
  • prbyjennyd
    prbyjennyd Posts: 25 Member
    I am in the process of quitting, 2 1/2 weeks in, and I am using the patch. It is the only thing that has worked for me. This is the fourth time I have quit smoking in 24 years of the nasty habit. I have used Chantix, it made me crazy, but my husband used it and it worked amazingly for him. The trick is to just try it. It will either work or it won't. Then move on to another product. That is what I have done in the past. Like the campaign says, "Don't quit quitting!" If you need a quit buddy, and need to rant, please feel free to friend me. I know how difficult the process can be. I wish you the best of luck, and you will feel better in the end :O)
  • TammyLML
    TammyLML Posts: 429 Member
    I quit several times - both with the patch and cold turkey. My longest quit was about 3 years, and every time I fell off the wagon it was because I was stressed out and "didn't care" anymore, and before I knew it I was puffing like a chimney again. I was my own worst enemy.

    In the end what worked for me was a healthy dose of reality - being in the hospital with pneumonia and having the doctor tell me literally "QUIT OR DIE". Not being able to breathe can be enlightening and while that may sound snarky or funny, it's also true, because up until that time having ill effects from smoking was something that happened to "other people", not me. You never think it will be you, you know?

    I quit September 11, 2010. This time cold turkey simply because I had developed an allergy to the patch & Chantix wasn't practical for me. And this time I absolutely know I will never smoke again, because some simple but powerful truths finally sunk in for me.

    First, the manner in which you quit doesn't really matter. What I mean is, different people do better with different methods. What worked for others might not work for you and vice versa. What does matter is that you never smoke again. SMOKING IS NOT AN OPTION, and I had heard that before but until I really internalized it and coupled it with "QUIT OR DIE", it didn't sink in. Yes, there are some few people who smoke all their lives and live to be 90 but the odds are against you.

    A very wise man once told me when I was going through withdrawal and terrible cravings, "You aren't going through all of this because you quit. You're going through it BECAUSE YOU SMOKED!" And wow that had an effect! If you never smoked, you wouldn't be in this fix! Remember that, because some quitters romance the past and say things like "oh I miss my old friend, smoking". Pshaw, smoking was NEVER your friend!

    And finally, get support. Go to www.quitnet.com - thousands of members are there to help you and they know exactly what you're going through. I could never have done it alone! I had a supportive family, supportive friends, but QuitNet made the difference for me because they were going through the same thing I was. They will give you not only support but practical advice to quit and stay quit.

    You CAN do it! Make the commitment & go for it! :)

    Write me any time, I'm happy to offer my support as well!

    Tammy :)

    501 days, 11 hours, 49 minutes and 6 seconds smoke free.
    20060 cigarettes not smoked.
    $4,839.66 and 5 months, 3 days, 5 hours of your life saved.
    Your quit date: 9/11/2010 1:30:00 AM
  • blooomers
    blooomers Posts: 61 Member
    First off... Good luck! You have to want to quit. I am in the process of quitting myself. My honey quit 3 weeks ago. he did it cold turkey. however this is the 3rd time he has quit in the past 5 years. For me though, i am weaning myself off.

    Good luck! Friend me if you want encouragement! I know i could use it as well!
  • NewTeena
    NewTeena Posts: 154 Member
    I've successfully quit smoking twice. The first time for almost a year, the second time, 3 1/2 years and counting (yay me!!). The first time I quit using the patch and self determination. I started again almost a year later because of extreme stress. The last time I quit, I again used the patch, and supplemented it with nicotine gum on days I found it necessary to do so. I also had alot of self determination this 2nd time around, but what ultimately gave me the drive to quit was that a family member had fallen ill with emphysema and after doing my own research on the disease, I was very afraid because I was already headed down that path. This last time I was also able to quit smoking despite being right in the center of a very serious family crisis and being severely depressed. Perhaps I was successful because I was finally doing something for me. Nicotine replacement therapy worked very well for me, but ultimately, it was my personal desire to quit that saved me. I have grandchildren yet to meet in this lifetime.
  • Linda21353
    Linda21353 Posts: 9 Member
    There's a website called QuitNet.com that helped me. They have a community very similar to MFP. They also send you a daily email telling you how many cigarettes you did not smoke, how much money you saved and how many months/days/hours you have added to your life. I used it as a guide to help and the daily emails were encouraging. I am smoke free for 1 year now. Although, I will admit when I quit, I was really ready to quit. Cigarettes were banned where I work, so if I could go 10 hours each day without one, I felt I could manage. Good luck!
  • dawg53
    dawg53 Posts: 3
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    i quit using chantix. it was expensive back than ($120 a month) and DH wanted to quit with me. so we split the months worth and quit in that month. we were both 3+ pack a day smokers for over 30 years.
    on Feb. 27 it will be 5 years since we smoked our last cigarette. no problems at all. we had no side affects. no withdrawals, nothing.
    we can walk by someone smoking and it smells good. but, after about 5 minutes it makes us sick. we didn't realize how much we smelled until we quit.
    do it. it's the best thing for you.
  • techigirl78
    techigirl78 Posts: 128 Member
    Good luck on quitting smoking! I am also scared of Chantix, not just from reading materials, but from those I know personally. The biggest issue I hear is problems with sleep and already have some of those issues, so no for me. Therefore, I'm choosing the route that Bysshe choose and just ordered a e-cigerette and I figured I would go with using those until I'm around my goal weight, then work on lowering the nicotine. Many medical doctors will not comment on the long term effects of e-cigs as it is unknown, but they do indicate it should be better for you as you go from 4000 chemicals (many very nasty) to 2.

