Ever been told by a friend that you will never be THAT skinn



  • rudegyal_b
    rudegyal_b Posts: 593 Member
    All the time! People wanting me to stop losing or ill blow away with a big gust of wind or something -.-
    I usually try not to show it, but it makes me angry.

    i hate this too, and those people are usually fat :)
  • ExerciseGeek
    ExerciseGeek Posts: 183 Member
    Yes! My boyfriend tells me il never get that skinny so he doesn't know why I bothered going to the gym- he said my frame is too large and if I get any thinner you'd be able to see ribs on a large frame- oh and that Il start looking like a man because I lift weights. I'm 5,8 and 59-60kg. I'm proud of my body and him saying that just makes me want to prove him wrong- I don't want to be stick thin, but look slim and toned all over! Rant over- so frustrating! X
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    Not by a friend, but my mother has said to me "You'll never be as skinny as your sister". To a certain extent, I suspect she's right, my sister & I are of a similar height (she's slightly shorter) but I have much broader shoulders and wider hips than she does, so I think I'm always going to be perceived as bigger.
    Amusingly from my perspective, my sister has put on weight recently & so we may well "swap" weights! I only need to drop another dress size to be the same dress size as her anyway :smile:

    It happened to me also because I used to be very overweight & curvy while my sister is one of those naturally thin people who has a model type of body. However now that I lost the weight & my dress size down from XXL to S while she recently gained weight & inches, I'm the one now wearing her old, smaller clothes even though we may not be exactly the same weight.
  • rhiannonharding
    rhiannonharding Posts: 6 Member
    It is definitely an irritating thing to hear; feeling like you can't ever talk about your progress to certain people (even when they bring it up) because you know they're going to tell you what to do or what not to do, and most annoyingly - how to do it. If you're doing it in a healthy manner and they're aware of that, I don't think anyone should be giving their opinions or telling you when to stop, etc. You're doing it for yourself and no one else, therefore no one else should be telling you what to do :)
  • crazybeautifulkittie
    Thanks for all the replies its nice to know that I'm not alone. We can do it! :) Lets look good for our swim wear. And flaunt our skinny butts infront of the naysayers!
  • ShaneWinston58
    Yes, my sister told me I would never be as slim as I used to be. Then, all of a sudden I dropped to a size 6 and 8 (depending on the maker of the clothes) from 225lbs without even trying. Don't know how that happened. But, I gained most of it back a couple of years later. That is why I'm on MFP.

  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    Mean people suck.
  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    It takes time for those around us (even the most supportive of friends) to adjust to the idea that you've made a healthy decision to get fit and in shape. It also puts a huge mirror in front of them and shows them THEIR own bad habits.

    It's about THEM, their feelings, insecurities, experiences etc. They just happen to be projecting it onto you in very unsupportive ways. I know it sounds egotistical to say that they're just "jealous", but in a way, I think they are. Everyone wants you to be successful until you out-succeed them in an area where they struggle.

    It's not about YOU, it's about THEM. Don't let them make it about YOU. You're doing great, keep at it. :)
  • VoodooLuLu
    VoodooLuLu Posts: 636 Member
    yup some of my family!
  • pilotgirl2007
    pilotgirl2007 Posts: 368 Member
    I had lost 50lbs while dating my ex and he told me that he didn't like how I looked... not long after that I started to gain the weight back : ( (I am not saying I gained it because of him... but it played a part in it) I should have punted the loser right after he made that comment.
  • PrincessLou71186
    PrincessLou71186 Posts: 747 Member
    I constantly get told by someone that I will never fit back into a UK size 10. I started this journey to get my BMI down but I refuse to stop until I am back in a size 10.

    I completely agree with other posters, it's not about you succeeding, it's about them failing to strive for what they want. Nobody wants to be beaten and by us getting down to a certain size, no longer being the 'fat one' of the group or anything else that we succeed in doing, it proves it can be done and proves that by them saying it's not possible, that they are just being lazy.

    Good luck with your goals and I hope you reach them soon.
  • bethieannie
    bethieannie Posts: 75 Member
    You find that your friends and even family have you slotted into a "role" and if you change your role (from chubby or fat friend, or even "bigger-than-me-at-least" friend to equal or skinner than, suddenly THEY are uncomfortable with their new role that you forced them into and that means they have to adjust or make a change themselves.

    this is the truth. Nobody likes to admit it, but no "fat" girl wants to go bathing suit shopping with a "skinny" girl, even if you are close friends! But most likely they would be fine doing the same shopping with a friend who weighed close to or more than them. If the bigger person suddenly gets smaller, it makes them have to look deep into themselves and most people are scared to do that. They like the status quo.
  • ogmama12
    ogmama12 Posts: 23 Member
    When I told people that I wanted to lose 40 pounds before me wedding ALL I heard was "That's too much," but they don't know my weight, or my BMI, or that my goal weigh is within my healthy weight range for my height. My fiancé was the worst. Now that I'm half way there I don't hear it a s much. I think it helps that I got a lot of my friends on MFP!
  • sweetmelissa222
    sweetmelissa222 Posts: 290 Member
    There is a wonderful print that my sister found for me a few years back when someone told me that I couldn't finish an ivy league education in four years with a double major and a jobs, it says "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it." She was right by the way, I finished in three with two jobs and an internship :) Ignore the haters, sometimes we don't even realize the greatness we can accomplish, how can they?
  • catshark209
    catshark209 Posts: 1,133 Member
    i once had a so called best friend who told me to "aim lower" when looking at guys....harsh,

    but now iv found myself a wonderful boyfriend whos drop dead gorgeous and she can eat her words!!!

    I was told that too. :grumble:

    But now I get told I'll never "look feminine" cuz I'm pretty boy shaped. F uck em all anyway.
  • jmruef
    jmruef Posts: 824 Member
    Is it horrible that I'm kind of crazy like that and just because they said you will never be "THAT" skinny, that the next time I see them I will be sure to be "THAT" skinny because they have added kerosene to the inferno burning inside of me.

    I did that too...and wound up with an eating disorder. I totally get the sentiment and wanting to prove that you can be fit, healthy, etc - [and I'm NOT saying you're headed for an ED!] just don't go overboard. Above all, get fit and healthy for YOU first. :flowerforyou:
  • ahadel
    ahadel Posts: 7 Member
    It's your boobies.
  • ItsMeRebekah
    ItsMeRebekah Posts: 910 Member
    yes.. while pregnant.
    boy was i glad when i proved them wrong!
  • lmgroszek
    lmgroszek Posts: 9 Member
    I'm not skinny now; but I was, once upon a time. As a teenager I could eat whatever I wanted and it didn't change a thing. Unfortunately that came to a screeching halt in my mid-twenties.

    Anyway, I had multiple friends look at me with nothing but concern in their eyes and ask me if I was anorexic. I was the furthest thing from, I just was too busy to eat. I didn't want to stop whatever I was doing and sit down and eat and what I did eat, most of the time, was junk.

    So my point is, yes, it's annoying to hear people say that stuff. Absolutely, but they may just be concerned.
  • ecahill91
    It pisses me off too...

    One time, I had someone tell me that (after coming so far and having lost 30+ pounds) that the only way I could ever lose the weight I want to and be as skinny as I want to be is to starve myself from now on because I have a big frame. Now it was meant "kiddingly," but it still hurt to hear that the support wasn't as serious as I hoped it to be!

    It just gives me even more motivation to drop more weight - no matter how difficult it will be from here ;)