whatever your maint level is

    This also... You should defo allowed more sweetie... Have you set it to loose 0lb per week? Maybe a few extra hundred will stop you feeling deprived. At one time one week into this behaviour and you probably would not have even thought about it. Prooves your heads where its supposed to be. A weeks not too bad if you can give your head a wobble and carry on lol. 2lb is nothing! You got this... Not having it in your house is the main thing! X
  • dotjay
    dotjay Posts: 3 Member
    Blips can be really frustrating, but they happen – it's only natural. I lost 42lbs a couple of years ago only to gradually put it all back on again. I found that by allowing myself more calories per day and loosing the weight more slowly, I've adjusted to life in a much more balanced way. I'm exercising more – and *enjoying* it! I'm eating more healthily in general, choosing healthier options wherever I can, but allowing myself a treat every so often. If I think I've gone overboard one day, I'll either get myself motivated to exercise, or just not let it bother me. Putting on some upbeat music usually gets me in the mood if I'm not feeling it. If it's raining, it might just be star jumps/jumping jacks. And if I really am just too tired, I know my body needs a rest and to let it go today and, probably most importantly, not let it bother me.

    My Fitness Pal is great for keeping track of things – I love it! But I'm only just starting to realise what a supportive community there is here, too! It's great to see. I love that Disneyland analogy!
  • Figuringoutme
    I did that too. As soon as I got to starting maintence I went crazy. I am not getting myself back under control. It's really hard. Not going to lie. As soon as I got to maintence I started getting really hungry all the time. I am MAKING that SHUT up!!! I am stronger then that little voice. Your profile says you eat 12-1400, whats your bmr? Try upping it to that
  • mejustsmaller316
    mejustsmaller316 Posts: 134 Member
    I had a day last week were i doubled my calorie goal. I ate a whole bag of chips, a foot long sub, ice cream, and the list goes on. I was so ashamed, the reason i weigh what i do is binge eating, but the next day i got right back on track. I still lost a little this week.
  • mattkellett
    We all will succomb to the "cookies" if we dont prepare for our days. We need to ensure we eat enough throughout the day so that we dont have that ravenous feeling where once we satrt eating we cant stop.

    trust me, I am like that, if Idont get enough food in me throughout the day, byt he time I come home it's go time!!!! those little Dora the exploreer treats never saw it coming.

    being hungry is a mental thing, I tell my clients, next time you think you are hungry, think of your most favorite meal. if at that point you could crush that "fav meal" your probably hungry , but more times than not, it's your brain telling your body you are "craving" something, not that it NEEDS something. Our bodies are very capable of going without food even (dont suggest it, but...)

    prepare this isnt easy, it is hard work!!! you'll be fine.
  • jobie4153
    What's done, is done! So now, take a deep breath...and get back on track. Don't beat yourself up about it.
  • imworthit
    imworthit Posts: 165 Member
    After I've had a bad day(s), I find that if I can just get 1 good day of eating, the second day I feel sooooo much better and empowered to keep going. And that when I dwell on the mistakes I've made and beat myself up, it does nothing but make me feel worse and make it harder to get back on track. I know it's hard and extrememly frustrating, but YOU can do it.

    Here is a quote, kind of long, but one I love:

    There will be times when you will be frightened and discouraged. You may feel that you are defeated. The odds of obtaining victory may appear overwhelming. At times you may feel like David trying to fight Goliath. But remember—David did win!

    Courage is required to make an initial thrust toward one’s coveted goal, but even greater courage is called for when one stumbles and must make a second effort to achieve.

    Have the determination to make the effort, the single-mindedness to work toward a worthy goal, and the courage not only to face the challenges that inevitably come but also to make a second effort, should such be required. Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says, “I’ll try again tomorrow.” Thomas S. Monson