    To try to quit smoking and lose weight would seem to much for me at one time, but more power to anyone who can do both at the same time.
  • oneIT
    oneIT Posts: 388 Member
    Took chantix 3 different times! Easiest thing ever and I had no real side effects. So why did I take it 3 times? Cause i started smoking again cause I wanted to, it was my fault. Each time I quit it was for a year or longer.
  • I had tried quitting several times as well using the methods that you listed.
    What finally worked for me, and I believe the only thing that will ever truly work.... decide that you WANT to quit, and then just DO IT!

    To me, trying to quit smoking using patches, gum, etc. is like trying to lose weight using pills, 48 hour drinks etc.
  • altarimage
    altarimage Posts: 95 Member
    I tried multiple times and ways to quit smoking before I was actually able to. I had done cold turkey, gum, Chantix, and even hypnosis.

    I read the book The Easy Way to Stop Smoking by Allen Carr and also started on Wellbutrin. It's almost been and year and I don't even think about smoking, or miss it. The Wellbutrin is what really helped. :) Good luck!
  • motherof3brats
    motherof3brats Posts: 38 Member
    I quit 3 months ago cold turkey and haven't touch one since. Try reading the book Easyway to Stop Smoking for women by allen carr. It will really help you and also you can smoke while you are reading the book but by the end I dont think you will ever need or want another one. Please feel free to add me as a friend for support. Good Luck.
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    I smoked for 25 years. I tried it all as well, nothing worked until I got the electronic cigarette. That thing ROCKS!

    Try this: http://www.smokesation.com/electronic-cigarette-kit-v-go/ (disclaimer, I am not affiliated with this product)

    This thing is also cheaper than traditional cigs in the long run. I quit smoking after a few months on that thing. Now keep in mind that the only thing you are going to get with the ecig is nicotine, and cigs have extra addictive chemicals added to keep you addicted to one certain brand , this is why the patch and lozenges do not give the same satisfaction. It took 3 days for me to get used to smoking it, then after that, I could not imagine smoking again. And let me tell ya, I LOVED SMOKING!

    Give it a try, it is worth a shot.............
  • I also had my last cig during the count down into the new year (25 days in; ) and had e-cigs from when i tried to quite before. Just think of all the benefits you get back when you quit (no more smelly clothes, no more ashes, no more being short winded, you can save your teeth) just everything. I will admit at times its hard whenever i had my ocassional cocktail or when i got upset but its mind over matter. Dont let a cig control you. Be strong you can do it
  • LA723
    LA723 Posts: 92 Member
    I quit smoking in March 2010. At that point I had smoked for 17 years. I had tried about 3-5 times before then to stop but I always gave in to the cravings. I felt like crap a lot of the time when I smoked. It finally dawned on me that I'd rather feel the cravings for the rest of my life than feel like I did when I was smoking. I'd rather feel the cravings for the rest of my life and know I did something to help myself rather than keep puffing my way to health problems. Once I had those thoughts, quitting became much more manageable. Quitting smoking is probably the hardest thing I've ever done. It takes a lot of willpower and positive thinking. But it can be done.

    I used http://www.quitnet.com/qnhomepage.aspx and called the American Cancer Society for support. They are great resources!

    About Chantix and the patch: I used both. I used Chantix for my first long term quit (3 months). It does work and I did not suffer any nightmares or other side effects. But I didn't use it the way I was supposed to AFTER I stopped, so I think that's why I fell off the wagon. The patch. Oh, the patch. The patch is what I used for my quit in 2010. I smoked right before I went to bed and right when I woke up in the morning. Trying to stave off those powerful cravings, I slept with the patch on. BIG MISTAKE. I had absolutely horrifying nightmares. I remember every detail of each of them to this day. Other than that, I'd recommend either the patch or Chantix to help you.

    Good luck!!!
  • Annadrews
    Annadrews Posts: 93 Member
    I am on day #17 of quitting smoking, I put a lot of planning into it because I am already over weight and did not want to gain any more weight quitting. So, I weaned my self down to about 5 cigs. a day, smoking 1/2 cig at a time and then less. When I got down to about 5 cigs. a day I put on the patch and have not smoked since then. In the process of cutting down, I planned activities that to replace the smoking and now I just work out for atleast 30 min. a day to 100 min. a day. If I get the craving, I will do sit ups or something. It's important to research and make a plan that will work for you!!! Only you know your body.

    I have smoked for over 30 yrs. and right now I feel great. Instead winded most of the time, I can breathe. I can smell things like I haven't smelled before and the same with taste. It really is up to you but the rewards so far are beneficial. And, along with weight loss there is a great support system here on MFP.
  • colochel
    colochel Posts: 263 Member
    I have been smoke free for over a year... when I quit, I told myself I would take one day at a time and if I wanted to smoke once in a while, I would let myself. This was a far different approach than I took all the previous times. Prior to quitting this last and final time, I was dead set on never caving (but I would, anyway).

    I think giving myself permission to mess up is what helped me. I knew if all else failed, I would be okay in letting myself smoke one cigarette. I got a little rush from tacking on day after day of not smoking, and luckily for me the urge dissipated over the course of time.

    I attribute quitting and losing weight here on MFP with getting pregnant last year, and already having been smoke free for a few months helped tremendously. I can't imagine going an entire pregnancy wanting to smoke.

    I realize this might sound bogus and irritating to those who are trying relentlessly to quit. My story probably isn't the typical way most people quit. But it worked for me, maybe it will work for someone else.

    Best of luck and congratulations for taking that first step :)
  • inetgirl
    inetgirl Posts: 174 Member
    Quitting smoking is HARD..I have been smoke free for 6 years. But, there are times when I still want one. I did not use anything to quit, I just did it. I don't think any medicine, patch, gum, etc will help if you don't really want to do it.

    Here are the things I did, but they may not work for you. Just find the routine that works for you.

    1. Worse time: morning while drinking coffee- cure I stopped drinking coffee in the am and drank water.
    2. After meals- cure I would chew regular gum and eat licorice
    3. Going out with friends- cure, I didn't go out with friends that smoked for quite some time and I stayed out of places that allowed smoking.. (a little extreme but I had to do what I had to do) I still have the same friends, they understood.
    4. Normal smoke breaks at work- I just didn't go outside, I walked around the building, surfed the internet, talked to the non-smokers.. (made some new friends)
    5. I cleaned like crazy, after a week I could smell that "smoke smell" and eventually got rid of it.

    Good luck and I wish you well!!
  • I have been smoking off and on for 23 years, in the past I have quit cold turkey very easily, the longest time being close to 2 years. This time I found it impossible to quit cold turkey so i enlisted the help of my dr who prescribed chantrix ( and I have also been utilizing the chantrix GETQUIT website daily) I have been on it for 5 days which allows me to still smoke and so far i haven't had any side effects, however it hasn't reached it's theraputic level in my body yet. I will say this I already don't smoke as much, & the cigaretts have started to taste funny, like you the side effects scare me as well, but I have told my family & friends all about them and they have agreed to point out any irratic or out of the ordinary behaviors to me (if I don't realize them myself). My official quit date is this Friday, so i'll post again in about a week.
  • coe28
    coe28 Posts: 715 Member
    I have tried several times to quit smoking with no luck. I've tried cold turkey, patch, gum and just cant stay quit!!!! I've heard chantix works but im afraid it will make me crazy, I've heard horror stories too. What has worked for you?

    Chantix is the only thing that has worked for me and I will be smoke-free for 12 weeks tomorrow. It's not as horrible as everyone makes it sound. The ONLY side effect I really had was crazy dreams. They weren't nightmares or bad dreams, they were just weird, random vivid dreams and I actually liked that part of it. Chantix helps keep you from getting cravings altogether. I was done smoking after the first 5 days and haven't touched one since. I tried everything too and this was the only thing that worked for me. I would recommend it 100%.